I think they also said, while the might have erred in the past, any changes ongoing in the future will be a sign of them being spirit directed.
yeah, Jackson said it would be presumptuous to claim---
in recent months i have personally experienced 3 times how jehovah's witnesses' thinking and ad hominem attacks are being molded by their masters in the wtbts.. 1) j.w.
family members have stated that i am no longer part of the family because i say "negative things" about the org.. 2) my closest friend in my former congregation complained several weeks ago that i was "finding fault" with the org every time we had a conversation.
nothing from him since.. 3) when reverse witnessing to an elder at a trolley recently, he accused me of "criticizing the organization.".
I think they also said, while the might have erred in the past, any changes ongoing in the future will be a sign of them being spirit directed.
yeah, Jackson said it would be presumptuous to claim---
that admission in the feb.17 ,study edition of the watchtower , " who is leading gods people today ?
" "the governing body is neither inspired, nor infallible, therefore it (they/we) can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction .".
have the many jehovahs witnesses past and present who have lost their lives by refusing blood transfusions due to the prohibition on blood tranfusions by jehovahs witnesses really got the sense of this statement ?.
So why are they not inspired? 1) Because god does not inspire at all? Or 2) he does not deal with the wt wanna bes --yet? The groping in the dark of wt's understanding during the "birth of the kingdom in 1914" at their "Kingdom Rules" study certainly confirms that they are neither inspired nor error-free.
i don't know where to ask, but this section is probably better than both the medical section and the entertainment section.
:) .
does anyone know what eventually happened to the standfasters?
Londo111: " I meant to say buy war bonds,
The president of wt going with the flow. Upon redemption perhaps his followers could invest the money in Miracle Wheat? two heads are better than one, even then?
based on the following statements of the wtbts, the first resurrection began in 1918, is ongoing, and ceases when the living anointed are taken to heaven - just before armageddon..
(w88 10/15 p. 12 par.
13) "....according to all the evidence, those of the anointed who had already died faithful began to be resurrected to their promised place in the heavenly sanctuary starting in 1918.".
Ging: "Flip flops are not a problem for the WT
It took them ~ 37 years to correct their glaring, "superior authorities" error. ~ 1927- to ~1966 ?. The anointed generation is totally wrong, contradicting the printed bible text; then on top of that came the overlapping. It is hidden now, but will expose them then,
i don't know where to ask, but this section is probably better than both the medical section and the entertainment section.
:) .
does anyone know what eventually happened to the standfasters?
Londo111: --After all, Rutherford encouraged the Bible Students to sell war bonds, but the Standfathers were against this.
If this is factual: wow, Rutherford encouraging to sell war bonds, as a lucrative sideline no doubt, the crass mercantilism is possibly exposed once more. It shows too, that the well oiled juggernaut is not out because of being wrong, or at fault, or held to account by "god", or guided by the peaceful spirit that is supposedly "beyond all power that is normal" ; - wt prevails because it is big, not because it is true, or right. right?
based on the following statements of the wtbts, the first resurrection began in 1918, is ongoing, and ceases when the living anointed are taken to heaven - just before armageddon..
(w88 10/15 p. 12 par.
13) "....according to all the evidence, those of the anointed who had already died faithful began to be resurrected to their promised place in the heavenly sanctuary starting in 1918.".
Vanderhoven7: "Could they respond: Since the Lord is coming with a multitude of saints, there will be some (remnant) on earth and some (those previously dying in the Lord) already graduated since 1918.
Yes they could say that, but it would be a short term flip-flop, and shred their published charts, and expose them to the questions: with the Spirit's guidance, how could you possibly have missed Jesus' words to the effect that the generation would not pass until all (obviously including Armageddon) has come to pass? in the first place, without prompting, from of all places, here?
based on the following statements of the wtbts, the first resurrection began in 1918, is ongoing, and ceases when the living anointed are taken to heaven - just before armageddon..
(w88 10/15 p. 12 par.
13) "....according to all the evidence, those of the anointed who had already died faithful began to be resurrected to their promised place in the heavenly sanctuary starting in 1918.".
V: "Could they respond: Since the Lord is coming with a multitude of saints, there will be some (remnant) on earth and some (those previously dying in the Lord) already graduated since 1918.
well they could, and have done so in the past, but now they are clearly contradicting Jesus by having all the anointed dead before Armageddon, and fighting and then getting married in heaven as the completed bride, --before the onset of paradise down here.
PS: Jesus also said that " flesh would be saved" The disaster will be cut short for the sake of the "chosen ones" , He could not have been talking about the anointed, who can't wait to die, go to heaven, give up the flesh. Fixation on themselves, navelgazing got the better of them, with the anointed, overlapping generation.
i went to my midweek meeting this week.
very interesting....couple of things i noticed in the god's rule book, this week finishing up "the kingdom is born in heaven".
there was a footnote that read:for many years the watch tower was intended mainly for members of the little flock for their personal edification.
.t 550: :-- but, to advertise for Anointed...we need more anointed.
You are reading current meaning into past ,- and rewritten history. If all JWs had your eagerness to "examine whether these things were really so" : Beroean style, reason would have overwhelmed WT long ago. yeah, they wanted more "colporteurs" from the french "Carriers of Parcels", dumb pack mules.
based on the following statements of the wtbts, the first resurrection began in 1918, is ongoing, and ceases when the living anointed are taken to heaven - just before armageddon..
(w88 10/15 p. 12 par.
13) "....according to all the evidence, those of the anointed who had already died faithful began to be resurrected to their promised place in the heavenly sanctuary starting in 1918.".
TS:"--(w14 2/15 p. 10 par. 12) "Sometime after the destruction of Babylon the Great, Jesus will gather to himself all the remaining members of the bride class. Before the outbreak of the war of Armageddon, therefore, all members of the "bride" will be in heaven."(The first resurrection - according to the Brooklyn hierarchy - will be completed beforeArmageddon commences)
And this is the Achilles Heel of current wt doctrine. "all the things" that Jesus predicted are supposed to occur before the generation passes. If the anointed remnant is called to heaven, passes upward, to be there to fight at Armageddon, how can it be said the anointed generation will not pass? Surely, Jesus predicted Armageddon as part of "all these things"?, the end? --- and the generation, anointed and overlapping, will have passed at least once before that. eat your hat.
1st corinthians 15 12-17. but if it is preached that christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead?
if there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even christ has been raised.
and if christ has not been raised, your faith is futile... .
F: :--faith in the resurrection -not of Jesus- but of everybody else.
If the debacle of the 194 heavenly activity of the spirit-resurrected Jesus, that is currently studied at the K-Hall, and the help that the everybody else resurrection (anointed dead) provided since 1918 , is any indication,-- it all never happened. The mess of wt history is the proof , it never happened. Now, why are we worried about the resurrection?, it was the perfect death, that supposedly is the panacea. -- or?