there can be no question that 1914 became a epoch-making world event. that wt calculated, predicted correctly what would happen is totally wrong, but they leapfrogged all that by tying Brooklyn to the center of the cosmos, the birth of the one and all kingdom. 4st reich.
JoinedPosts by prologos
This generation will by no means pass away
by Darryl ingood morning i hope everyone is having a wonderful day.
there has been a lot of talk about the "new light" concerning the generation teaching.
it's been a major part of the prophecy concerning the last days and of course since jws are the only ones able to decipher and understand prophecy it is of great importance to get this main prophecy right.
This generation will by no means pass away
by Darryl ingood morning i hope everyone is having a wonderful day.
there has been a lot of talk about the "new light" concerning the generation teaching.
it's been a major part of the prophecy concerning the last days and of course since jws are the only ones able to decipher and understand prophecy it is of great importance to get this main prophecy right.
1914 is the only date as such that wt ever got right, although everything that they predicted about it is wrong, 1914: is wt's crowning achievement, that is why they so stubbornly hang on to it. but
by then making the 1914 overlapping anointed groups generation their flagship ( kingdom heirs ) doctrine, they hang themselves truth wise, proven now!, you don't have to wait for 2075 to see that.
This generation will by no means pass away
by Darryl ingood morning i hope everyone is having a wonderful day.
there has been a lot of talk about the "new light" concerning the generation teaching.
it's been a major part of the prophecy concerning the last days and of course since jws are the only ones able to decipher and understand prophecy it is of great importance to get this main prophecy right.
shadow: "Mary died a few years ago but Peter and Paul are still alive
You got it, the whole generation sing (german accent) is a joke.
This generation will by no means pass away
by Darryl ingood morning i hope everyone is having a wonderful day.
there has been a lot of talk about the "new light" concerning the generation teaching.
it's been a major part of the prophecy concerning the last days and of course since jws are the only ones able to decipher and understand prophecy it is of great importance to get this main prophecy right.
The only generation that could not pass away are the wt "other sheep" They are the millions that wt predicted in 1918 that will never die, never, not pass away.
To nail a witness on that, ask , to start, the defining question: did "all these things " include the destruction of the temple, of Jerusalem? Did all these things include all "tribulation(s) since the world's beginning" read Math 24:21: Did the total destruction during the flood happen since " the world's beginning"?, so, do you agree all these things must include Armageddon? will the other sheep survive Armageddon?-- er-- yes, will the anointed generation survive Armageddon--er-- . no, they will pass away to heaven. ask your elders about that.
This generation will by no means pass away
by Darryl ingood morning i hope everyone is having a wonderful day.
there has been a lot of talk about the "new light" concerning the generation teaching.
it's been a major part of the prophecy concerning the last days and of course since jws are the only ones able to decipher and understand prophecy it is of great importance to get this main prophecy right.
A glaring error of wt's application of this biblical prophecy is now already impossible to be fulfilled, because of the term : "not, by no means, pass away".
Did Jesus, the anointed pass away? yes, and he quickly ended up in heaven (so it is claimed) Did Peter, Paul and Mary pass away? yes, and they arrived up in heaven in 1918 (so wt claims).** but
by now limiting this generation, overlapping or not, to be the anointed, or partakers, wt predicted an already failed prophecy. why? because the biblical record has it to say "will not pass away". so, in the wt's predicted second fulfillment , more terrible than the flood, with fire , not water only, that is the culmination of all these things, the generation, (all the anointed, including the Governing body) will already have passed away, be gone , raptured before most of all these things (Armageddon) even starts.
By switching to the anointed partaker generation, wt has guaranteed itself to be proven the false prophet. The overlapping fiasco is just a minor precursor of that realisation.
** How about Abraham, Martin and John? John yes, welcomed to the cleansed heavens in 1918. , Abraham and Martin not, because they did not partake of the wt emblems.
Old People Ask..."I'm 88, and my girlfriend is 83, why do we need a chaperone?"
by TimeBandit inhere's the latest episode of old people ask.
this episode focuses on chaperones.
why oh why do old people need them?
yeah, ass = as in assessment. your's is a very a- propos joke and so true, wizard of OZ: incontinence both liquid and solid, the bane of senior home caregivers. good for diaper merchants , bad for condom commerce.
Old People Ask..."I'm 88, and my girlfriend is 83, why do we need a chaperone?"
by TimeBandit inhere's the latest episode of old people ask.
this episode focuses on chaperones.
why oh why do old people need them?
LBT:--I would consider it a compliment to be told at that age I should have a chaperone For me aged 68 its now dry dreams and wet farts,
Sorry to hear that self-assessment (note the :wet farts) connection in that word. Does not even the presence of a typical wt bride-age female, cirka 20, produce an uplifting experience of sorts, chemically enhanceable?
Old People Ask..."I'm 88, and my girlfriend is 83, why do we need a chaperone?"
by TimeBandit inhere's the latest episode of old people ask.
this episode focuses on chaperones.
why oh why do old people need them?
TB: "I'm not so good with numbers hehehe. I'll keep an eye out for yer thread.
The numbers were good when I was young, in inches 36/17/ 36 and well rounded. still a good visual, but why would you need a chaperone? , because even touching a breast (or two}, even if there is no follow-up, is a disfellowshipping offence!!! I have been asked : " did you touch her breast?" so, it can be done even with a chaperone present surreptitiously. ( note the "tit" in that word).
Old People Ask..."I'm 88, and my girlfriend is 83, why do we need a chaperone?"
by TimeBandit inhere's the latest episode of old people ask.
this episode focuses on chaperones.
why oh why do old people need them?
TB--yeah, I was still working on the thread "Jehovah loves even, rounded numbers" , and 83 did not fit in with the wt/ bible scheme, so, reading upside down or a cyrillic mirror image fixed that. Nothing like a very close to 88 year old mind trying to keep spry.
Old People Ask..."I'm 88, and my girlfriend is 83, why do we need a chaperone?"
by TimeBandit inhere's the latest episode of old people ask.
this episode focuses on chaperones.
why oh why do old people need them?
TB: "--I'm 88, and my girlfriend is 83, why do we need a chaperone
may be with all that hilarity and the final champaign, you were reading the numbers doing handstands? read up side down your ages come out as 88 and 38, with those cunning symmetrical numbers. ? may be chaperones are in order after all old chap?