It definitely takes someone with wisdom to understand all the phenomena of the "last days". 😁
Job 38:36
"Who put wisdom within the clouds
Or gave understanding to the sky phenomenon?"
are we living in the prophetic last days that will climax into armageddon?
if this is true then how long should it take?
as jw saw it, wt compared timing to within a generation using 70 ad as a parallel.
It definitely takes someone with wisdom to understand all the phenomena of the "last days". 😁
Job 38:36
"Who put wisdom within the clouds
Or gave understanding to the sky phenomenon?"
are we living in the prophetic last days that will climax into armageddon?
if this is true then how long should it take?
as jw saw it, wt compared timing to within a generation using 70 ad as a parallel.
Hi Cofty.🙂 The reason I like you so much is because you are honest about you feel and clear. It is refreshing to me. Thank you. 🌷
"For I came to cause division, with a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. Indeed, a man’s enemies will be those of his own household. Whoever has greater affection for father or mother than for me is not worthy of me; and whoever has greater affection for son or daughter than for me is not worthy of me. And whoever does not accept his torture stake and follow after me is not worthy of me."
Jesus was preaching in a time that in some ways is similar to what we've experienced in a JW KH. His "brothers and sisters" in the "faith" were following the doctrines of men instead of the clear teachings of love. He knew that they would suffer if they disregarded the Pharisaical teachings, like the man who was kicked out and shunned for being willing to recognize Jesus.
Jesus wasn't going around telling people to leave their families. He was acknowledging that it takes courage to stand up for what is right, and that when we take a stand for what is right, sometimes even people in our own family or community or social group give us a hard time.
We have to be willing to do the right thing even if we get opposition from our family members, even if they disfellowship us or shun us. That's what he was telling them. "Don't be surprised. If you do the right thing, it's gonna be difficult for you."
Jesus went to parties, drank wine, ate with friends, sang songs. He went on hikes and fished. He said "as you go, preach". A first century housewife could talk about good things at the well while fetching water. The guys in the field could talk while working. Jesus knew he only had a little time on earth to train Peter and John and Matthew those guys, so he asked them to put certain things on hold for a little while, but it wasn't at the cost of their families. He knew their situations and he didn't ask them to do anything that would be too much for them. He was able to provide food for them when they needed it.
That Jesus expected Christians to work for their keep and provide for their families is clear in the gospels and in Paul's writings. Jesus gave illustrations about working diligently. It wasn't just about "the ministry". Most of Jesus' work was providing for and caring for poor people in a physical way. He only taught them after he fed and healed them. Jesus communicated with Paul; they were on the same page. Christians are not expected to live off somebody else's "donations" - they are expected to work to take care of their families first. "The one who doesn't take care of his family is worse than one who disowns the faith."
What the JWborg teaches regarding sacrificing family on the "altar" in order to do "ministry" is contrary to Christ's teachings. The JWborg does just like the Pharisaical corban teaching: "They have made the word of God invalid by their traditions." The JWborg leaders want slaves to work for them and sacrifice their families to do it. They are horrid.
Jesus said to stay away from the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.
are we living in the prophetic last days that will climax into armageddon?
if this is true then how long should it take?
as jw saw it, wt compared timing to within a generation using 70 ad as a parallel.
Oh, Cofty, I really really like you a lot but you're silly sometimes.🙂
Why do you say Jesus believed he was living in the last days? Did you ask him?
He did correctly prophesy about the first-century attack on Jerusalem. But he was also talking about a future "last days" for religious institutions worldwide.
The JWborg version of "the last days" doctrine is a mixture of Paul's words in 2 Timothy 3 with certain parts of Revelation and the gospels, which, as with many JWdoctrines, is mixed up, taken out of context, and misleading.
Paul was talking about what the congregations would be like in all of Christendom, including like what we see in JWborg-land. "A form of godly devotion but proving false to its power." Paul wasn't talking about some kind of measuring stick of the world for a 1914-prophecy thing.
Jesus said there would be fakers doing false prophecy. Those fakers aren't following Jesus' footsteps - they are proof that he was telling the truth.
the new direction in the new elders book is very clear.
absolutely no jd if there is a suspicion of suicidal thoughts.. this is obviously due to the high number of suicidal attempts after the announcement that someone is no longer a jw and the shunning that accompanied it.. so what will happen now going forward if situations arise where there would formerly have been a jd and they say there is suicidal thoughts?.
i can’t see it working, but elders stick rigidly to what it says in the book.
How long did it take for the Berlin Wall to fall? Was it expected?
When Babylon was conquered by Medo-Persia, it was in one night.
When WatchTower falls, the wall that separates shunned ones from their families and friends will be removed, as if in one night.
the new direction in the new elders book is very clear.
absolutely no jd if there is a suspicion of suicidal thoughts.. this is obviously due to the high number of suicidal attempts after the announcement that someone is no longer a jw and the shunning that accompanied it.. so what will happen now going forward if situations arise where there would formerly have been a jd and they say there is suicidal thoughts?.
i can’t see it working, but elders stick rigidly to what it says in the book.
True, the USA is a place of religious freedoms, but it's also a place that promotes other types of "freedoms" at well. The way these "freedoms" balance each other out can change at any time.
On and off Bible bans, court cases, investigations.
The wind is already blowing. It won't take much for the WatchTower to fall at God's appointed time for the nations.
"After this I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding tight the four winds of the earth, so that no wind could blow on the earth or on the sea or on any tree..." (Revelation 7:1)
The angels have been holding back the winds; they have been exercising a restraint, until the appointed times of the nations to destroy the religious institutions.
"And now you know what is acting as a restraint, so that he will be revealed in his own due time. True, the mystery of this lawlessness is already at work, but only until the one who is right now acting as a restraint is out of the way. Then, indeed, the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will do away with by the spirit of his mouth and bring to nothing by the manifestation of his presence." (2 Thessalonians 2:6-8)
Once the angels let go of the "winds", the religious institutions will be gone, lickety-split. It'll be quick and complete.
"And a strong angel lifted up a stone like a great millstone and hurled it into the sea, saying: “Thus with a swift pitch will Babylon the great city be hurled down, and she will never be found again."" (Revelation 18:21)
When the JWborg institution is gone, the false doctrines will go with it. The disfellowshipping doctrine will be gone soon, into the figurative fiery furnace.
" the conclusion of the system of things. The Son of man will send his angels, and they will collect out from his Kingdom all things that cause stumbling and people who practice lawlessness, and they will pitch them into the fiery furnace."
the new direction in the new elders book is very clear.
absolutely no jd if there is a suspicion of suicidal thoughts.. this is obviously due to the high number of suicidal attempts after the announcement that someone is no longer a jw and the shunning that accompanied it.. so what will happen now going forward if situations arise where there would formerly have been a jd and they say there is suicidal thoughts?.
i can’t see it working, but elders stick rigidly to what it says in the book.
Hi, LongHairGal🙂
True, the USA is a place of religious freedoms, but it's also a place that promotes other types of "freedoms" at well. The way these "freedoms" balance each other out can change at any time.
I do not necessarily share the sentiments of all of the following links, but "the way the wind is blowing" as regards the UN hasn't been unnoticed by many of the evangelical groups or other religions with shunning policies...
At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what things "appear" to be from our point of view. Jehovah said He would use the nations to discipline His Name People in the past, and He followed through on it. Things that look "impossible" or "improbable" from our point of view are not impossible or improbable for Jehovah. He is the God of Justice, and Jehovah will make an accounting with the JWborg. "He will put it into their heart [the UN's heart] to do His one thought." (Revelation 17:13,17)
The Bible shows the UN will attack the religious institutions when they least expect it. The JWborg doesn't expect to get attacked first - they keep preaching they'll be attacked last and then get "saved". But that's not what the Bible teaches. (Ezekiel 9:6,7)
The disfellowshipping doctrine (and many other JWborg ways) are unscriptural and the JWborg refuses to change. They're making their neck obstinate just like Pharoah did. Jehovah's been patient, but His patience has its limits. He will act for the sake of His Name and for the sake of all the little silent lambs. (Ezekiel 34)
In order for them to leave voluntarily without being told to leave, I think they would need a tip that something serious was coming and/or fear of bodily harm.
Here's a tip: I wish the Bethelites would all get out of Bethel as soon as possible. Something serious is coming, the attack of the UN on the religious institutions beginning with the Bethels.
🥰🫶Good job!💖
note: photos can be found on the blue envelope channel and susan morris are living in lumberton, north carolina.
a real estate document on the robeson county website is filed:.
the religious order of jehovah's witnesses has provided a "life estate" for them.they can live in this townhouse until they are deceased or choose to move away and in either case the ownership becomes entirely the property of jehovah's witnesses.
"telling the truth"
Truth is important to me, and to others. It can mean their lives.
ExBethelitenowPIMA, If you want to reach Anthony Morris III to send him a letter at his current address, I suggest you do it sooner rather than later. When the JWborg properties are seized, the Morris family won't be allowed to live in that house anymore, and then you'll have to figure out his address all over again.
I've already had the opportunity to share the message with him that I had to tell him. If he chooses to respond in the future, he already has my contact information.
The God of Truth is trustworthy, and He expects His servants to be trustworthy as well. You can "doubt" all you want, ExBethelitenowPIMA, you are right that "it makes zero difference to anything" as regards Jehovah's Word coming true.
When you see Jehovah's Word coming true as regards the sudden and complete removal of the JWborg and all their properties soon, then you won't "doubt" my sincerity anymore, like that third chief of 50 didn't "doubt" anymore at 2 Kings 1:9-14.
"Make hay while the sun shines." The rainstorm is on the way.
Hope you have a nice day, ExBethelitenowPIMA☺️🫶
an article on rnz, a news site in new zealand..
its so evil and wrong.
There is no way they can get rid of it.
I don’t think it will be shut down. Just as many even more crazy cults are still going for even longer.
Because they are evil and wrong, because they are hurting His sheep and maligning His name, Jehovah God is about to shut them down. You'll see.🙂
Jehovah's Word always comes true.
"Remember the former things of long ago,
That I am God, and there is no other.
I am God, and there is no one like me.
From the beginning I foretell the outcome,
And from long ago the things that have not yet been done.
I say, ‘My decision will stand,
And I will do whatever I please.’
I am calling a bird of prey from the sunrise,
From a distant land the man to carry out my decision.
I have spoken, and I will bring it about.
I have purposed it, and I will also carry it out."
the new direction in the new elders book is very clear.
absolutely no jd if there is a suspicion of suicidal thoughts.. this is obviously due to the high number of suicidal attempts after the announcement that someone is no longer a jw and the shunning that accompanied it.. so what will happen now going forward if situations arise where there would formerly have been a jd and they say there is suicidal thoughts?.
i can’t see it working, but elders stick rigidly to what it says in the book.
LongHairGal said: ExBetheliteNowPima should warn his buddies in bethel to make plans because there may be more downsizing! And this might be before any ‘great tribulation’.
Any bethelites with an ounce of sense (especially older ones) should have a plan and some phone numbers to call.. While it’s possible this can come about the way yousaid, it’s more likely to come about because of the org/religion just wanting to save money. And so the congregations out there will get yet another bunch of needy people dumped on them. More chickens coming home to roost.
@LongHairGal, Hi🙂
Soon everyone will say that the Bethelites who got evicted and downsized are the blessed ones.
At least they had the opportunity to make a quick plan before losing their home.
The Bethels are going to be seized by the governments when JWborg least expects it. The Bethelites would be wise to get out now and find a place to go, even if it's just living with somebody in another congregation. It'll be hard to find a place at the last minute once the Bethels are seized. They should get out now.
"“Therefore, when you catch sight of the disgusting thing that causes desolation, as spoken about by Daniel the prophet, standing in a holy place (let the reader use discernment), then let those in Ju·deʹa begin fleeing to the mountains. Let the man on the housetop not come down to take the goods out of his house, and let the man in the field not return to pick up his outer garment. Woe to the pregnant women and those nursing a baby in those days! Keep praying that your flight may not occur in wintertime nor on the Sabbath day; for then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again."
What happened to the branch in Russia is going to happen to all the branches earthwide. The Bethelites shouldn't be worried about their "theocratic reputation" or their "name" as Bethelites. "Leave behind even your outer garment." It'll be easier if they get out now rather than during the figurative "wintertime" or on the figurative "Sabbath day" when nobody "religious-looking" will be able to get anywhere very easily.
The only way the shunning policy will go away is when the JWborg is gone. They will be gone as a religious institution very soon when the nations remove them, with Jehovah's permission.