sparky, yes it is, look at the details. wt has published several versions of the chart, one is on page 12 of the "Kingdom Rules!" book that was just studied weeks ago. sorry I am computer handicapped with my age, but here is a verbal proof:
The anointed are participants as resurrected immortal warriors, conquerors with Christ in the battle of Armageddon, and the subsequent marriage of the lamb.
This can only happen, if they leave the earthly scene early, die, and go to their reward in heaven well ahead of all the troubles here on Earth, as the red arrow points out. They have to pass away well before Armageddon.
It is not the chart is wrong. it is right as far as the hypothetical "anointed generation" is concerned. but:
Jesus specified ,so to speak, that the real generation would carry that arrow all the way past Armageddon, past the 1000 years into eternity.
The last generation will not pass away.
wt anointed will pass away, not later than the barrier of the great tribulation. thank you.
wt drew the line of bible truth, right above.