As it is drawn, you can see that it intersects the perpendicular line indicating the 'great tribulation' and proceeds beyond it a very tiny bit. sparky 1:
granted that wt dogma would allow an overlap of the anointed in to the yet undefined " Great Tribulation," which could be comprised of human rather than divine action, the lead question in the OP though, was not about the GT, but "Armageddon in Math.24". even 25. The whole olivet discourse).
wt has again and again cited Math 24 details as synonymous with Armageddon conditions.
The "real generation" ( as opposed to the anointed one), must be made up of the Sheep going into eternal life, into the new world prepared for them, right ? being the flesh that is to be saved. Unlike the bodys of the anointed, that according to wt, will be disposed off by angels, like Jesus'. so:
Jesus was speaking of a surviving generation, not one passing away at any point before, during or after the Great Tribulation or it's climax, Armageddon.
Limiting the "all things" to the preliminary signs, rather the total context, is a clever escape tactic, but is not in accord with wt teachings.
Am I in error? I like to see refutation of my proposition details. and thank you for your eloquent reply.
to add: I am not saying that there is no theoretical entity like the "anointed generation" possible in the wt scheme of things. but nowhere in the mount of olive discourse is there a hint that the generation that will not pass away,-- does. what passed away was the remains of the old worship, the priesthood, and if wt discovers, that that will happen in the final fulfillment, then the anointed generation would be the equivalent of the terminated temple arrangements, and the way it happened, --not a pleasant way to be proven right.