To repeat: The wt god is no Einstein, and
the last Generation is not the WT anointed. so:
wt ideas sliding fast.
try to Refute this please
doctrines projected by wt writers can be compared to the slides in the old carousel slide shows, the jw audience was kept in the dark, but the next images' bright filtered new light had their rapt attention.
often these doctrine images came around again but modified, often totally changed, turned upside down.
think superior authorities, resurrection ----, .
To repeat: The wt god is no Einstein, and
the last Generation is not the WT anointed. so:
wt ideas sliding fast.
try to Refute this please
aren't there christian denominations who do not make false end of the world predictions but who nevertheless believe that the world will eventually end and paradise (whether in heaven or on earth) will come?.
it seems the watchtower was just jumping the gun when they made false end of the world predictions but they are nevertheless the right: the world will eventually end and paradise will come..
James Mixon: "They came up with earth paradise before man realize the earth will nor remain forever.
Yeah, since the wt god inspired the bible and he spirit directed: " The Earth shall remain forever" , and he had to learn that from Einstein : e=mc^2,
The wt god is no Einstein to have not proofread that eternal planet passage.
The wt god is no Einstein,
aren't there christian denominations who do not make false end of the world predictions but who nevertheless believe that the world will eventually end and paradise (whether in heaven or on earth) will come?.
it seems the watchtower was just jumping the gun when they made false end of the world predictions but they are nevertheless the right: the world will eventually end and paradise will come..
paradise is supposed to be inhabited by almost immortal humans, just a notch lower, with everlasting life. The Sun & the Earth will not least another 5 billion years, just an eternity short of eternity. So: build an interstellar ark to move on, and dont forget to take the petting pandas.
the jw org keeps its servants busier than ever these days so that their minds are occupied 24/7.
they ensure that there is no time for anything "worldly" to distract them.. in last week's watchtower article on spiritual health they are putting pressure on the congregation to learn other languages on top of everything else they do.
they allude to the fact that their spiritual health will suffer if they cannot understand the talks and publications in other languages.
Kids will learn another language almost by osmosis, if in immersion outside the family, but even if you are a polyglot , your own kids might resist learning from you, a language other than the one the family uses day to day. Wt asked the Special pioneers, at one time to speak the language of their assignment at home, what a disaster, how do you let your hair down in another tongue?
taking your kids, wife to a foreign language congregation is a good idea, Chinese preferred, they will not get a thing out of the meetings for a long time, and that is a good thing.
doctrines projected by wt writers can be compared to the slides in the old carousel slide shows, the jw audience was kept in the dark, but the next images' bright filtered new light had their rapt attention.
often these doctrine images came around again but modified, often totally changed, turned upside down.
think superior authorities, resurrection ----, .
James Jack2 days ago: prologos
Your explanation is just as confusing as the Over Lapping Generation Doctrine!
ok to make it simple, let's quote Joseph*:
The anointed groups will come and go, but the patient people will remain.
*Joseph Stalin : "The Hitlers will come and go, but the german people will remain.
when i was a jobo, i used to thing of 'life without end at laaaasssssst'.. having been on my journey out of the wbt$ slaveholdery, i have found that something that makes sense is that life doesn't owe us a meaning.
psalms 146:4 was actually bangeth on the money-eth 'his breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish.'.
although i am now very atheist, and really do not even think there is the remotest possibility of a god, that bible passage is correct.
"I can not find happiness or meaning knowing it will all end and be forgotten.-- cursed with consciousness-- Freeandclear:
if you think about it, , How important it is to make the "now" a quality experience!, what would makes you happy? push that to the limit, for all. You do not live in the past, for it does not exist any more, any of it, and not in the future to which you have not travelled yet. so: live your life, happy, - not happy at any price, but meaningfully.
doctrines projected by wt writers can be compared to the slides in the old carousel slide shows, the jw audience was kept in the dark, but the next images' bright filtered new light had their rapt attention.
often these doctrine images came around again but modified, often totally changed, turned upside down.
think superior authorities, resurrection ----, .
Cg: "--kicking the can down the road.
ha ha, until one kicks the bucket. the big, final can.
doctrines projected by wt writers can be compared to the slides in the old carousel slide shows, the jw audience was kept in the dark, but the next images' bright filtered new light had their rapt attention.
often these doctrine images came around again but modified, often totally changed, turned upside down.
think superior authorities, resurrection ----, .
Question to all:
no matter how you define any of the above terms.? so:
The anointed wt generation not only overlaps with itself, but simultaneously with the Other Sheep, until the anointed die. Then the entrants into paradise will prove to be those of that composite generation, overlapping in all ways, that are truly the last generation, the "anointed" being only a transient visible phenomenon. caveat: speaking in terms of current wt "light", not endorsing.
Thank you Listener for prompting this definition.
so according to 1 tim 1:11 jehovah is supposed to be a "happy god".. so when will we see "his people" produce a comedy video of some sort for the website?.
if you could propose an idea or storyline, what would it be?.
god's immediate reaction to the tower of babel, feeling threatened, then his supposed, but absent fear of the brothers Montgolfiere, the brothers Wright, Piccard's balloon, Laika, Gagarin, Armstrong, ISST, robot landings on mars, venus. Space cleansed of Satan but reconquered (kind of) by humans. Selfcontrol developing? Photodrama of intervention?
it's that time of the year again, when most people spend too much buying too much crap for people .... it's also a good time to take advantage of the few days off to look at your finances and make sure you're not being "gouged" by the big companies that, well, like to extract as much money from people as possible.. for us, one of the biggest culprits was telecoms.. think about it: years ago you just had to buy a tv and probably paid to have a phone line.
nowadays you have cell phones for everyone in the family and a million and one tv channels (all showing crap or repeats of crap) and extra for movies and pay-per-view.
you can easily be paying hundreds of dollars per month.. it can all add up, quickly.
For those in Canada with kids. rethink your RESP. If you contribute 2500 per month, the government gives you 500, may be 600 yearly grant. 7200 total max until college, but your friendly banker might charge 2% plus on some plans. 12 000 taken away in fees, vs. 7200.- in government gifts. shop around for a better deal. research the sites. very involved, a law degree helps. Registered Education Savings Plan's contributions can be delayed for a year and still get the grants retroactively.