"Who is epically stupid now?"
You are.
Evolution is a gradual process. Unless you really expect every creature that has ever existed generation by generation to be fossilized, you'll always be able to point to a "missing link".
have you seen this video about the covid vaccines?
have you got any views on the information?
i find it worrying at least.
"Who is epically stupid now?"
You are.
Evolution is a gradual process. Unless you really expect every creature that has ever existed generation by generation to be fossilized, you'll always be able to point to a "missing link".
have you seen this video about the covid vaccines?
have you got any views on the information?
i find it worrying at least.
"I'm still an elder"
"...death jabs"
"....if the missing link is ever found or if evolution is not a theory anymore if it could be proven that it would change to fact."
"It’s my social life and I feel JWs are such good associations."
"I will last minute jump that side of the fence. This is a loophole"
Thank You for confirming that you are either a troll or else an epically stupid person.
"Missing link"
LOL. You gave up on even attempting to appear real, didn't you?
we seem to have had an influx of religiots - the people who want to tell us all about how we / the wts / whoever are wrong, wrong, wrong about everything and how right they are.
they obviously have special insight, or voices (probably voices, right?
) telling them the real truth.. as proof, there is inevitably a wall of random scripture references and quotes.. sorry, but we're not here for that.
Riley , l felt quite depressed by your comments about Evangelical Christians.
Are you American? , the use of the word Evangelical makes me think so .
I don't know if he is American, but I would guess he was using 'Evangelical' from an American or at least North American point of view.
In America it is kind of a catch all term for a certain type of poorly educated, extremely conservative religious busybody, intent on foisting their narrow worldview on the rest of the country. But, because they are good at getting their church members to vote in large numbers, politicians (mostly Republican) pander to their nonsense whether they personally find them repulsive or not. Because they bring votes.
.....and replaced with voip by 2025. https://www.pmctelecom.co.uk/blog/are-landline-phones-being-phased-out-in-2025/.
just heard this on a radio station's advert..
"I wonder now someone can call a KH to get info from. Is the WTS/KH going to provide cellphone numbers instead?"
No. You can still have a 'landline'. Its just that calls will be over VOIP instead of copper going through a central office and 5ESS switch or whatever is currently being used. For the few people who still only have a phone and no internet, im not sure they'd even recognize anything had changed unless perhaps they noticed a technician changing out equipment in the box outside their home or business.
do you remember the jw.org book of revelation and how many times we had to study it?
in retrospect, all those hours turned out to be for nothing, the explanation of the prophecies is now completely outdated..
"Was it 3 times we were dragged through that book?
RB"i've filed this under news and world events, although i could've posted it under entertainment, lol.
apparently, joe biden will be seeking re-election for another term in the white house.. this, despite a recent poll showing that 70% of people don't want him to run again.. biden just has to be the worst president i've seen.
his gaffes, over-relience on a prompter, and, more than any other president, his refusal to answer journalists' questions, all go to make him top of the list in terms of bad presidents.. it will certainly provide entertainment, if nothing else..
"It's a civil case not a criminal one and Trump has, of course, said he
will fight the verdict, but as someone living outside the USA (who is
frankly amazed he even came near the White House), I wonder what do our
US members think will be the likely impact on his chances of being
President again?"
His supporters will say, "I was with him for the vitriolic racism, the mocking of disabilities, the
real estate fraud, the constant lies, the incessant abuses of power, the
attempts to undermine elections, the mishandling of a pandemic , the hush money payments, the inciting of an attempted
coup, and the boasting about committing sexual assault, but now that I
know that he actually committed sexual assault? I’m still with him.”
geoffrey hinton, major inventor of artificial intelligence: .
“if you take the existential risk seriously, as i now do—i used to think it was way off, but now i think it’s serious, and fairly close—it might be quite sensible to just stop developing these things any further, but i think it’s completely naïve to think that would happen.
there’s no way to make that happen.
"And what is wrong with my post Syd?
Nothing. My reply was directed at anony mous, not you.
Although if I was being really pedantic, i'd mention that I don't think the B-17 was ever used against Japan itself. Didn't have the range. It was used in the Pacific Theater. The Doolittle raid on Tokyo used B-25's from aircraft carriers but was mostly symbolic. The serious bombing of the Japanese home islands didn't get underway until 1944 when the B-29 became available.
i've filed this under news and world events, although i could've posted it under entertainment, lol.
apparently, joe biden will be seeking re-election for another term in the white house.. this, despite a recent poll showing that 70% of people don't want him to run again.. biden just has to be the worst president i've seen.
his gaffes, over-relience on a prompter, and, more than any other president, his refusal to answer journalists' questions, all go to make him top of the list in terms of bad presidents.. it will certainly provide entertainment, if nothing else..
"The US is the leader of the free world. What goes on over there eventually comes to other countries."
No it doesn't.
.....and replaced with voip by 2025. https://www.pmctelecom.co.uk/blog/are-landline-phones-being-phased-out-in-2025/.
just heard this on a radio station's advert..
"i dont know anyone who does. Except businesses."
Even those are most likely VOIP. This was true 15 years ago when I worked in Telecom. Some businesses would specifically purchase an old POTS landline as a backup for alarm systems if the power went out, but that's it. Not sure how backup is done now.
.....and replaced with voip by 2025. https://www.pmctelecom.co.uk/blog/are-landline-phones-being-phased-out-in-2025/.
just heard this on a radio station's advert..
"BUT----I STILL have a landline phone in my residence. Because I WANT one. I still have a use for a regular land-line phone."
You still can. Sort of. The phase out doesn't mean everyone has to go buy a cellphone. For all intents, you won't notice any difference after the switchover. Pick up the receiver, still have a dial tone etc.
One drawback is that the old landlines supplied their own power, so that if the electricity went out in your home due to a storm or something, the phone generally continued to work. With VOIP, if you lose power, you also lose phone. That could be bad in an emergency for those without a backup cell phone.
But, I just did a quick mental inventory of all the elderly people I either know or who are family members. I could not think of a single person who doesn't have a cell phone. I would think the number of people who rely solely on a landline must be an extremely tiny percentage.