A Ha: "The Laws of Physics explain the orbits of the planets. It's also possible that Moon Fairies push the moon around its orbit while the planets follow Newtonian physics. "Possible" is not an impressive claim, especially when there's no reason to think it's the case.
It is not just you, another poster has a threat on "Moon, laws & mathematics", an astronomy version of "--Science that proves that God exists", and in coming back to your moon fairies proposal, : Most planetary mass rotates at 10 hours, not 24, like the Earth, but if the angular momentum of the Earth/Moon system is considered, it evens out, what ever smacked the earth to separate the moon, hit just right to have them rotate at the same rate as the sun. In golf, that's a "hole in one" all made possible by the conditions in the beginning that came out of the energetic, bubbling "nothing".