The Telegraph Science Nov. 29: "spiritual experiences trigger the same aeras (of the brain) as sex-- gambling, sorry can't link.
taken a gamble on the afterlife, panda paradise, sexy.
what was it in the evolution of religion that got them so hung up about what people do with their genitalia?.
i mean, the (mis)use of genitalia is up there with murdering another human being in terms of badness.. and in the 21st century, we have a situation where in the jw religion, it's deemed as acceptable for three middle aged/old men to sit a teenage girl down and ask her the details of her use of her genitals.
to any normal person this is intrusive, completely inappropriate and bordering on deviancy.. why they so obsessed?.
The Telegraph Science Nov. 29: "spiritual experiences trigger the same aeras (of the brain) as sex-- gambling, sorry can't link.
taken a gamble on the afterlife, panda paradise, sexy.
this morning (12/3/16) on fox and friends ( a news show on the fox network) there was a great news piece.
it featured one of the newscasters and her parents, who happened to be the former governor of utah (jon huntsman).
religion ( the mormon church) has obviously played a large role in their family life.
JWs can have great families, what with J&j, the angels and the elders watching over the faithfulness of parents, rearing their kids, but Mormons, Hindus, Jewish people often have great families too, but real education counts, is primary goal, not awake college.
thanks djs,
i registered in the board and i wanted to present myself.. i used to visit this forum some time ago and even register an account but then i tried to convince myself all was ok in the congregation.
now, i'm coming back :).
i live in a southern european nation, i'm a young jw, a good example in the congregation serving as a regular pioneer and ms. for all in the congregation i'm the good guy, one of the best examples in the area i live.
Wow skepsis, what a nice flowing piece by a non english mother tongue speaker. glad you realized the wt bureaucracy* destroying what should be a great personal "christian" experience. Hang in, free yourself, a great life is ahead.
* from the french "eau" for water (like in truth) and cracy with a "z".
i feel pretty foolish after reading the drivel in today's wt.
here i was operating under the impression that showing kindness to strangers was something that one did unselfishly.
boy was i wrong!
Fujw: ""To help others feel at home in the congregation...why not accept them just the way they are?"
yeah, paragraph 15 . answer: no, don't, let's face it, the way they are, -- most come from pathetic backgrounds, female mutilation, deflowering of children as an initiation rite, look at the sex crimes, murders going on in germany. and they insist to practise their cutlure, create law-free ghettos.
wt may want converts, but good luck with that.
These converts will eventually face death, along with the converters.
i remember when i was about 17, i started shunning an older brother because he was disfellowshipped.
when i graduated high school, he pulled me aside and said " i know you are not supposed to talk to me, but i want you to have this" it was a gift that he had custom made for me.
i was so blown away, we never even had a real conversation before.
Yes, but it was not "in"the org, or because of the org, but because that what these people were regardless, almost despite of the wt's attempts to harness all energy to "the cause".
with the intention of spending less time working and more time in f.s i saw this many times.
an ex c.o started a carpet cleaning business with the charter being spending less time working more time in f.s.
he has long since passed away and the company is now huge being the major player in flood resteration and employing 100's of people one of the owners i spoke to recently was sick due to using to many chemicals but carries on becouse he loves the money even though he's worth millions.
I have seen jws start cleaning empires (who could have better recommendations than stadiums brought up to spic&span specs?), real estate empires, incorporated 3M detailers, electricians, plumbers, builders (with RBC trained, dependant, angel supervised, jc disciplined workers). Starting a business, is the crutch for not having an education, a career or cushy government job, because you spend decades pioneering.
I have seen pyramid scheme companies started and maintained with the connections that is provided by jw membership, extreme luxury accssest in in 3rd world countries,
“i still can not find any other option that comes as close to all the bible as jws do.”-- from the profile of formerbrother.. this is lengthy, but it should help you, formerbrother.
the problem is not in your search for this "option" but that you are searching according the criteria set out by the jehovah’s witnesses (and likely following the reasoning set out by their claims).. before proceeding, understand clearly (as there will always be someone reading this that will skip this point that i make) that i am not writing to advance any particular religious view.
though raised and baptized as a jehovah’s witness in my late teen years, i am jewish.
Basing your religion on a person, JC that is, who does not exist anymore, leaves a lot of room for emotional misdirection does it not?
why is it that when a jw gives someone a magazine, they use the word "place" instead of "give"?
as in "i placed a magazine with him".
and why do regular door-to-door jws of no special rank refer to themselves as publishers?
G: "Those early 'peddler's were paid a fee ( percentage of the price of a book)to go door to door.
col-porteur, french: parcel carrier . There were special rates at the hall, for Pioneers, col-parcel-carriers. I believe pioneers got half price at the counters, for special pioneers, the 150 hrs per month kind, mags, literature was free, even bibles, at the assemblies. so were meals. or?
why is it that when a jw gives someone a magazine, they use the word "place" instead of "give"?
as in "i placed a magazine with him".
and why do regular door-to-door jws of no special rank refer to themselves as publishers?
"place" from placer mine, a future source of gold for the wt.
"Publisher," from going public and adding your personal endorsement, perhaps unique wording to the often bizarre ideas in the publications.
i heard my hard out jw sister say that for the 1st time in many years and i'm hearing more and more jw's saying that.
years ago when i was in they talked about the new system coming any minute..
jb: "sad hearing the comments from the old timers resigned to their deaths in this system and hoping for a resurrection an even more preposterous and insane hope.
Yes, for just keeping alive seem doable, but a recreation of your brain/thoughts/memories, more difficult, it has never been done before. and
If wt failed with the never die promise, what prospect is there that this even more far-fetched hope will happen? really?