JoinedPosts by prologos
The Particulars of Claim in Otuo v Morley and Watch Tower
by akromo inin the high court of justice claimno: hq14d02898 .
queens bench division.
1. this is a claim in slander against the first and second defendant..
Is there any record of Mr OTUO successfully refuting the claim that fraud was committed? Proving that he has never committed fraud? par.10. -
Generation Nonsense in today's WT
by Slidin Fast inabraham was part of the 9th generation as a descendent of shem.
yet, their lives overlapped by 150 years.
yep, they were of the same generation!
Dk 775T: "think about this: Adam was supposed to be born about 6000 years ago and Jesus is "the last Adam" so that's at least a 6000 year generation, no that is taking it too far, the two Adams did not overlap. but:
if Shem lived to 630! and Abraham to 175!, and they overlapped by 150, that makes these two grouped into one -- generation one of 655 years long, - deduct 5 years for the age of memories of Abraham,= 650 ; plus 1914= 2564 CE. better (for wt) than 2075 derived from 2 overlapping Freddy Franzes.
by thinker11 inas much as i want to believe in the bible and wish for a god that is watching over us and love us; i find it difficult to comprehend that a loving god will erase mankind with fireballs, earthquakes, and kill childrens, mothers, and fathers who refused to believe in the bible.
and i can’t help but to take their side in all these.
i mean: what has god really done to show that he is love and that he exists and is watching how we act.
Yeah, his sitting, laying by while all this torture goes on proves the contrary! it proves that the bible story god is not the abel universal souverain that the story tells him to be at all. hampered to help the suffering by a talking snake. -
by fulltimestudent inif someone commits financial fraud, they commit a crime, and can be punished (jailed).. but if someone commits a religious fraud, western society does not see that as a crime.. on another thread, a poster pointed out that the jws, "literally steals peoples lives and causes horrendous damage.
of course, the jws are not the only religion to practise religious fraud.
all sorts of large and small religions make unverifiable promises and ask for financial support on the basis of their promises, which is precisely what financial defrauder does.
Everyone here would have been richer if religions were banned. except the religious fraudsters. -
After 50 years Zealous Service, My Elder Friends goes Inactive
by James Jack ini asked him what happened.
he said "him and his wife lived a full theocratic life for jehovah.
doing everything the organization and the traveling brothers told them to do, like work part time, regular pioneer, serve where the need is great.
Your story, or stories, are so typical of the truly devoted , at least you are already in retirement heaven, heaven's waiting room, Florida, not in Michigan Maine or Minnesota, Manitoba. -
Updates to Public Talk Outlines 2 & 3
by wifibandit inwill you be a survivor of the last days?.
serving with jehovah’s unified organization.
move ahead with jehovah’s unified organization.
It seems like Satan and Jesus are on the same page?? 😝
DD of course they were, in the story about the desert temptation, the leap from the temple, they were hurling scriptures at each other like competing brothers that they were. (Satan really good at quoting the bible too bsw.)
What does the rise of Donald Trump tell us about the USA?
by fulltimestudent ini thank one of my former lecturers for drawing my attention to this overview.. after some 100 years, living out its "manifest destiny" dream, as the hegemon of the world, what has this 'dream' done to/for the usa?
the approaching presidential election provides an opportunity to examine this question.. and what of all the appendage organisations (like the wts) that rode across the world on the hegemon's coattails?.
the answer may be here:
Simon: " Hitler hadn't killed anyone when he was making promises to be elected and wasn't promising to kill anyone (unlike Trump who seems to like the idea) I am not too sure about that, I never read Mein Krampf, written in the 20s, but did the book not spell out his racial policies, and Trumpf, did he not say he could kill and still be elected?
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New K.Hall Design, Mansfield
by BluesBrother innot mansfield u k , but mansfield in u s a - it doesn't look much, does it?
in fact even the uber dubs on j w talk are not impressed (that must be a first!
this thread of theirs is publicly readable:.
j134cd"-- warehouses when we are so near the end.? because the end justifies the means. -
Lame and werid sample presentations at the meeting
by purrpurr inthey used to let bro's and sis's do the sample presentation and give them the leeway to put it in their own words thereby making it more natural.
not so anymore!
these days the sample presentations are beamed from mother website.. they seem to have been written by someone who has no experience of how people talk in real life.
Wt is creating a two-world view. The one with wt glasses,(can someone bring them back), where the Field Service is all charm, and the reality that exists in the real world which swings from apathy to real expressed resentment on the part of the public. Nobody is in awe of the messengers. it is just awful though. -
New K.Hall Design, Mansfield
by BluesBrother innot mansfield u k , but mansfield in u s a - it doesn't look much, does it?
in fact even the uber dubs on j w talk are not impressed (that must be a first!
this thread of theirs is publicly readable:.
Billy the Ex Bethelite: "--I wonder if the walls go up high enough to serve as a parapet as required by the Mosaic Law. For those that think it's ugly, would decorations , --Bathsheba likenesses on the flat bathing roof change your opinion?