The person that exposed me to wt literature was a Holocaust Denier, a rabid nazi ( a demented former SS member who had a heavy metal brain disorder from his occupation). an avid witness that could not shake the hate from his traumatised back ground ( not all war crimes were committed by the Nazis ). The plight of the Jewish people is so well documented, filmed. not just in the extermination camps, but the CO gas and bullet shoa. The US Air force even filmed the crematoria, and open pits in Auschwitz/ Birkenau, as they bombed the nearby, Inmates- build IG Farben/ Buna factories.
My father, who was a technician using Concentration Camp slave labor, was shown through the camp and its skeletal victims, and beaten (perhaps somebody knew is technical part of the inmate exploitation). I remember in 1938-39 the jewish neighbours wearing the yellow star, and that they all had dis-appeared ftom the neighbourhood when we returned after the war. Holocaust deniers are nuts as the person in the opening above, or vicious bigots.