Te: "Maybe just maybe the earth IS the centre of the universe
It is, and so is every other planet and sun in this universe that came squeezed through the big bang birth canal.
i'm sure we've all heard this argument by theists employing the fine-tuning argument.
are you aware, however, of exactly how much this "little bit" really is?
theists would have us think that the slightest change in the distance would have drastic implications for survivability.
Te: "Maybe just maybe the earth IS the centre of the universe
It is, and so is every other planet and sun in this universe that came squeezed through the big bang birth canal.
my day's long and arduous journey winds down.infinite night gracefully descends and takes me into herwelcomed embrace.. i have no reason to fear the inevitable,that transition into a higher andmore glorious state.
than allowed me upon thisbeautiful but angst-filledhabitation.. i rejoice in what has beenprepared from early on.i await the call .
V: when he or she had reached the "acceptance" stage?
We hope that coco is not at that point, with the possible painful and short future ahead, but there is something special coming to terms with old age, doing a task, and asking, would it be worthwhile if it would be the last time I did it? and watching sunsets in the ocean, and seeing the last point of light fade out, the earth turning east. Realizing your life will go out like that., but beauty for others left to watch.
i'm sure we've all heard this argument by theists employing the fine-tuning argument.
are you aware, however, of exactly how much this "little bit" really is?
theists would have us think that the slightest change in the distance would have drastic implications for survivability.
Liquid water planets can be produced in many ways, one would be to have a planet closer to a cooler, smaller, slower hydrogen fusing star. that would be even a finer tuning for wt purposes, "everlasting " life would be longer than just another measly 4 billion years. and, are we not lucky, we on the northern hemisphere, as Island Man pointed out ,-- that the sun is closer in January than July. Many factors would go to live in a Goldilocks zone, not as rare as we might think.
my day's long and arduous journey winds down.infinite night gracefully descends and takes me into herwelcomed embrace.. i have no reason to fear the inevitable,that transition into a higher andmore glorious state.
than allowed me upon thisbeautiful but angst-filledhabitation.. i rejoice in what has beenprepared from early on.i await the call .
Infinite night gracefully descends and takes me into her
enjoy the sunset.
so we were talking about noah for our family worship tonight and it ended with a little debate between me and my parents about how the flood was possible.
you know, where did the water come from, how did all the animals fit, etc.
of course it led nowhere and my parents came up with some strange theories like that there was "an expanse of water in the sky" and that's where all the water came from.
johannes wrobel, the founder of the watchtower history archives in germany, responsible for the stand firm-video and the stand-firm-exhibitions resigned in november 2008 and left the german branch office.
he was also the responsible person for many of the wt sponsored websites on jw in the 'third reich'!.
there are no further details known yet but this could be big news!.
Two themes in his account show his free spirit.1) He refers to himsef as :"little Hans" like in Haensel & Gretchen, a very "must sing" German kid's song. and this little Hans runs away from home. He was uprooted in his youth from his homeland , ended up in berlin. and 2) He calls himself Ich bin "Ein Berliner" like Kennedy did, but not that the Berliners counted on being saved from the Russians by a higher power, but that they, faced with the resumption of a Russian attack in 1948, faced starvation in an act of defiance against the Communists. Berliners were not the big Nazis initially, like the South, so, he prides himself to be that Berliner character, free, unimpressed by Nazis and Commies, and obviously by Wt bluster, I was disturbed a little though by his endless relating of the travels his position afforded him, a sense of entitlement of the wt top brass that I resent, because I have been often made the provider of those services, although it made me rub shoulders with all these Characters. His writing has a lot of meaning between the lines that only one of his age from his locality can relate too, A very touching story about his love life, how his mind was hijacked by fondness for a distant lady, and how this beautiful mental construct was deflated when he actually got close enough to the object of his affection, Character like He will not be traumatised like some on this forum by severance from a structure like Wt, Once you survived the collapse of Nazism, Communism, one retain that jaded "I am a berliner" snotty strength of character.
IMHO: It would be big news if he had an explosive story to tell on doctrine, but as it is , it is an inspiration how to stay detached, make the best of it, exit, and live normally.
johannes wrobel, the founder of the watchtower history archives in germany, responsible for the stand firm-video and the stand-firm-exhibitions resigned in november 2008 and left the german branch office.
he was also the responsible person for many of the wt sponsored websites on jw in the 'third reich'!.
there are no further details known yet but this could be big news!.
OC: It appears as though Wrobel not only resigned from his position at the German Bethel in 2008, but he also resigned as a Jehovah's Witness.
.In the story following the above translated portion, he seems to confirm that wt , The "truth" are conspicous by their absence. Curiously he moved despite his love of the sea to the mountains. His resignation and previous comments do not hint at any conflict of conscience, or doctrinal unease. His disillusionment seems to have come after his cheriched work at bethel was broadsided by directives from Brooklyn to slow his activities, and his inability to take personal credit for his work, and the inevitable link of his research with political and state- sponsors. He seems to have to come to term without bitterness with the curt and unthankful attitude of the Organisation and it's personnel toward those that leave, period.
It is a very good read, his references to the "Haenschenklein" child song very appropriate, the above machine translation does not do any justice to the subtleties in his words. Translation would be hard work
last year kic 8462852 (tabby’s star) made headlines as a possible - although far fetched - candidate for an alien mega-structure.
while there isn’t yet any evidence of this audacious hypothesis, i thought it would be a good idea to explain why this star is so unique and also give an update on the current science being done to study the star.
aliens or not, it’s a fascinating story.
The good news: if this was the solar system, The occulting feature would be looking like a body the apparent size of the moon but in Mars orbit, and ----if it is aliens using that size mirror to beam KIC 8 energy for propulsion to their space ships, they are not coming our way, we are in the shadow of their structure.
in the august broadcast, david splane is shown in a morning worship video.
i just wanted to focus on the end of the video, were he has this to say:.
the governing body loves to get together and discuss the bible.
May be the wednesday meetings are now digitized, with ideas projected on the 7's Ipads by the writing committee ? and the "like" and dislike buttons at work. Did not David say we "liked" that idea, as not coming from all of them? what happened to the no more type anti-type promesse?
in the august broadcast, david splane is shown in a morning worship video.
i just wanted to focus on the end of the video, were he has this to say:.
the governing body loves to get together and discuss the bible.
David Splane was always full of Ideas, and he might not be an exception to that personality trait, doing their private reading they will have all kinds of "Aha" moments and even indulge in using it in talks (David did before he became knighted) but making any of these brainwaves official, is serious stuff, for little mistakes have a way to become big problems with time. example: During David's watch they switched from the wicked generation to the anointed generation, but they did not follow the analysis he mentioned. They teach now that the generation will pass away, the bible says it will not pass away. If the bible would be absolute truth, foolproof doctrine could be devised, but since it is demonstrably not, what do you have left from foolproof if you take the proof away?