JoinedPosts by EasyPrompt
by EasyPrompt inwoman associated with ex church leader tells all!!!
watch the scandalous drama unfold here.... .
Greenlees, Chapman and Chitty
by Libby inso after being rudely awakened by a cat fight outside (it's 3am here in the uk) and then proceeding to go outside to rescue my cats from the neighbourhood tom....... i'm now laying wide awake trying to make sense of jw "truth".
(it's all my mind does these days, the lights gone on and won't turn off).
anyway i found myself reading about the gb and came across these fellows , greenlees, chapman and chitty.
"Virgins" is figurative. It means they don't figuratively prostitute themselves with governments (breaking God's laws) in order to get a selfish advantage.
(An example would be how the WTBT$ uses their legal department to protect pedophiles. God's law says to protect lowly ones. The WTBT$ leaders want to keep control over the "flock" so they can keep getting donations to feed their lifestyle on the lake, so they misuse the legal system in order to protect abusers and crush victims. When the WTBT$ leaders do such a thing, they are not acting as "virgins" who are "loyal to God and Christ". The WTBT$ are acting like harlots who are sleeping around for selfish gain.)
They're obviously not all "men" because the 144,000 includes women.
In the first century, a lot of the 144,000 were people like Mary and others who had kids.
Revelation is given in signs. The Bible explains what the signs mean. The "virgin" thing isn't literal.
Jerusalem will be trampled by the nations until the Gentile Times are Fulfilled. — Luke 21:24
by Fisherman injerusalem will be trampled by the nations until the gentile times are fulfilled.
— luke 21:24 .
the bible book of luke records jesus prophecy of the last day with his parousia including the verse about the gentile times.
Jesus said that no man would know when the Kingdom would begin.
Daniel chapter 9 gives an outline of the timing of when the Messiah would show up on the earth and do his ministry and die.
If the Kingdom were to begin at the end of Christ's ministry, then Jesus wouldn't have said that the timing of the Kingdom rule beginning couldn't be calculated.
If Jesus was to receive the Kingdom as soon as he went to heaven, he wouldn't have told the apostles they had to wait, that it didn't belong to them to know.
That there was a second fulfillment of "tribulation" is apparent because Jesus never appeared in the heavens on the clouds and never sent his angels to gather Christians from all over the earth. Those things didn't happen in the first century because Jesus was telling what would happen in our day when he foretold those things.
There is a great tribulation coming on the earth. Christians who are asleep to it will be shocked. The religious institutions are about to be destroyed. Take refuge in God and Christ and endure in the faith and love and undeserved kindness of the Lord. Do not be afraid when the tribulation begins. It is for the appointed times. It has a beginning, and it will have an end. At the end of the 3 1/2 years, the UN and all human governments will be replaced with God's Kingdom. Keep the faith and wait for it with endurance. God has not abandoned us.
When you see the all the nations completely attacking religious institutions, you will know that Jesus took the throne in heaven. That will be the time to tell the world that the Kingdom has begun.
"As you go, preach, saying "Repent! The Kingdom of the heavens has drawn near."
Jerusalem will be trampled by the nations until the Gentile Times are Fulfilled. — Luke 21:24
by Fisherman injerusalem will be trampled by the nations until the gentile times are fulfilled.
— luke 21:24 .
the bible book of luke records jesus prophecy of the last day with his parousia including the verse about the gentile times.
Revelation says that when Christ takes the throne in heaven, he will cast down the Devil for "a short period of time."
If Christ was enthroned in the first century and if the Devil was cast down in the first century, then that would mean that the "short time" was actually about 2000 years, which would be about one-third of the time humans have been in existence. The math doesn't add up to support Jesus having been enthroned in the first century.
The scriptures show that the "short period of time" the Devil will be cast down is only 3 1/2 years. The great tribulation will be 3 1/2 years. It doesn't begin until after Jesus is enthroned in heaven and casts the Devil down. That hasn't happened yet, but when it does, no one will have to ask "is this the appointed times of the nations?" because it will be really horrible and everyone will know. The religious institutions will be completely devastated by the nations. But it will only be for 3 1/2 years that the UN gets to rule with their iron fist, so take courage. God will feed us in that "wilderness" time even though there will not be any "city-like" religious institutions. God and Christ will be our refuge and source of spiritual "water" and "sustenance" (strength).
"Keep on the watch!"
Jerusalem will be trampled by the nations until the Gentile Times are Fulfilled. — Luke 21:24
by Fisherman injerusalem will be trampled by the nations until the gentile times are fulfilled.
— luke 21:24 .
the bible book of luke records jesus prophecy of the last day with his parousia including the verse about the gentile times.
"You mock those who mistook books like Tobit as inspired? Kettle black my friend"
Calling out fairy tales for what they are is not mocking. Those apocryphal books have stumbled people and led them away from God and away from truth. Your censure of me by attempting to apply that pot-kettle thing is inappropriate.
"My point was that the author of the gospel recension later named Luke possibly drew from both Tobit and Psalms of Solomon as an explanation for the decades of delay."
Luke was inspired by holy spirit and what he wrote was drawn from truth. He did not draw from the apocryphal books because those books are not a source of inspired truths. They have inspired error, which John and Paul warned us about - not to pay attention to false stories and to test the inspired expressions to see if they originate from God.
The false expectation for an earthly kingdom was a common theme for the Jews back then, so it's not surprising to find it running through the apocryphal books. That it influenced even the early disciples is seen in Peter's words "Lord, are you restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time?" But Jesus made clear "My kingdom is no part of this world."
When theologians look to apocryphal writings like Maccabees or Tobit or other such non-canonical books for so-called "insight" on the scriptures, they are digging in the wrong place. That's why they misunderstand Jesus' words about "the appointed times of the nations". Humans lording it over humans was the motive and origin of that "gentile times" theory. Jesus wasn't talking about some kind of "gentile times" that would end in Jews getting a kingdom on earth. He was talking about the times in our day when the UN and associated nations would trample on all religions for 3 1/2 years - that is the "appointed times of the nations". The prophecies in Daniel and Revelation and the gospels are clear, but those who cling to the "gentile times" theory muddy the waters. They are digging for truth in the wrong place.
Job chapter 28
"There is a place to mine silver
And a place for gold that they refine;
Iron is taken from the ground,
And copper is smelted from rocks.
Man conquers the darkness;
He probes to the limit in the gloom and darkness,
Searching for ore.
He sinks a shaft far from where people reside,
In forgotten places, far from where people walk;
Some men descend and swing suspended.
Food grows on top of the earth;
But below, there is an upheaval as if by fire.
There in the stones is sapphire,
And the dust contains gold.
No bird of prey knows the path to it;
The eye of a black kite has not seen it.
No majestic beasts have trodden on it;
The young lion has not prowled there.
Man strikes the flinty rock with his hand;
He overturns the mountains at their foundation.
He cuts water channels in the rock;
His eyes spot every precious thing.
He dams up the sources of rivers
And brings what was hidden to the light.
But wisdom—where can it be found,
And where is the source of understanding?
No man recognizes its value,
And it cannot be found in the land of the living.
The deep waters say, ‘It is not in me!’
And the sea says, ‘It is not with me!’
It cannot be bought with pure gold;
Nor can silver be weighed out in exchange for it.
It cannot be bought with gold of Oʹphir
Nor with rare onyx and sapphire.
Gold and glass cannot be compared to it;
Nor can a vessel of fine gold be exchanged for it.
Coral and crystal are not worthy of mention,
For a bagful of wisdom is worth more than one full of pearls.
The topaz of Cush cannot be compared to it;
It cannot be purchased even with pure gold.
But from where does wisdom come,
And where is the source of understanding?
It has been hidden from the eyes of every living thing
And concealed from the birds of the heavens.
Destruction and death say, ‘Our ears have heard only a report of it.’
God understands the way to find it;
He alone knows where it resides,
For he looks to the ends of the earth,
And he sees everything under the heavens.
When he set the force of the wind
And measured out the waters,
When he made a regulation for the rain
And a path for the thunderous storm cloud,
Then he saw wisdom and explained it;
He established and tested it.
And he said to man: ‘Look! The fear of Jehovah—that is wisdom,
And to turn away from bad is understanding.’”
Encouraging scriptures for the day
by Kosonen inhello my friends,.
here are some encouraging scriptures for the day:.
revelation 21:2 i also saw the holy city, new jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from god and prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.. hebrews 11:10 for he (abraham) was awaiting the city having real foundations, whose designer and builder is god.. revelation 21:24 and the nations will walk by means of its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory into it.. revelation 22:1 and he showed me a river of water of life, clear as crystal, flowing out from the throne of god and of the lamb 2 down the middle of its main street (of the holy city).
I suppose I was not clear in my writing, Kosonen.😊 I did not distinguish between "A new covenant" and "The new covenant."
The covenant spoken of at Jeremiah is talking about all Christians being God's kids, having God's law in their hearts.
The covenant Jesus instituted involving the emblems was made specific with certain Christians who will be part of the 144,000 and sit on thrones and do a specific assignment. That's why Revelation says they come out of that group, they are a representative sample of that group.
Luke 22:29,30
"and I make a covenant with you, just as my Father has made a covenant with me, for a kingdom, so that you may eat and drink at my table in my Kingdom, and sit on thrones to judge the 12 tribes of Israel."
Matthew 19:28
"Jesus said to them: “Truly I say to you, in the re-creation, when the Son of man sits down on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will sit on 12 thrones, judging the 12 tribes of Israel."
The Levites of old were taken for an assignment as a representative sample of the nation. It wasn't because they were smarter or more special or whatever. The priests wore an ephod, an apron, because they were working in a slaves position for their brothers, to minister to them for a purpose.
Hebrews 8 and 9 has many references back to Leviticus. Not all the Israelites took part in the sacrifices at the tabernacle. The book of Leviticus could be read or heard by all Israelites, but only the priests and Levites were required to handle the certain duties written about in that book. Even when King Uzziah later tried to usurp the place of a priest, Jehovah did not look positively on that action.
All Israel were brought into the covenant with Jehovah, and all Christians are in a new covenant with Jehovah by means of the Christ's blood. But the specific duties of the 144,000 priest/kings are different. Not all Christians need to partake. It's not necessary. Faith and love are necessary. Only those who need to be a new creation in order to go to heaven, since flesh and blood cannot enter heaven, only those who need to work in the figurative temple need to give up their physical bodies and be given spirit bodies. Christians who will be living on earth don't need a spirit body.
All Christians will get to see God when He comes here. All Christians will get to hang out with God and Christ, because they can come to earth. There is no need to covet the assignment of another or to encourage people to eat what belongs to the priests. There is enough love and food for everyone.
Encouraging scriptures for the day
by Kosonen inhello my friends,.
here are some encouraging scriptures for the day:.
revelation 21:2 i also saw the holy city, new jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from god and prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.. hebrews 11:10 for he (abraham) was awaiting the city having real foundations, whose designer and builder is god.. revelation 21:24 and the nations will walk by means of its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory into it.. revelation 22:1 and he showed me a river of water of life, clear as crystal, flowing out from the throne of god and of the lamb 2 down the middle of its main street (of the holy city).
John 13:34
"I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, you also love one another."
John 15:17
"These things I command you, that you love one another."
James 2:18
"If, now, you carry out the royal law according to the scripture, “You must love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing quite well."
1 John 3:23
"Indeed, this is his commandment: that we have faith in the name of his Son Jesus Christ and love one another, just as he gave us a commandment."
Jesus' direction to "keep doing this" regarding partaking of the emblems was to those in the covenant for a kingdom, those who would be kings and priests. Not all Christians have that future assignment.
Just like not all the Israelites of old were to partake of the installation sacrifices, so not all Christians need to partake of the symbols of the contract to be kings and priests. It's not appropriate.
Jesus is the redeemer for all Christians. There is no need for a covenant for that. He already paid. His blood paid for it. The purpose of the new covenant is to provide a heavenly priesthood that will carry out Christ's commands toward those Christians who will inherit the earth.
At Matthew 28 when Jesus said "teach them all I have commanded you" he was talking about Love.
Ecclesiastes 9:5 -"the dead know nothing at all"
by aqwsed12345 inthe narrator of the book of ecclesiastes had very little knowledge of many things that jesus and his apostles later preached.
the author does not make statements, but only wonders (thinks, observes, often raises questions, and leaves them open).
he looked at the world based on the law of moses and found nothing but vanity, as the earthly reward promised in the law did not always accompany good deeds and earthly punishment for evil deeds.
"your difficulty in accepting the biblical definition of death is also why you cannot accept the biblical definition of a resurrection"
"read your bible"
"Ecclesiastes 9:5 -"the dead know nothing at all""
Help wanted finding images
by Lee Marsh ini am working on a project that requires proofs that the wts did say it and jws believe and follow it.. i have found some but google is giving me a hard time with some things.. as i go i will post requests for various images.
they all must have a reference or at least post where i can find the reference and i will add it to the image.. both older and newer beliefs are welcome, especially flip-flops.. if you have something similar to what is already posted then more references the better.
i know there are images of the structure of the wts.
@LeeMarsh: 💖🫶🥰
Watchtower 2016, November p 9-14
Watchtower 2021, February p 14-19
Watchtower 2023, June p 2-7https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2023440?q=obey+elders&p=par
Help wanted finding images
by Lee Marsh ini am working on a project that requires proofs that the wts did say it and jws believe and follow it.. i have found some but google is giving me a hard time with some things.. as i go i will post requests for various images.
they all must have a reference or at least post where i can find the reference and i will add it to the image.. both older and newer beliefs are welcome, especially flip-flops.. if you have something similar to what is already posted then more references the better.
i know there are images of the structure of the wts.
need something on the Bible trained conscience and not to rely on your own thoughts or to trust your own reasoning
This 2023 convention drama movie is all about not trusting your trained conscience but instead obeying the branch as if they were God so that you can go to a UN refugee camp (with a JWBorg donation box) for safety ...