pople: "His answer its above there pay grade.
Tell us what he said, we might understand, because some people are underpaid
he said that the parents of df or inactive do not have right to help there child why not?
his answer its above there pay grade.
he also said another witness helped this young lady she was a sister so another person can help your child but you cannot he said let jehovah help them.audeince dead silent..
pople: "His answer its above there pay grade.
Tell us what he said, we might understand, because some people are underpaid
the altitude problem.
everest today is 29042 feet high and i know some will say it.
redvip2000: "--If Jesus lived today, with the power of analysis and critical thinking we have now, he would be quickly dismissed --
If he appeared in a watchtower congregation he would be disfellowshipped within 3 1/2 years for apostasy, brazen conduct.and deluded about the deluge.
the altitude problem.
everest today is 29042 feet high and i know some will say it.
or he was an embellishment of a rumor about a minor character, just like the deluge account, as written, was a embellishment about a second hand account in the wet north of palestine.
the altitude problem.
everest today is 29042 feet high and i know some will say it.
e 1863: "Remember Jesus also spoke in parables. Couldn't the flood be a parable like the Good Samaritan?--
Those that wrote the "jesus" story, used the "noah" myth to add credence to their efforts, appealing to the perceived authenticity of the described events. whether they knew of the fictional character of the "flood"or not, the effect is that the whole story, inundation and "jesus' " comments about it, could not possibly have happened as described.
the altitude problem.
everest today is 29042 feet high and i know some will say it.
JM: "--but if you figure mountains grow 4 millimeters a year over 4-5 thousands years = what?at current rates, Everest has grown ~20 meters since the flood's date, the opening of the gate. ( that is 0,2 %) To reach it's present heights since the supposed "low everest flood", it must have ascended ~5200 meters instead of 20.
the altitude problem.
everest today is 29042 feet high and i know some will say it.
Broke watchtower: "--We must not forget the understanding of those times when understanding those ancient words and their meaning in modern times.
Once you make that argument, it is clear that the bible is not the inspired word of the creator, and ALL it's content***, its premises and promises are null and void, purely human fables. To build the power of the wt leaders, your life and death decisions on that non-foundation is folly indeed. The global flood is a dudd.
*** remember in the "jesus" story, he endorses the Noah account, almost in one breath proclaiming himself the saviour the buyer-back of what was lost, the repairer of the talking snake damage. and he was supposed to be the co-creator, not of the flat earth, but all the laws, orbits, bodies in the universe.
the altitude problem.
everest today is 29042 feet high and i know some will say it.
IM: "--the same amount of gas is now spread over a greater circumference. But the difference would not be so great as to make breathing very difficult or impossible.
The Earth's circumference is 40 000 km The highest mountain ~ 10 km. so you are creating a higher circumference, 628 km longer. that is stretching the same gas into an 1.5 % greater volume. That is a fall of barometric pressure you would experience when rain is coming, so Noah, if there ever was one, could breath easy (except for the animal stench that wafted), as he drifted over Mount Everest. So: Sir Edmund Hillary was not the first man above Mt Everest, it was Noah, at altitude. now that's hilarious.
the altitude problem.
everest today is 29042 feet high and i know some will say it.
wizzstick: "The wood was under water for the best part of a year.
Most of the wood was probably freeboard, above the water, and coated with tae. The ark obviously did not leak (unlike wt).
enigma 186: ", 50 pairs of animals on the boat they have to take care of. I doubt they would survive six months. You underestimate the imagination of the wt storytellers, according to the "imitation faith" book, Noah and family had weekly worship nights, to keep the project on track, not go off the rails.
the altitude problem.
everest today is 29042 feet high and i know some will say it.
james, you make a point I did not think about. The speedy haste with which sloth, coala bears, pandas, turtles, returned to their native land after the flood, can now be explained by the cold in the rarefied atmosphere of mt. ararat. May be we cant find any wood there, because it was used in the fires to warm the disembarking -disarching?- passengers? or fashioned into sleighs to slide down the slopes?
the altitude problem.
everest today is 29042 feet high and i know some will say it.
james, I did not mean of ararat, but everest, even then, with all that biomass, living or not, (think of the steaming dung accumulating for nine month), and the latent heat from the fall of the water canopy, overheating, not outside cold would have been the problem, of course, ever since the writing of this fable, the credibility of that story has been going downhill all the way from 15 000 feet. quite a slide.