Hi again enoughisenough...
Jesus blood is poured out for anyone who is willing to take advantage of the ransom. But it is not necessary to partake of the emblems to be show faith in that blood, just like it wasn't necessary for Christians to be circumcised. It was difficult for Jewish Christians to realize that too.
Those who are raised up in the future resurrection during the 1000 year reign will not partake, and yet the blood is enough for them.
The purpose of the Lord's Evening Meal was to remind those of the 144,000 to keep awake until the Lord came to take them to their assignment. It's not like some kind of "golden ticket" or something. That's why the ritual will end when the marriage of the Lamb happens. Partaking of the wine and bread is a ritual, just like circumcision was a ritual, or the old Passover meal was a ritual. It was an expression of faith, but in and of itself it didn't save anyone.
Parts of Christendom have taught people for years that everybody needs to partake of the emblems, but that's not what the Bible teaches. Abraham was considered righteous by faith, and he wasn't even baptized.
There are two different covenants. Jehovah can't let a human "marry" a spirit creature. The first covenant is where Jehovah adopts the 144,000. By adopting the 144,000 and changing them into a new creation, the same kind as His son, Jehovah provides the legal basis to unite the two. Jesus himself makes the second covenant, the marriage covenant, with the 144,000. The covenant for the Kingdom is the marriage covenant. The marriage of the Lamb is when they are joined in the Kingdom, "taking home the bride". When anointed ones partake, they are just showing that they are aware that they are in that marriage covenant.
Those who will live on the earth don't have to be "changed" so they don't need those two covenants. The application of the ransom blood to them is poured out without their needing to partake of the wine/bread because they are not in the marriage covenant. They are automatically made part of that arrangement because Jesus took Adam's place. When he took Adam's place, he automatically inherited his kids and as their Eternal Father he now intercedes for them.