sparky, look at the arrowhead of the top red generation line, where does it hit , and stop? at the beginning of the great tribulation ? right?
other wt charts also show the anointed generation remnant called to heaven (raptured) near that point in time. In other words, the anointed generation has passed away, never entering the Great tribulation, much less Armageddon, which happens at the very end of this world. . now:
What did Jesus say?--: the generation will not pass away, until the great tribulation, but particularly the deluge-like armageddon disaster strikes and finishes. (opening the way to paradise).
After all, flesh is to be saved, for the survivors to live on.
wt shortchanges the survivors, for it teaches that the generation will die before the trouble even starts. ( you can not go to heaven without dying, preferably by the axe; Rev, 20) . Thank for asking, will repeat details if needed.