CS: "--What do the heavenly John-class people do that the angels can't do? Do they rule those on Earth?
for one thing, supposedly being immortal they can combat Satan and the Demons. That why wt now wants the "anointed" to die, be raptured early in the Great Tribulation, well before Armageddon,*** so they can deal with the mere mortal angels. and don't forget apostates. *** if they die before Armageddon, they cant be the generation that Jesus talked about, because he said they would not pass aw ay, flesh of the chosen ones, or the anointed to be saved.
CS: "--Finally, is there any penalty for partaking of the emblems wrongly, or mistakenly? there should not be, for the wine, symbol of the New Covenant is for forgiveness of sins, but if you partake unworthily, being drunk (with power), who knows, the talking snake with the fork will get you.