Hi, Vander!
I used to be in daily association with an HLC (Hospital Liaison Committee) "brother" and PVG (Patient Visitation Group) "brothers".
The HLC training program is in depth and the information binders are many for the HLC "brothers" because there are so many different uses for blood in the medical field. JWBorg members do take most of them.
Here is an older video that explains...
I went to the hospital many times with the local HLC/PVG guys and also was privy to many conversations regarding blood use by JW patients in the borg. As a "sister" I wasn't part of the program, but I was a witness to a lot of what goes on.
The GB/FD$ over the years has leaned heavily into the medical field. While they outwardly claim to hold fast to the Bible's command to abstain from blood, in all actuality they promote taking in blood all the time in alternative ways.
The catch-phrase "it's a conscience matter" is thrown in there by the HLC for many medical procedures involving blood - it's a cop out so they don't get so much heat from the medical community and so they can keep the money flowing in from the rank and file and so they can have approval from the governments.
The GB/FD$ is willing to break God's laws on blood in order to make a buck. The WTBT$ advertises the HLC as if it's out there saving babies or something, but it's actually a promotions department, and they're not promoting God's way.