K99, good question:--This thread supposedly was about some divinely hidden numbers in "Sun,moon,earth and mathematics". Posters have lost interest in those original propositions and moved on into the related issues. including tsunamis. The reason that it is mumbo jumbo to many, is, that the posts are replies to earlier, precise objections. If you have not read and understood those, of course it would appear chaotic to you. To put my contribution to the the mess briefly:
As a deist who believes that the functioning of the universe is the result of an initial creative event, I am amazed to be alive in a system where in the simplest ratios of all the planet's orbits, the earth is 10, which happens to be the number of finger we count by, and reappears in other related minor coincidences, unintentionally caused by human invention , an Earth orbit diameter of 1000 light second, a 10 meter atmospheric pressure, ( and I am not talking about a puddle that fits exactly into it's pothole here) ; added, near total solar eclipses, --nothing miraculous, just the outworking of the energy, laws that were given.