JoinedPosts by prologos
Tiger numbers in the wild have risen slightly
by Xanthippe inin 1900 there were 100,000 tigers in the wild.
a hundred or so years later there were only 3,200 due to habitat destruction and poaching for traditional medicine.
for the first time in a hundred years the numbers have risen.. .
Good news for tigers , but not for JWs, because only a dramatic rise in predator numbers, "birds of heaven" will ease their hoped - for task of cleaning up the mess after Armageddon. According to wildlife counts, that preparation is not ready. -
Length of a Generation? Ask a governing agency or member of governing board
by kepler inin the saturday/sunday wall street journal for the weekend of april 9-10, 2016, in the us news section there was an article titled, "housing bust lingers for generation x.".
something clicked in my mind when i read.
"the data show an enormous swing in the fortunes of people born between 1965 and 1984, the group defined by the harvard joint center for housing studies as 'generation x'".. hmmm....generation did you say?
As an extreme case you could have a man in his 80s + fathering a child with the love of his late life, who might be in her 40ies, but even in that case, the 1914 generation would have ceded to the next one by ~ 1980, in the case of that odd couple. Now, if that man would have had a fertile transgression in his teens, that would be an overlap, two siblings with a ~65 year age difference.
The Particulars of Claim in Otuo v Morley and Watch Tower
by akromo inin the high court of justice claimno: hq14d02898 .
queens bench division.
1. this is a claim in slander against the first and second defendant..
There seem to be at least three versions of fraud in question here., and Mr. OTUO does not recognize them, according to his statement. 1) the legal definition of fraud, 2) the "sin of fraud" as somehow on the wt book(s), and 3) the concept of fraud (or not) in some other jurisdiction with which Mr. OTUO might be more familiar with.
This case, and the fall-out, should give pause to the elders if they are tempted to handle cases in a cavalier fashion in the future.
Field service in Germany
by Ben131895 ini left the organization 34 years ago but are still interested how the developments are.. when i stopped working 13 years ago (i am dutch) we moved to germany, just across the border since houses were 50% cheaper than in holland and the germans are a more polite people.
we live in a little town with 20.000 people.. in holland we didn't see the witnesses too often, perhaps two times a year.. in germany (at least in my little town) i have not seen the witnesses in all these 13 years.
they are standing in the shopping center and most of the time also at the railway station with a trolly.
Ben " "--the Germans are a more polite people, well, that is changing, many of the "new germans" are impolite, they do not ask ladies for permission any more. -
The Particulars of Claim in Otuo v Morley and Watch Tower
by akromo inin the high court of justice claimno: hq14d02898 .
queens bench division.
1. this is a claim in slander against the first and second defendant..
akromo : --"not-- criminality of fraud but fraud as JW's understand it "sin of fraud". that key difference would be interesting to explore, if the details are available somewhere, never heard the "sin of--" like "looking at a woman-- has already committed [the sin of] adultery in his heart.? did OTUO just plot about fraud? -
The Particulars of Claim in Otuo v Morley and Watch Tower
by akromo inin the high court of justice claimno: hq14d02898 .
queens bench division.
1. this is a claim in slander against the first and second defendant..
Is there any record of Mr OTUO successfully refuting the claim that fraud was committed? Proving that he has never committed fraud? par.10. -
Generation Nonsense in today's WT
by Slidin Fast inabraham was part of the 9th generation as a descendent of shem.
yet, their lives overlapped by 150 years.
yep, they were of the same generation!
Dk 775T: "think about this: Adam was supposed to be born about 6000 years ago and Jesus is "the last Adam" so that's at least a 6000 year generation, no that is taking it too far, the two Adams did not overlap. but:
if Shem lived to 630! and Abraham to 175!, and they overlapped by 150, that makes these two grouped into one -- generation one of 655 years long, - deduct 5 years for the age of memories of Abraham,= 650 ; plus 1914= 2564 CE. better (for wt) than 2075 derived from 2 overlapping Freddy Franzes.
by thinker11 inas much as i want to believe in the bible and wish for a god that is watching over us and love us; i find it difficult to comprehend that a loving god will erase mankind with fireballs, earthquakes, and kill childrens, mothers, and fathers who refused to believe in the bible.
and i can’t help but to take their side in all these.
i mean: what has god really done to show that he is love and that he exists and is watching how we act.
Yeah, his sitting, laying by while all this torture goes on proves the contrary! it proves that the bible story god is not the abel universal souverain that the story tells him to be at all. hampered to help the suffering by a talking snake. -
by fulltimestudent inif someone commits financial fraud, they commit a crime, and can be punished (jailed).. but if someone commits a religious fraud, western society does not see that as a crime.. on another thread, a poster pointed out that the jws, "literally steals peoples lives and causes horrendous damage.
of course, the jws are not the only religion to practise religious fraud.
all sorts of large and small religions make unverifiable promises and ask for financial support on the basis of their promises, which is precisely what financial defrauder does.
Everyone here would have been richer if religions were banned. except the religious fraudsters. -
After 50 years Zealous Service, My Elder Friends goes Inactive
by James Jack ini asked him what happened.
he said "him and his wife lived a full theocratic life for jehovah.
doing everything the organization and the traveling brothers told them to do, like work part time, regular pioneer, serve where the need is great.
Your story, or stories, are so typical of the truly devoted , at least you are already in retirement heaven, heaven's waiting room, Florida, not in Michigan Maine or Minnesota, Manitoba.