I can never be readmitted to Harvard because I disagreed with the man made rules of your self appointed professors. Why should we trust and be expected to listen to them when when so many of them have turned out to be pedophiles, drunkards, and get sexually involved with students!
Posts by Ethos
A letter from a College Dropout
by Ethos indear harvard university,.
i have decided go leave this institution of education.
let me explain why.
A letter from a College Dropout
by Ethos indear harvard university,.
i have decided go leave this institution of education.
let me explain why.
Dont get too pedantic about the specifics. Obviously I havent been to Harvard.
A letter from a College Dropout
by Ethos indear harvard university,.
i have decided go leave this institution of education.
let me explain why.
Dear Harvard University,
I have decided go leave this institution of education. Let me explain why. First of all, you coerced me out of my will into joining this university. I was not made thoroughly aware of what is expected of me and given the option to choose whether I would consent to these terms and conditions. Therefore, I purchased extremely costly textbooks written by your professors. But guess what, I purchased the twelfth edition of these biology and anatomy textbooks. I went online, did some research, and found the first 11 editions. Can you believe how much they have changed the information and illustrations contained therein?? Biology doesnt change. Anatomy isnt changing. One day you want us to believe DNA is everything, then the next day 98% of it is leftover genetic junk DNA, and now its vitally important again. Which is it? Does biology suddenly flip flop what it does? Whatever these pseudo, self appointed, biological innovators say we believe. Every thing they write we are expected to memorize, regurgitate, and blindly accept as truth. Whatever the history book tells us happened, they test us on and REQUIRE us to believe whatever they write. I have read several books and can perfectly identify cults and this describes the manner in which your facility operates. Whenever someone disagrees with your beloved administrators they are disciplined and are shunned and thrown out. They cannot tell me, a grown man, what to do. I am done with this cult, and I am throwing away my textbooks! But I will continue to write about, speak about, and think about your organization because I hate it zo much. I must let the world.know about how great of a cult you are
Ethos (and all still mentally in): Truth, Tipping Points and Standards
by NeverKnew inif this is "the truth," why has the information provided over the years contained so many errors?
at what point does "error" become "outright lie" for you?
how high (or low) are your standards for your spiritual leaders?
Oh hey look here. I have a physiology class, a biology class, a political science class, and a chemistry class. Whatever the textbooks say is what we will go by. In two years, the scientists and doctors will change things in the 2nd editions. The same will happen in two more years. Whatever the doctors say we will believe and be taught. When they change their minds on something , so will we. I guess its time for me to ditch this wacko cult called University. I know the truth about the truth and am an expert at identifying cults. I have read many many books. I cant wait to throw my textbooks away!
Ethos (and all still mentally in): Truth, Tipping Points and Standards
by NeverKnew inif this is "the truth," why has the information provided over the years contained so many errors?
at what point does "error" become "outright lie" for you?
how high (or low) are your standards for your spiritual leaders?
You guys read these cult books and suddenly think you have perfectly articulated and deduced what JWs would and would not do. I think thats a little presumptuous and arrogant to tell me I dont have a "tipping point". If JWs change so much, why are our core doctrines the same as they were 100 years ago. I have to wonder why people cant help but focus.on seven million little JWs, when Christendom has been teaching traditions and pagan concepts for two thousand years and refuses to stop deceiving the REAL masses. Things that make you go Hmmmm.
Ethos (and all still mentally in): Truth, Tipping Points and Standards
by NeverKnew inif this is "the truth," why has the information provided over the years contained so many errors?
at what point does "error" become "outright lie" for you?
how high (or low) are your standards for your spiritual leaders?
My tipping point would be a teaching of false doctrine that knowingly went unchecked. Like if the Wt came out and said the Trinity was true. That would be my tipping point that something is wrong.
Sorry, I've had an unusually busy weekend. If anyone cared anyway, I'll do some responding today (Monday)
I didnt really notice any substantiated rebuttals to what I said. There are a few cavillers out there, but the general consensus seems to be this should not be a stumbling matter. I'm satisfied with that. But I will still go thru and reply to every objection...no matter its marginal importance.
What Does The Bible Say About Wrong Teachings?:
So often we are so caught up in and distracted by arguments against/for the Watchtower, we forget to examine the Bible and see what it has to say about this matter. Is it possible to be led by God's holy spirit and make numerous mistakes? Yes! 1 Samuel 16:13 says of David when anointed as king: "the Spirit of the LORD came mightily upon David from that day forward." (NAS) But David committed murder, performed an illegal census that killed thousands of Israelites, would have killed Nabal if it hadn't been for the intervention of Abigail, committed adultery and had Bathsheba's husband purposely put in death's path, and committed a number of other great sins. A person can be led by Jehovah's spirit, but not FOLLOW it's direction. It is not equivocal with being under inspiration of holy spirit.
Recall the old saying "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink..."The books of Daniel, Malachi, Zechariah, and Revelation all foretell a refining/cleansing of God's people. It is interesting how Daniel 12 makes a clear connection between refining and knowledge in verses 8-10 "8 Now as for me, I heard, but I could not understand; so that I said: “O my lord, what will be the final part of these things?” 9 And he went on to say: “Go, Daniel, because the words are made secret and sealed up until the time of [the] end. 10 Many will cleanse themselves and whiten themselves and will be refined. And the wicked ones will certainly act wickedly, and no wicked ones at all will understand; but the ones having insight will understand.
In Revelation a similar thing is foretold in "The Lord's day" regarding the seven congregations. Jesus lists one by one the things wrong doctrinally with these congregations: ""you have left the love you had at first...." "you have there those holding fast the teaching of Ba´laam, ... to eat things sacrificed to idols and to commit fornication...."
"you, also, have those holding fast the teaching of the sect of Nic·o·la´us likewise..."
"you tolerate that woman Jez´e·bel, ... and she teaches and misleads my slaves to commit fornication and to eat things sacrificed to idols...."
"I know your deeds, that you have the name that you are alive, but you are dead...."
"I have not found your deeds fully performed before my God...."Now could the Watchtower's errors/mistakes reasonably be equivocated with the conditions described here? Many would say: It is impossible for these congregations to be Jesus' disciples when they have so many things wrong. But that is the exact opposite of what the Bible says. Verses 12 and 13 tell us that Jesus walks among these congregations.
And then we have Jesus' words to every congregation: "Let the one who has an ear hear what the spirit says to the congregations."
Jesus tells them to repent, buy gold refined by fire and to shed their old outer garments in favor of new ones. A similar sentiment is echoed in Zechariah 3:3 "Now as for Joshua, he happened to be clothed in befouled garments and standing before the angel. 4 Then he answered and said to those standing before him: “Remove the befouled garments from upon him.” And he went on to say to him: “See, I have caused your error to pass away from upon you.." Further corroborating evidence that knowledge would be progressive and continuous and not simply instantaneously correct and static, can be found in the early Christian epistles. 2 Corinthians 13:11 "Finally, brothers, continue to rejoice, to be readjusted, to be comforted, to think in agreement 2 Peter 1:5 "Yes, for this very reason, by YOUR contributing in response all earnest effort, supply to YOUR faith virtue, to [YOUR] virtue knowledge.." Colossians 1:9, 10 "That is also why we, from the day we heard [of it], have not ceased praying for YOU and asking that YOU may be filled with the accurate knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual comprehension, 10 in order to walk worthily of Jehovah to the end of fully pleasing [him] as YOU go on bearing fruit in every good work andincreasing in the accurate knowledge of God.." Ephesians 4:11-13 "And he gave some as apostles, some as prophets, some as evangelizers, some as shepherds and teachers, 12 with a view to the readjustment of the holy ones, for ministerial work, for the building up of the body of the Christ, 13 until we all attain to the oneness in the faith and in the accurate knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of stature that belongs to the fullness of the Christ.." Now even the first century Christians who spoke in tongues and were given knowledge miraculously still had to work to 'attain' and to 'increase in accurate knowledge'. The Bible explains in no uncertain terms that God's people would fall again into apostasy and would have to be refined and cleansed of befouled garments and would have things wrong. In view of this solid scriptural evidence, should you be stumbled by past Watchtower errors?
Consider All The Things JW's Have Right:
The mistakes and errors JW's have made are so often palpated and emphasized that we tend to only examine one side of the story. We are so busy considering what they had wrong, we forget what Jehovah's Witnesses have right and it's significance. Most Christians would agree that there is nothing more important than getting to know Jehovah and his Son Jesus and having a relationship with them. However, a person cannot maintain a relationship with someone based on false information. Could a person claim they know you well if they believe misconceptions and untruths about your character? Likewise, with the copious amount of unscriptural practices that befell Christianity after the first century, it has been increasingly difficult to truly know who God is. This can be largely attributed to the removal of God's name, which thus creates many obscure and confusing passages since both Jesus and God are referred to as "Lord" and "God" only. God's name has long been dismissed as of little importance and of zero import. Without a doubt, Jehovah's Witnesses, by means of their publications, preaching, and bible translation work have made God's name known far more than any other Christian group. JW's have also long proclaimed the pagan doctrines of the Trinity, hellfire, purgatory, immortality of the soul, reincarnation, and the unscriptural traditions of saint reverance, Mary worship, and Pope authority to all be at odds with what the Bible really teaches. Could anything be more pleasing to God than accurate knowledge about himself, his Son, his purposes, and the sanctification of his holy name?
So after examining all the scriptures, evidence, and using an unbiased reasoning ability, what do these errors signify to you? Should you conclude that Jehovah's Witnesses cannot possibly be God's organization of servants because of all the mistakes they've made? The conclusion is always left with the reader. -
Mistakes and Errors By Jehovah's Witnesses --- What Do They Mean?
The emotional down-pull of mistakes can be burdensome and drain us of motivation... Mistakes and Errors by Jehovah's Witnesses: What Should They Mean For You And I?
When navigating the world wide web, it is never too outre to find many websites delineating and analyzing an abundance of erroneous, fallacious, self-contradictory, or simply frivolous statements contained in the Watchtower publications. But what is the underlying import of these errors? What do they mean for you and me? What do they teach us? Do they teach us that Jehovah's Witnesses are not God's spirit-directed people?
Maintaining a Proper Perspective:
In order to have a correct understanding of others, sometimes we have to put ourselves in their shoes, we have to feel as they feel. This is especially important in the field of psychiatry. No one would return and visit an uninterested, disconnected, unsympathetic therapist for help would they? So often the Watchtower editors are portrayed in such a negative fashion, with a negative connotation, that we often forget that the persons who wrote these publications are humans just like us. Who of us has not felt the emotional drainage and frustration caused by our own committing a mistake? Has someone ever brought up something you've done in the past time and time again, just to belittle or hurt you? Now imagine if someone wrote down and recited to you every day every mistake you'veever made. Could there be anything more insensitive and perhaps depressing than being reminded of how wrong we are all the time? Finally, imagine that you were called to read and interpret Revelation, Daniel, and Ezekiel. How many mistakes do you think you should be allowed to make before you finally got it right?Double Standard?:
Many freely, openly, and proudly expose past errors and blunders made in the Watchtower publications. They are certainly entitled to do so and should be allowed to express their own opinion. But what would happen if we composed a list of every scientific and medical misconception, error, or mistake ever made? Such a list would be immensely long, undoubtedly far longer than every error contained in the Watchtower publications. How often is it that scientists and medical personnel are derided, mocked, and reminded of all the errors and incorrect conclusions they've drawn, even when they stated it as scientific fact? A measure of leniency and forbearance is extended to the scientific community, because it is only reasonable and logical that they should make mistakes, andlots of them. This leniency, in the eyes of many, is not extend to Jehovah's Witnesses, though. Why?What About All Those Wrong Dates?:
It is often stated that Jehovah's Witnesses shouldn't be allowed to commit so many mistakes because they claimed to be God's channel and his people. In fact, it is claimed that they proudly and perhaps arrogantly acted as "prophets" by making predictions that never came to fruition. Is this really the case? December 15, 1896 Watchtower states: "Nor would we have our writings reverenced or regarded as infallible, or on a par with the holy Scriptures. The most we claim or have ever claimed for our teachings is that they are what we believe to be harmonious interpretations of the divine Word, in harmony with the spirit of the truth." Regarding 1914: The January 1, 1908 WT stated: " We are not prophesying; we are merely giving our surmises . . . We do not even aver that there is no mistake in our interpretation of prophecy and our calculations of chronology. We have merely laid these before you, leaving it for each to exercise his own faith or doubt in respect to them." Regarding 1925: The January 1, 1925 WT stated: "The year 1925 is here. With great expectation Christians have looked forward to this year. Many have confidently expected that all members of the body of Christ will be changed to heavenly glory during this year. This may be accomplished. It may not be. In his own due time God will accomplish his purposes concerning his people. Christians should not be so deeply concerned about what may transpire this year. Regarding 1975: The October 15, 1966 WT stated: " What about the year 1975? What is it going to mean, dear friends? ’ asked Brother Franz. ‘ Does it mean that Armageddon is going to be finished, with Satan bound, by 1975? It could! It could! All things are possible with God. Does it mean that Babylon the Great is going to go down by 1975? It could. Does it mean that the attack of Gog of Magog is going to be made on Jehovah ’ s witnesses to wipe them out, then Gog himself will be put out of action? It could. But we are not saying. All things are possible with God. But we are not saying. And don ’ t any of you be specific in saying anything that is going to happen between now and 1975.." You see the Watchtower has made several bold and definitive statements regarding its conclusions about what should transpire on certain dates, but it also qualified those statements with caution. The Watchtower in every decade since its initial printing has maintained that it is not infallible, and is subject to error! Do these statements sound like false prophecies to you?