9 hours ago
Memphis - The angels who made bodies for themselves already possessed the "spirit of life" - they were living spirits who changed form.
Same goes for the resurrected Jesus.
The resurrection of the mythological Jesus, according to wt writers must have been a two step process, 1) a giving to him of immortality, and 'second Adam,' life-giving spirit, and 2) him then "materialising" a fake human body from scratch. A hybrid body that could penetrate walls.
The pre-deluvian angels turned demons being able to create organic bodies from scratch, in fact endowing satan's followers with the gift of life giving, allows for wt to claim.-- when scientific abiogenesis happens, that this system , Satan's, still exercises that longstanding power. nothing "materialistic only"about it. in their possible view. That is why How it is going to happen will shape creationist's response.