JoinedPosts by EasyPrompt
JWBorg Celebration UN Holiday
by EasyPrompt inhttps://independent.ng/world-youth-day-jehovahs-witnesses-offer-practical-help-to-youth-amidst-global-crisis/.
JWBorg Legal Department Prevents Prosecution of Child Sexual Abuser in order to Protect Their Image
by EasyPrompt inhttps://nltimes.nl/2023/08/15/court-halts-prosecution-jehovahs-witnesses-abuse-case-due-confidentiality-breach.
wtbt$ legal department impedes prosecution of child sexual abuser in netherlands in order to protect wtbt$ image.. .
wtbt$ legal department = cold-hearted snakes just like their father the devil.. .
It just exposes their motives even more, doesn't it! "Shepherd the flock" my foot!
Here were some more details about the case from an earlier story...
JWBorg Legal Department Prevents Prosecution of Child Sexual Abuser in order to Protect Their Image
by EasyPrompt inhttps://nltimes.nl/2023/08/15/court-halts-prosecution-jehovahs-witnesses-abuse-case-due-confidentiality-breach.
wtbt$ legal department impedes prosecution of child sexual abuser in netherlands in order to protect wtbt$ image.. .
wtbt$ legal department = cold-hearted snakes just like their father the devil.. .
WTBT$ legal department impedes prosecution of child sexual abuser in Netherlands in order to protect WTBT$ image.
WTBT$ Legal Department = Cold-hearted snakes just like their father the Devil.
Those JWBorg guys don't represent God. They don't understand Jesus' teachings. "Why do you not understand what I am saying? Because you cannot listen to my word. You are from your father the Devil, and you wish to do the desires of your father. That one was a murderer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him. When he speaks the lie, he speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and the father of the lie." (John 8:43,44)
They try to escape judgment with their sneaky snake JWborg lawyers, but God will see that they get the judgment coming to them. "These will quietly bring in destructive sects, and they will even disown the owner who bought them, bringing speedy destruction upon themselves. Furthermore, many will follow their brazen conduct, and because of them the way of the truth will be spoken of abusively. Also, they will greedily exploit you with counterfeit words. But their judgment, decided long ago, is not moving slowly, and their destruction is not sleeping." (2 Peter 2:1-3)
The governments will shut down JWborg with Jehovah's permission. It's coming quickly.
"Their wine is the venom of serpents,
The cruel poison of cobras.
Is this not stored up with me,
Sealed up in my storehouse?
Vengeance is mine, and retribution,
At the appointed time when their foot slips,
For the day of their disaster is near,
And what awaits them will come quickly.’"
(Deuteronomy 32:33-35)
What the Elders Book Actually says about Suicide and Judicial Hearings for Disfellowshipping
by EasyPrompt in"the shepherd the flock of god elders’ manual had instruction to take notes, sign and file them in judicial cases where the accused threatens suicide.
this instruction was removed in 2020. pic 1 is 2019 version, pic 2 is from a 2020 edition.
it remains the same in 2023.
Yes, so the hypocrisy is this:
The JWborg claims that it uses disfellowshipping to protect the congregation from wrongdoers, like CSA. But if someone gets a lawsuit and the JWborg thinks it might hurt their reputation, they'll drop the disfellowshipping.
But then on the other hand, they disfellowship thousands and divide people from their social groups, family and friends for reasons some of which are not even a "sin" according to the Bible (like not agreeing with the GB) and as a result some have felt so isolated they've committed suicide or attempted suicide.
The elders will say to those who are disfellowshipped "if we were in ancient Israel, you would have been executed."
These JWborg leaders have shown what is in their hearts. They don't represent God or Christ. Jesus came to save what is lost. The JWborg is trying to kill what Jesus wants to save.
Paul Grundy has a site called jwfacts. They are collecting information for a survey on suicide rates among JW members. Many of the comments on the linked thread show how awfully bloodguilty the JWborg is because of the ungodly shunning doctrine.
What the Elders Book Actually says about Suicide and Judicial Hearings for Disfellowshipping
by EasyPrompt in"the shepherd the flock of god elders’ manual had instruction to take notes, sign and file them in judicial cases where the accused threatens suicide.
this instruction was removed in 2020. pic 1 is 2019 version, pic 2 is from a 2020 edition.
it remains the same in 2023.
Unbelievable - the hypocrisy of these guys is just crazy disgusting unbelievable. They aren't afraid of doing bad things, they're just afraid of getting caught.
"They should assure him of the committee's desire to help him..."
It doesn't say that the committee should help him, they just need to "assure him" of that help. But then they should push him over the edge by following through on the disfellowshipping.🙄JWBorg's Service department has bloodguilty killers with fancy vocabulary - they can't hide from the God they claim to represent.
Jehovah will use the very legal systems they fear to expose all the skeletons in their closets and shake out all the dirt from under their rugs.
Hey, WTBT$! Jehovah's got the governments coming for you! Don't you usually schedule a "Bethel closed for cleaning day"? Bethel's going to be closed forever when Jehovah's Cleaning Day gets here!
"To take hold of the ends of the earth
And to shake the wicked out of it"
Job 38:13
(To anybody still at Bethel - why don't you get out of there while the gettin's good?)
Are we living in the LAST DAYS?
by Fisherman inare we living in the prophetic last days that will climax into armageddon?
if this is true then how long should it take?
as jw saw it, wt compared timing to within a generation using 70 ad as a parallel.
Regardless of our beliefs on "the last days", showing love to each other and giving comfort to all people will help us/others to get through the trials ahead...
"Here is where it calls for endurance on the part of the holy ones, those who keep the commandments of God and hold fast to the faith of Jesus.”
"Let your love be without hypocrisy."
What the Elders Book Actually says about Suicide and Judicial Hearings for Disfellowshipping
by EasyPrompt in"the shepherd the flock of god elders’ manual had instruction to take notes, sign and file them in judicial cases where the accused threatens suicide.
this instruction was removed in 2020. pic 1 is 2019 version, pic 2 is from a 2020 edition.
it remains the same in 2023.
punkofnice "Pee be upon them"
"They tore down the sacred pillar of Baʹal, and they tore down the house of Baʹal and turned it into latrines, as it remains to this day." (2 Kings 10:27)
God will use the governments to flush those religious fakers out to the low place they belong.
enoughisenough "I think if someone really wants a get out of jail card, they need to threaten a law suit.-that worked in a congregaion in Maine!"
Are you in Maine? I'm in Maine too. I'm glad to hear that "threatening a lawsuit" worked for somebody! It didn't work for me. Maybe the guys "learned" from it, because they disfellowshipped me anyway for reporting abuse and telling the congregation - they called it "reviling and causing divisions." The HLC elder eventually stepped down, but he's still in the congregation that I am banned from attending.
What the Elders Book Actually says about Suicide and Judicial Hearings for Disfellowshipping
by EasyPrompt in"the shepherd the flock of god elders’ manual had instruction to take notes, sign and file them in judicial cases where the accused threatens suicide.
this instruction was removed in 2020. pic 1 is 2019 version, pic 2 is from a 2020 edition.
it remains the same in 2023.
ExBethelitenowPIMA said: "I am an Elder still, even though I’m PIMA I love the Bible and studying the deeper things in there.
I did used to be in London Bethel until the big lay offs began.
I still have many friends in Bethel and go there every opportunity I can.
Sometimes an older one needs to go back to Bethel I volunteer to take her, I love going there and seeing everyone"
ExBethelitenowPIMA said: "I am an experienced elder, I have been in Bethel for many years and I suspect I know far more than you. As my name suggests I’m now out of Bethel but I go back there all the time. I was there at Chelmsford again recently.
Can I ask you what makes you think you know so much? Have you only recently been out or has it been a long time?
Can you tell me any Bethel Elders you know of on the service desk or on the Branch committee?
You sound like you do know some higher ups please tell me their names because I probably worked with them for years"
ExBethelitenowPIMA said: "The new direction in the new elders book is very clear. Absolutely no JD if there is a suspicion of suicidal thoughts."
ExBethelitenowPIMA said: "This new direction not have JDs if suicidal suspicion changes everything. They think the elders talking to them will be enough for them to stop whatever it was and carry on striving to reach this high level that nobody can ever reach.
It’s actually very comforting to everyone especially parents of teenagers. If there is a slip up just have to say the magic words “I feel so terrible that I’ve even considered ending it all”
then nothing else will happen. No JD so no way disfellowship and no more shunning."
ExBethelitenowPIMA said: "From now on there will be hardly anyone getting disfellowshipped as long as they know about the change"
ExBethelitenowPIMA said: "so which is it? Suspend it until he is no longer suicidal? But avoid prolonging it at the same time?"
The obvious question is..."
...Why don't you call and ask your buddies at Bethel since you're "an Elder still" and still go there "all the time" and you've "worked with them for years"? Didn't you say you know guys on the Branch Committee and at the Service Desk? Surely since you are so close to them you could just give them a ring and find out the answer to your question.
Everybody else here already knows the answer, of course - they won't change the shunning until the organization is gone. They don't care if a person is suicidal or not suicidal. They care about money and power and protecting their image.
The rules and culture that keep child sex offenders hidden from followers of the JW's faith
by AndersonsInfo inhttps://www.rnz.co.nz/news/in-depth/495876/the-rules-and-culture-that-keep-child-sex-offenders-hidden-from-followers-of-the-jehovah-s-witness-faith.
rnz new zealand.
anusha bradley, investigative reporter.
"A congregant who is an unrepentant perpetrator of domestic abuse or child abuse is expelled from the congregation and is no longer considered one of Jehovah's Witnesses."...says JW spokesperson Tom Pecipajkovski.
What a pack of liars the JW spokesperson and the branches are! The congregation hierarchy covers for known and active abusers every day, and most of the rank and file just look the other way.
"The elders are basically 'yes men'. Anything that came from the branch, anything in the elders manual we followed religiously...So as long as the current policies exist, children are not safe at all." ...says Narayan.
Narayan is right. How I look forward to the day the WatchTower falls and her branches are completely leveled.
Isaiah 32:13-19
"For the fortified tower has been forsaken;
The noisy city has been abandoned.
Oʹphel and the watchtower have become a permanent wasteland,
A delight for wild donkeys,
A pasture for the flocks,
Until the spirit is poured out on us from above,
And the wilderness becomes an orchard,
And the orchard is regarded as a forest.
Then justice will reside in the wilderness,
And righteousness will dwell in the orchard.
The result of true righteousness will be peace,
And the fruitage of true righteousness will be lasting tranquility and security.
My people will dwell in a peaceful abiding place,
In secure dwellings and in tranquil resting-places.
But the hail will flatten the forest,
And the city will be completely leveled."