"You guys are a bunch of Pharisees, making advice into commands while toying with the lives of children."
Vander, most of the time in the area I live in, there is a court order anyway for a blood transfusion when it involves a child. That's just how it is. The HLC knows it, so they don't talk about it publicly much. The times I knew about it here usually involved either a NICU situation or something like a hemorrhagic fever, and frequently the children died after the transfusion anyway. (Usually if there is a planned surgery for another type of issue, there are surgeons who will do surgery without blood transfusions.)
All the "children" of Adam and Eve are dead already. We live a short while, and we die, just like the plants in the field. The only way to live forever is to follow the Christ 100%. There is no "fraction" of willful disobedience that is acceptable when it comes to being "whole-souled".
Circumcision didn't save anybody, but it was an opportunity for Abraham's family to show obedience. It was a symbol of cooperation, of their love for God. In and of itself, it didn't save them, but it was a way for them to show trust in God.
Later on, baptism became an outward sign of our obedience. In and of itself, baptism doesn't clean anybody or make them live forever, but it's a way for us to show our love for God, to obey Him.
It's the same with obeying the command about blood. The medical community today will change tomorrow, they always do. The medical community used to think it was a good idea to drink mercury or put dung on wounds. So-called "scientific" information has a half-life where-as God's wisdom is always reliable.
If someone accepted blood in the past, God is forgiving, that is what the ransom is for. But God is calling for us to repent. Only the blood of the Christ can save. Praising Jesus means respecting his blood as the only source of salvation.
"I heard a loud voice in heaven say: “Now have come to pass the salvation and the power and the Kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ, because the accuser of our brothers has been hurled down, who accuses them day and night before our God! And they conquered him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their witnessing, and they did not love their souls even in the face of death."