Fisherman: "--the great crowd must not only mean surving because of conduct but also age. ---the two go hand in hand, with good genes, (mating habits of your ancestors) and clean living and diet, you can live to ~100, I know one member here , (alive, remembering the 1936 Olympics) who, with those lucky breaks would get him close to the next speculation milestone 1914+120=2034, but Rev 7 speaks of a Great crowd, not a few wheezers in wheelchairs, so:--great like the 1958 NY assembly perhaps? not! and:
to survive you have to be loyal, even if it seems not logical by human standards, maybe if you could survive, but if your testament does not leave your wealth to the wt, (and the angels can read that) are you living up to your vow? You may be a sheep (other or not), but if you are not ready to be shorn, you might not become part of the Great Crowd. am I ever glad that there never was a talking snake or donkey.