Jehovah's Witnesses as an organization have great bloodguilt before God. Many people have been stumbled by certain teachings or policies that are not solidly based on Bible principles.
Woe to the stumbling blocks! It is better to have a millstone around the neck and be cast into the sea rather than to stumble one of the little ones. How many little ones have been stumbled by the fumbling of the abuse cases? How many little ones have been stumbled by the unloving application of disfellowshipping arrangements that miss the point of keeping the congregation clean by allowing so many who commit serious sins to be protected and stay in the congregation and instead removing faithful ones or excluding weak ones who need to be bandaged up? How many in the world have been turned away from Jehovah by a Pharisaical application of theocratic law that gulps down the camel but completely strains out Love?
Additionally, so many misapplications of scripture have led to a quasi-clergy class within the organization in some places. To many, the word "elder" doesn't mean older brother or older man, now it means similar as "Father" in the Catholic Church. It's not supposed to be that way, but in many places, that's how it is.
Jehovah's time is near to clean the organization. The entire book of Revelation is full of Jehovah's judgments, a message "to the congregation." Jehovah loves his holy name, that's why He's going to clean the organization bearing his name. He is going to use some of the same "plagues" that will afflict false religion ("Babylon the Great"), but faithful ones wherever they are who are marked for survival by Jesus (not by humans) will survive. (Ezekiel chapter 9) Jehovah knows those who belong to Him.
Showing love to the whole association of brothers includes loving those who have been "disfellowshipped", and that love is shown not just by works that others see and follow as a predetermined published checklist, but also where only Jehovah sees, in our hearts and actions all the time. The organization needs to repent of the bloodguilt and stumbling of all the little "despised" ones, some who are abused women and men, some who are disfellowshipped weak ones or some who are willing to stand up for Jehovah's name and truth by clinging to what the Bible really says even when they get called "apostates" for "heretically" being willing to say something different than what is published. We are one united people before Jehovah when we cling to Bible truth despite being persecuted or ignored by those claiming to uphold a tradition that doesn't match basic Bible principles.
Jehovah sent Daniel to tell Nebuchadnezzar that he was going to be cut down so that he would realize Jehovah is the one really in charge. Soon every "mountain" on earth is going to be cut down, even those within the organization who may misuse their authority to lord it over others. In fact, that is where the destruction is going to begin, where any disloyal elders are, as Jehovah says, "start at my sanctuary". The community bloodguilt is real. Jehovah is a fair judge, and He sees all the broken hearts from injustices and misapplication of Bible principles, things that misrepresent Him and His holy name.
Until then, what a fine opportunity we have to imitate the Christ by forgiving those who in their blindness don't really know what they are doing. The ransom is big enough. "Father, forgive them..." Someday they will know, and they'll feel really bad about it. Jehovah will make it clear as day. What a privilege we have to imitate Jehovah in His abundant mercy and undeserved loving kindness.
It must not have been easy for Hannah to cooperate with the temple arrangement back in her day with those creeps working at the temple, or Jesus back when he was on earth since he could see everybody's flaws. He called out the Pharisees on their hypocrisy, but he also cooperated where he could with the parts of the organization he could, because he knew that's what Jehovah was using at the time. He knew the men taking the lead were the ones who were going to kill him, and he still cooperated with the organizational arrangement to the best of his ability, because it was his Father's will. Eventually some of the wrongdoers turned around, and those that didn't His Father executed. What a fine example Jesus gave us of being willing to go along with a temporary arrangement even when it's difficult. He showed us how we can show love and respect in the same way.
Jehovah is leaving his name on the organization, despite all the flaws. We don't serve men. We serve Jehovah. All things will be corrected in time. It's just a little while longer, and we'll all have peace at last. "For all things I have strength through the one who gives me power." Even strength to be loyal to an organization that may not be loyal to us at times. Because the joy set before us is worth enduring the torture stake. The blessings always outweigh the sacrifice. (Job 42) Jehovah sees and knows the pain. "In all their distress, it was distressing to him." His name will be sanctified, and we will all rejoice together.