I respect your decision to move on and wish you well 😊👍"
Thank you, Kim💖I wish you well, too.🙂
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I respect your decision to move on and wish you well 😊👍"
Thank you, Kim💖I wish you well, too.🙂
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You don't have a clue. Please bring yourself up to speed on what's actually happened. Or just admit that you don't actually care and move on."
Your censure of me is neither accurate nor appropriate.
That I care should be obvious. When I spoke up it was also out of concern for your reputation, which is undermined every time you ridicule another person.
I know what it is like to be physically abused by members of the borg and then have the men at the top cover it up and misuse the legal system to harass the victim and protect the abuser. Don't tell me I don't know what it's like. Doxxing is bad, but it's not as bad as having an abuser try to come after your kids, him making fraudulent claims to DHHS in hopes of trying to get custody through another party and the congregation supporting him because he's HLC/COBE/high-rated speaker.
You're the one that doesn't have a clue.
I am sorry you are hurt, but your continuing the cycle of hate is unproductive and ends up hurting others.
I can see clearly that the "community" here that has a rule about "no intimidation, no abuse, no harassment" has a miles long thread that is designed to be intimidating, verbally abusive, and a form of harassment and yet nobody cares to intervene. If you'll allow abuse of one person, you'll allow abuse of another. How is it any different than the borg community?
I think I will take your advice and move on before you take aim at me next.
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For people who don’t want to see this, then disengage from this thread and go elsewhere. That’s the best deal you are going to get and it won’t get any better. I’ll continue to shoot my mouth off.
Peace out...👋
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I do know what it's like to deal with bullies - the Governing Body has slandered me and torn apart my entire family and social support group. They "blocked" me and refuse to apologize. They have empowered local men to harass me at times and now wherever I go on earth there are people who because of the GB/FDS/elder slander will not interact with me. Some of the elders locally have done some things to me and attempted to do to things to my kids that I don't feel comfortable talking about here openly on a forum. There is no court on earth at present that can undo that damage. I know what it's like to deal with bullies. But me making fun of them and imitating their tactics isn't the way to fix it. It would just give them more ammo.
breaking news....there is hope for good hearted non-jws!!!.
according to sergio:.
are jehovah's witnesses the only ones to be saved during the end time?.
(Good thing WTBT$ aren't the judges.😬)
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Hi, @Argentinas...
Look, I've known a lot of jerks that don't stop their harassment. I understand the pain that comes from people who are trying to ruin your life. I'm not defending Lloyd's bad behavior. I'm just saying that making fun of him isn't helping anybody. It doesn't help you, it doesn't help him. If anything, making fun of the person hurting you makes your case worse.
It's one thing to "talk" about someone or a situation. I'm all for talking and reporting and getting comfort or therapy or whatever. But it's another thing to imitate the very behavior you're offended by or to get close to imitating that behavior by speaking abusively and making foolish pictures.
Is it really helping your case to encourage these depictions?
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Hi, Elmer, thank you.🙂
I have researched him. Like I said, I don't approve of any nasty stuff he's done. King Saul did nasty stuff too, but when the Philistines stuck his dead body on the wall to make fun of him, it wasn't appropriate.
If you see somebody beat up on the side of the road and left for dead, you can walk by or you can pick him up. What if "that guy" on the side of the road in Jesus' illustration was Lloyd Evans. We already know that the JWborg teaches to just walk by a "shunned" person who has been labeled "unworthy of love". I don't believe in their false doctrine.
Lloyd Evans has fallen. He's been exposed. You've already shunned him to show you don't approve of what he does. Maybe he'll change, maybe he won't. Either way, what good does it do for you to make fun of him? Is that going to help him change?
original reddit post (removed).
I don't "approve" of the shady things Lloyd Evans did. I'm all for exposing hypocrisy and reporting wrongdoing, etc, but what's the point in the extended character assassination and ridicule? He abused trust and acted poorly. He's reaping what he sowed. Fine. Good job whoever exposed the wrongdoing, keep warning people if there is bad stuff going on, but what's the point in abusing him verbally and with all the pictures? It's kinda gross.
There is an expression: "Pick on someone your own size." If you really think you're intellectually/morally superior and you think he's emotionally/mentally "smaller" than you, then why are you acting like middle school bullies in this way? Ridicule doesn't add to your argument, it just undermines your authority.
I'm pretty sure in the community guidelines I read "This is not the venue for you to harass, abuse or intimidate others however much you may not like what they believe."
The thread is about Lloyd Evans. How many of the posts would he consider harassment or abuse? If you were talking that way about my brother, I'd ask you to stop.
Please stop.
jesus told simply and plainly what he wanted his disciples should go and preach about.
he said the same day he went up to heaven in luke 24:46-48.
46 and he said to them, “this is what is written: that the christ would suffer and rise from among the dead on the third day, 47 and on the basis of his name, repentance for forgiveness of sins would be preached in all the nations—starting out from jerusalem.
Yes, during the tribulation ahead, the preaching message will be simple. "The Kingdom of the heavens has drawn near."🙂 We won't need a fancy committee or governing body or church headquarters to explain what the message should be. It's already in the book!
As you go, preach saying: "The Kingdom of the heavens has drawn near."
The message hasn't changed. There is no special "hailstone message" that is going to be conveyed or something by some GB/FDS. The message is the same. "The Kingdom of the heavens has drawn near." That will be the message until Jesus comes on the clouds and everybody sees him. Then we won't have to share that message anymore, because everybody will see that he'll be here and it will be obvious.☺️
"First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be made concerning all sorts of men, concerning kings and all those who are in high positions, so that we may go on leading a calm and quiet life with complete godly devotion and seriousness. This is fine and acceptable in the sight of our Savior, God, whose will is that all sorts of people should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus, who gave himself a corresponding ransom for all—this is what is to be witnessed to in its own due time. For the purpose of this witness I was appointed a preacher and an apostle—I am telling the truth, I am not lying—a teacher of nations in the matter of faith and truth."
(As regards the hail of Revelation, the hail plague is on religion, it's describing part of the attack of the UN on religious institutions.
"And I will make justice the measuring line
And righteousness the leveling tool.
The hail will sweep away the refuge of lies,
And the waters will flood out the hiding place.
Your covenant with Death will be dissolved,
And your agreement with the Grave will not stand.
When the raging flash flood passes through,
You will be crushed by it.
As often as it passes through,
It will sweep you away;
For it will pass through morning after morning,
During the day and during the night.
Only terror will make them understand what was heard." (Isaiah 28:17-19))
in the revelation book it talks about jesus' witnesses.
were are true witnesses of jesus, not those who teach that jesus is the almighty god, but really true witnesses of jesus.. this is what the revelation book ways about witnesses of jesus:.
19:10 ..... brothers who have the work of witnessing concerning jesus.