The fact that the silent treatment exist in the congregations is proof that the ideals of Christian teachings have zero effect on these members and their overseers.
JoinedPosts by prologos
Shunning vs. Silent Treatment
by raven ini was thinking this morning in context with the shunning practice- which we all know is a degrading and abusive routine carried out among all brainwashed jw's to those who have sinned/left the org etc.. so with that in mind, how does shunning differ from the silent treatment to jw's?
both are similar in definition... silent treatment.
: an act of completely ignoring a person or thing by resort to silence especially as a means of expressing contempt or disapproval.shun, shunning: persistently avoid, ignore, or reject (someone or something) through antipathy or caution.based on jw teachings which i stupidly accepted back when i was asleep and under mind control, i didn't give it two thoughts on how both acts are related.. i do remember an article in a wt which spoke of how the silent treatment is a harsh and abusive form of discipline, but then they twist it back and claim that shunning is a loving provision?
The Real Reason why the WT predicted Armageddon in 1975
by OrphanCrow ini am of the opinion that the wt doctrine is influenced more by external factors that it is by internal ones.
one of the doctrines that has puzzled me for some time is the armageddon prediction of 1975. why would the wts make this prediction?
what was their real purpose?.
Wt did not tie the "Everlasting--" book release in 1966 with 1975. That gem did not dawn on the members until later, when the paragraphs were ruminated in the book studies where we were. Then the scramble to prove your worth through service, or for profit started. If wt wanted to boost their property tax free status in NY, would they not at least locally have highlighted the 1975 sleeper in that book openly and earlier?
Joseph and his generation
by maninthemiddle inso the wt used ex 1:6 to define a generation from the very beginning.
then in the this september broadcast the same person (splain) who spent 20 min with charts to explain a generation, makes a point that joseph and his brothers were very close in age?
(min 4:29).
JWlove: "Matthew 1 shows that generations do not overlap.
yet they often do, like grandfathers contently holding their grandsons, living contemporaneously for a while, , but the three generations or two, are never counted as one generation Each new carrier of the genes, the name, is a new generation, like the unique generation, anointed or not, that Jesus was talking to, or about.
Is changing the "truth" / presenting "new light" really so bad?
by Zana inplaying devil's advocate here.... what's the difference between the gb changing bible interpretations compared to parliaments all over the world changing laws?
although the us constitution (=bible) remains untouched, congress passes i don't know how many new laws every year.
and of course people are expected to follow them.
Using politics as an analogy to search for truth is lacking, for truth is understood to be related more to an understanding of the ultimate reality, whereas politics and the laws are just the struggles of a current ruling system.
Wt's new truth, brighter lights "are really so bad", because they have caused so much unnecessary grief, even if they are not failed dates, false prophecies , think of the "superior authorities" debacle.
What do you expect from evolving critiques of a badly written story, the fables in the bible?
PS: it is just possible that the worst new light is yet to come.
Joseph and his generation
by maninthemiddle inso the wt used ex 1:6 to define a generation from the very beginning.
then in the this september broadcast the same person (splain) who spent 20 min with charts to explain a generation, makes a point that joseph and his brothers were very close in age?
(min 4:29).
ws: "So their use of Joseph collapses by using the Bible
not just on the generation thing. Joseph was the quintessential whistleblower, and wt hates whistleblowers, some of them here. but exposer's work should prosper, like Joseph's, even in antitypical Egypt, the e-world. , because we are telling it like it is,
... for the sake of argument, suppose that we assume... Hunh???
by Esse quam videri injuly 15, 1924 watchtower , page 211.
‘… but for the sake of argument, suppose that we assume the .
church will not finish its work here in 1925 ... ‘.
Eqv: " just for the sake of argument, suppose that we assume that Br. Franz was the last of the first group of annointed ones ... '
and he died in 1992 at the age of ~ 100, and we had another like him, overlapping F. Franz the same way, , we would have Armageddon in 2075! a nice centennial!, since the anointed are raptured before the end , giving ~3 years for F. France the 2nd to get ready for immortal combat and the wedding. All this in contradiction of Jesus' words that the generation will not pass away before the end of it all.
Science the bible and some telling scriptures
by Crazyguy inif one reads about god creating the earth with any critical thinking you'll notice that he created vegetation and the trees before the sun.
another one that i just read about was the stories about the golden calves.
one story involves the making of a golden calf by aaron and the other is about the golden calves that were set up at bethel and i think dan.
According to Gen 1:1, the Earth was created with the heavens in the beginning,-- not; but ~ 9 billion years later. The bible is off by 200%.
Joseph and his generation
by maninthemiddle inso the wt used ex 1:6 to define a generation from the very beginning.
then in the this september broadcast the same person (splain) who spent 20 min with charts to explain a generation, makes a point that joseph and his brothers were very close in age?
(min 4:29).
DOC: "Still.....they want to keep "one foot in the door" because......just in case the WT/GB gets it right this time........................
For what I see, they do not worry about the end at all, full bore life and enjoy the wt club, except the really old ones. they worry about the future, because if wt writers were wrong about the dates, how likely is it they are wrong about the resurrection too? .
Joseph and his generation
by maninthemiddle inso the wt used ex 1:6 to define a generation from the very beginning.
then in the this september broadcast the same person (splain) who spent 20 min with charts to explain a generation, makes a point that joseph and his brothers were very close in age?
(min 4:29).
mitm: " that they could contradict themselves so easily?
If D.S. said that, (can't listen unless someone puts it up here), then they are hedging their bets, If all the brothers were ~ the ~same age, of course benjamin was the youngest, then WT wants to be saying it's near it's now! when they invoke the old and faithful like Br, Franz, who died in 1992 at ~ 100, and his likeness now, it will take us to 2075, in that case they are playing the long card, don't blame us, we told you so.
hedging their bets, like in 1975 buying expensive real estate in Brooklyn cheap, when preaching that the millennium was imminent
The elusive song 151 makes an appearance.
by SadElder inthe missing song 151 now titled "the revealing of god's sons" shows up with the september edition of tv.jw.
no words or score on the jw page yet.
can't say that it sounds any different than any of the other songs they produce now.
Sanchy: "-- Is this some kind of "new light" in that the 144k do indeed take part in the war?
WT writers have vacillated over the question of combat by immortal resurrected christians, based on the text "--god will crush satan under your feet shortly --"Rom 16:20, or whether they would instead direct the initial building of the paradise as survivors of Armageddon. What is new that their charts now predict the early rapture of the overlapping anointed generation at the onset of the great Tribulation, long before the end, contradicting Jesus' word, that the generation would " not pass away until all theses things", including the end occur.
Jesus words supported the idea that the anointed would survive, not pass away, to start pardise. after all, it is the 144 00 sons of god that are the primary inheritors of the earth too. according to wt.