hp:.. maybe only 5 of them are enjoyable to listen too.
so, tune out the rest. and hum, play it on the piano at home, forget about the lie-rics.
the organization really has some talented people in it.
seriously talented.
artists, musicians, animators, and any other creative venue you can think of.
hp:.. maybe only 5 of them are enjoyable to listen too.
so, tune out the rest. and hum, play it on the piano at home, forget about the lie-rics.
i was raised as a jw and 1975 expectations were pretty intense.
as i recall, most people did not leave after the failed expectations but many s l o w e d down.
now, i think most of the 1975 witnesses are gone or barely in.. is the older generation still around in the kingdom halls or are they much gone?.
any long-time witness over 55 would remember it, the over 65 year olds could have been a driving force in that lemming - like lunacy. If still in, they could be of the of the "defender of the doctrine" type, feeling that "jehovah" really likes stubborn stoics, and be puzzled at the easy-going, who cares about specific doctrine new generation. If you live in a retirement area, Florida, the Pacific northwest, there would be a lot of them in the 80 to 90+ range.
flying cars just took a big step closer to being legal.
terrafugia gets the green light for.
transforming vehicle that could take to the skies by 2018. dui's in the skies......
good cars make bad airplanes and vice versa, so why have both a bad car and a really lousy plane?
the james webb telescope is set to launch in october of 2018 and will allow us to study the formation of first generation stars, the molecular clouds that became the first galaxies, and directly image exoplanets.
roughly one hundred times more powerful than the hubble space telescope the jwst is going to push back the current boundaries of science.. this is what 100-million man hours can accomplish.. .
works like these, money very well spent, makes you glad that the "world has not ended in 1914" That "the kings of this world did not have had their day" and That the new dark age aka " the 1000 year wt reign" did not start in 1975.
may be looking at these pictures to come like in the COBE survey, some researcher will wax awed again and exclaim " the hand of god".
the james webb telescope is set to launch in october of 2018 and will allow us to study the formation of first generation stars, the molecular clouds that became the first galaxies, and directly image exoplanets.
roughly one hundred times more powerful than the hubble space telescope the jwst is going to push back the current boundaries of science.. this is what 100-million man hours can accomplish.. .
and what have the billion man/ woman/children hours of wt accomplished by comparison? preaching the end of the world soon?
TB: "What? No snorkels in the new system?
snor-kels? not needed. being perfect, following the example of Jonah, the faithful will be able to hold their breath for > 3 1/2 days. Just don't hold your breath waiting for the NS.
ZE: No Bronzed bodies in Bikini's
yeah, that looks like a really segregated beach. perhaps a picture of the "after the thousand year" realm, when the races=nations have retreated into their "four corners of the Earth" and this the almost all white corner?
S1: ROYAL HAWAIIAN................the only 'real' surfboard ever made.
Yeah, long live long boarding, wet or dry!.
Where are the gliders in the slope/wave lift in the seabreeze? may be the new books that are opened will mandate auto-retracting fins. ( I have been run over by boats in the surf off waikiki, and it's only the sharp fins that pose underwater dangers) Yeah, diving areas should be marked by a buoi . bsw: these sharp pointy noses on surfboards serve no surfing purpose, blunt works just as well, wt must advocate the retention of the aggressive " this wave is mine" mentality and it's weapons.
i’ve been reading it for a few of years off and on, but have been a little too ... maybe ... timid to join.
i left the watchtower organization almost 20 years ago but never abandoned my faith and belief in god.
i knew the gb/organization didn’t represent god, so when i lost my faith in them, i managed to keep my faith in an all wise benevolent creator.
Rf: "Why is it that those of YOU who no longer believe in God seem to think you can blame God for all the bad things
Why do you think those that do not believe in "god", -- atheists, or deists ( who do believe in a creator, but not in a personally involved "god"), would then turn around and blame him for what bad happened to you? don't forget, even some believers blame satan, and the talking snake.
so jws believe all humans have faults, problems, birth pangs, etc., because we all inherited sin from the original human being adam.
like i would like this to make since but why would jehovah do this to future humans who have done nothing wrong at all?
i think of it like if a parent has one child and that child really disobeyed her before then when the parent has a second child, she punishes that child because of what her first did.
LB: "--You were born dented.
There is not much wrong with that simple analogy, after all what beautiful music comes from the dents in the steel drum bands. and the survival of the fittest mutation; what is wrong is the idea, that somehow we were ever meant to be non perishable, at least as humans. Everything in nature dies, naturally, even the talking snake.