A thread: "Moon, laws & mathematics", an astronomy version of "--Science that proves that God exists", and in coming back to your moon numerical proposal, : Most planetary mass rotates at 10 hours, not 24, like the Earth, but if the angular momentum of the Earth/Moon system is considered, it evens out, what ever smacked the earth to separate the moon, hit just right to have them rotate at the same rate as the sun. In golf, that's a "hole in one" all made possible by the conditions in the beginning that came out of the energetic, bubbling "nothing". so, the sun, and we rotate, conceive at the same cadence, is that not amazing?
JoinedPosts by prologos
Sun,moon, earth and mathematics .
by atomant injust thought id let you all in on some info i found on northeasttruth.com.
that magical moment where the moon blocks out the sun!
but only just enough to perfectly cover the suns disc, whilst still allowing us to see the corona of light and other electromagnetic forces radiating from it.. this only happens because the moon diameter is exactly 1/400th the size of the suns and is positioned at exactly 1/400th of the distance between earth and the sun!so, when we see it from the surface of earth, we are in the only place this can ever be seen, at the only time it could ever happen.
There is science that prove God exists
by HopeEverLasting injehovahs witnesses think that just the bible is proof that god exists but they are wrong.
there is another mode for how he exists.
now we all know many scientists who are creationists now weren’t creationists until they examined the evidence for themselves.
A Ha: "The Laws of Physics explain the orbits of the planets. It's also possible that Moon Fairies push the moon around its orbit while the planets follow Newtonian physics. "Possible" is not an impressive claim, especially when there's no reason to think it's the case.
It is not just you, another poster has a threat on "Moon, laws & mathematics", an astronomy version of "--Science that proves that God exists", and in coming back to your moon fairies proposal, : Most planetary mass rotates at 10 hours, not 24, like the Earth, but if the angular momentum of the Earth/Moon system is considered, it evens out, what ever smacked the earth to separate the moon, hit just right to have them rotate at the same rate as the sun. In golf, that's a "hole in one" all made possible by the conditions in the beginning that came out of the energetic, bubbling "nothing".
There is science that prove God exists
by HopeEverLasting injehovahs witnesses think that just the bible is proof that god exists but they are wrong.
there is another mode for how he exists.
now we all know many scientists who are creationists now weren’t creationists until they examined the evidence for themselves.
cofty: "You see what you want to see.
prologos: we will see about that. I will read it again (gave my cop to charity)***. perhaps there is an updated edition? , and will get back to you all. I based my observations on material from what i remember of Krauss, Penrose, and "From Eternity to here" which sits on my night table right now, --, with annotated bookmark
PS: *** together with many science books going back 50 years, they contain all but history, 4 years is a long time in cosmology and many of the genre only re-defined the word "nothing" or "void" .
There is science that prove God exists
by HopeEverLasting injehovahs witnesses think that just the bible is proof that god exists but they are wrong.
there is another mode for how he exists.
now we all know many scientists who are creationists now weren’t creationists until they examined the evidence for themselves.
Yes I have, and if I can summarize my reaction in one sentence: the learned man denies that there ever was truly "nothing" rien, nichts.
There is science that prove God exists
by HopeEverLasting injehovahs witnesses think that just the bible is proof that god exists but they are wrong.
there is another mode for how he exists.
now we all know many scientists who are creationists now weren’t creationists until they examined the evidence for themselves.
Ok Prologos you should email Lawrence Krauss and let him know that he doesn't mean what he clearly says.
It might be like writing to brooklyn, and the context of what you so well quoted might have changed. . I am just trying to gather MHO, cherry picking , I admit, information from all these sources to fit my world picture/model which has the universe expanding like a 2 (3space-1) dimensional balloon skin. expanding, moving through time from a starting point in time , but time that as a dimension stretches to infinity. Just like I desire more time for my future, I like to cede to the creator time to work in, in the pre-universe past.
There is science that prove God exists
by HopeEverLasting injehovahs witnesses think that just the bible is proof that god exists but they are wrong.
there is another mode for how he exists.
now we all know many scientists who are creationists now weren’t creationists until they examined the evidence for themselves.
Krauss @cofty: "-- the absence of space and time, --"
perhaps that should read "spacetime"? a huge difference. and, "nothing" ,--elsewhere according to these writers, is not only unstable but seething with energy, virtual activity,-- in and out of existence, all implying the existence of time, even if in a well chosen sentence, they might appear to try to nullify that fact; --often, "time" is misinterpreted so as to mean "movement through" time. or?
PS: "instability" can mean to be momentarily stationary, teetering on the brink of movement, but that movement will precipitate movement through time, that according to Sean Carroll.s preference is a pre-existing dimension, not a river that started flowing at the big bang. added:
Is there the possibility that this "nothing", unstable and endowed with seething energy is still out there? waiting to be absorbed by the universe as it expands, constrained by it's "one way sign" in the dimension of time? because don't forget, there IS nothing outside the universe.
There is science that prove God exists
by HopeEverLasting injehovahs witnesses think that just the bible is proof that god exists but they are wrong.
there is another mode for how he exists.
now we all know many scientists who are creationists now weren’t creationists until they examined the evidence for themselves.
A Ha: "These conditions demand the existence of time,
you can not have anything happening without having time to do it in. The big bang was a point in time. the point is: there had to be time to have that point in. If the universe is the result of an imbalance of virtual particle/energy fluctuations, that is an acceleration, meaning time^2.. all that happened in the time preceding the big bang. (read Penrose).-- We are now moving through time, following the one way arrow, since the big bang. and : on the other subject:----the moon/earth system, the Sun are waltzing, rotating along synchronized, no fairies required, obviously.
PS: all these writers, Krauss, Penrose, Carroll imply that there was time and energy in the "void" preceding the big bang, a void,- it can be assumed to still exist outside the now bigger universe, and into which it is expanding since the beginning of the movement outward. so : at what radius in time did these pre-big bang conditions disappear? but if they did not disappear, that energy can still be a property of the void, and is making it's constant appearance into the space that opens up in the expanding universe. That the gist of what I read. or?
"Spiritual Israel" created in 1919 - not in 33C.E.
by The Searcher inthanks to the "inspired expressions" of the fds/gb of jehovah's witnesses, not only are 99% of j.w.
's excluded from the new covenant, but apparently none of the first century christians are part of the "israel of god" - aka "spiritual israel.".
w14 11/15 p. 26 par.
Old israel was more than just the kings and Priests, why should "the Israel of God" (spiritual) be any different? it isn't. Rev 7 has the Kings & Priest come out of the twelve tribes. or being just a small part of.--so:
This was posted in JW-Archive. No reactions?
by StarTrekAngel indoes anyone know where this is?.
The Witnesses purchased the building on January 14, 1975.
January 1975? why would they spend money on a property that would be part of the free inheritance, Armageddon leftovers? wt buying real estate while many JWs were pioneering, having closed down their businesses, sold their houses. There should be a balancing of the books on this, brooklyn.
Describe your witness self, then describe yourself now.
by The Rebel inmy witness self :-very hollow, slightly lofty, characteristically judgemental, overwhelmingly convincing.. my non-witness self:- and in my imperfect way no longer taking the passive attitude to reality, and most importantly no longer feeling an outsider with my " true" friends..
as a jw I was all in, genuinely exceeding pioneer and special hours, but working to correct wt's faulty bible research. workaholic on a wt "spiritual" level. now, building equity for my family, see where science leads us, occasional stabs at wt's floundering, errant doctrinal course, enjoying life more and more. precious as it is.