V I: "There is a very wide range of Sharia law from country to country. There are different interpretations of it
Is it not these possible different applications of the "law" that divisions,-- Shiite/Sunni, and between local leaders, power maniacs , create the gradient for these terrible wars that drive people out? and then these divisions, conflicts are carried into the "host" countries, because the invader do not want to integrate, give up their home identity. picture the 1/3 US population of german background, often in key positions in various fields, not having thoroughly integrated, and siding with the enemy? or fighting their Prussian vs Austrian wars? of course "christians" had their divisions too, think 30 year war[s], but have they been exported to the extent we see in Europe, and the US ? "-it's coming folks" ? PS: immigrants integrate, invaders stubbornly refuse to, but impose their inertia on others. How many languages will we need on milk cartons, or as a "civil" service requirement?