They caught the driver-- p.
sorry to have passed on a dubious news story, it came from a respected source. real driver is still at large. or again?
turkey and now berlin, the abrahamic mind virus strikes again... actually there is no confirmation the truck attack was islam, but... it's probably islam.
at least in europe, they call terrorist attacks just that, unlike here in america, we have become so crazy we have clear terrorist attacks, some over a year old now that they still question the motive ala san bernadino.. religion .
They caught the driver-- p.
sorry to have passed on a dubious news story, it came from a respected source. real driver is still at large. or again?
jesus taught a surviving generation, a group inhering everlasting life, an escape route to avoid a global disaster worse than the flood, a generation that "will not pass away--" an infinite generation.
wt teaches a generation that dies, ends, passes away, at the first sign of real trouble, the great tribulation.. what do you believe about this wt assertion?
(apart from that there is no talking snake, it is all irrelevant).
Outlaw[ed] Sanchy, I agree almost with your in-pot, but I like to get the jw community to stare at the arrows, and realize: that is not what I read in Math: 24.25, or even in the gist of other wt teachings.
The anointed generation is wrong, it's not too long, it is too short!!
hard to see, not because it easy, but because it is hard.
jesus taught a surviving generation, a group inhering everlasting life, an escape route to avoid a global disaster worse than the flood, a generation that "will not pass away--" an infinite generation.
wt teaches a generation that dies, ends, passes away, at the first sign of real trouble, the great tribulation.. what do you believe about this wt assertion?
(apart from that there is no talking snake, it is all irrelevant).
Village Idiot: It is not the "overlapping" that is wrong, it is idiotic of course.
It is the fact that the generation is supposed to be surviving, eternal even, but the wt anointed generation dies. it is too short. overlapping or not.
jesus taught a surviving generation, a group inhering everlasting life, an escape route to avoid a global disaster worse than the flood, a generation that "will not pass away--" an infinite generation.
wt teaches a generation that dies, ends, passes away, at the first sign of real trouble, the great tribulation.. what do you believe about this wt assertion?
(apart from that there is no talking snake, it is all irrelevant).
Jesus taught a surviving generation, a group inhering everlasting life, an escape route to avoid a global disaster worse than the flood, a generation that "will not pass away--" an infinite generation.
wt teaches a generation that dies, ends, passes away, at the first sign of real trouble, the great tribulation.
what do you believe about this wt assertion? (apart from that there is no talking snake, it is all irrelevant)
you dont have be alive to 2075 to prove that the wt's anointed generation is and will prove to be wrong, it is!
and you can do it now, by asking just one question:.
does the "generation" prophecy of math.
so I just proposed an answer (not a dishonest forgery) - I assumed that we are looking the same original chart,
btic, fair enough, sorry I overreacted. I did not see the 3034 addition, nor the intersection a little bit into the Great Tribulation line, that was pointed out to me by sparky 1, that did not show in your reproduction. To really exploit the potential, it is not 2034, it is 2075 with 2 overlapping franzes, 2111 with the 17 year old lady. be patient jws.
Your original question was: "Looking at wt's charts, when does the anointed generation pass away?" Original chart in David Splane presentation doesn't said that exactly
btic: true, but it stops far short of Armageddon, at the far end of the Great tribulation, and the original question was: "Armageddon in Math. 24 [25]" my proposition is:
The wt "anointed generation" passes away at the beginning of the Great Tribulation, long before Armageddon. Therefore it can not possibly be the generation that Jesus was talking about on the Mount of Olives.
turkey and now berlin, the abrahamic mind virus strikes again... actually there is no confirmation the truck attack was islam, but... it's probably islam.
at least in europe, they call terrorist attacks just that, unlike here in america, we have become so crazy we have clear terrorist attacks, some over a year old now that they still question the motive ala san bernadino.. religion .
The truck was on it's way to italy when the driver was killed by the migrant living in tempelhof airport and then wrecked when driven into the crowd. wrecked by human beings being crushed.
at least the truck can now not be used to smuggle more "refugees" aka migrants back into germany, or England on the return leg.
They caught the driver by the way, he was chased by a bystander that followed him out of the truck's door into the woods.
If they had warehoused all these potential sponging rapist/murderers safely away from their disaster zones, and away from the vulnerable populations, germany would not be in the mess it is in now.
procecute Merkel. not cute at all. "Fuehrer (Merkel) befehl', wir folgen dir." --again-- into certain disaster.
you dont have be alive to 2075 to prove that the wt's anointed generation is and will prove to be wrong, it is!
and you can do it now, by asking just one question:.
does the "generation" prophecy of math.
"--after 1992 - assumed moment of the anointment of the last member of "This Generation" btic:
the red vertical line marking 1992, is the year of death of Frederik Franz. The shaded overlap area, shows a long contemporary period, overlapping can mean a rather short time though, like the time between Franz's baptism and 1914. Extending his ~80 years of anointed service past 1992 of a similar later anointed, would bring the climax , Armageddon to ~ 2075. David Splane mentioned that there could be older anointed overlapping, up to 107 years perhaps.
This is the istina, the chart is the pravda. but
my point is, the generation is not supposed to not end in the first place. Jesus predicted the survival of the same generation of people through all these things,
The chart is about the
you dont have be alive to 2075 to prove that the wt's anointed generation is and will prove to be wrong, it is!
and you can do it now, by asking just one question:.
does the "generation" prophecy of math.
btic, adding 2034, is ra dishonest forgery, diminishes the force of your arguments, it does not however, detract from the propositions up for discussions here, and I know of no original chart, or definitions by wt, that refutes them. which are:
1) The "end of the world ideas" of wt doctrine are in great part defined by Math. 24 & 25.
2). The wt "end of the world" scenario includes their "battle of Armageddon."
3) wt equates the battle of Armageddon with "the flood", based on Jesus' words.
4) jws preach a hope to survive, to not pass away, or die during 'all these things" in Math 24, 25.
5) jw preach to recruit those that will be the first generation to never die at all .
6) there is no mention in Math, 24,25 of the generation ending during any of it's phases.
7) some members of Jesus' audience did not pass away until ~70 years after his talk.
8) Jesus instructed members of his generation how to flee, to survive, to not pass away during all these things.
let it be resolved therefore,
That the wt "anointed generation of 1914" dying at the onset of the Great Tribulation can not possibly be the generation that Jesus was talking about.
turkey and now berlin, the abrahamic mind virus strikes again... actually there is no confirmation the truck attack was islam, but... it's probably islam.
at least in europe, they call terrorist attacks just that, unlike here in america, we have become so crazy we have clear terrorist attacks, some over a year old now that they still question the motive ala san bernadino.. religion .
"--let these things happen. Open boarders ----?"
Crazy guy: yeah, the truck was coming from poland, just an hour from the border to berlin , on the way to Italy. they killed the driver, hijacked the truck, and drove into the little market, Sure sounds like 9/11, kill the pilots and fly the plane into the big market, the world trade center. Millions died defending their home countries against perils like that.
you dont have be alive to 2075 to prove that the wt's anointed generation is and will prove to be wrong, it is!
and you can do it now, by asking just one question:.
does the "generation" prophecy of math.
As it is drawn, you can see that it intersects the perpendicular line indicating the 'great tribulation' and proceeds beyond it a very tiny bit. sparky 1:
granted that wt dogma would allow an overlap of the anointed in to the yet undefined " Great Tribulation," which could be comprised of human rather than divine action, the lead question in the OP though, was not about the GT, but "Armageddon in Math.24". even 25. The whole olivet discourse).
wt has again and again cited Math 24 details as synonymous with Armageddon conditions.
The "real generation" ( as opposed to the anointed one), must be made up of the Sheep going into eternal life, into the new world prepared for them, right ? being the flesh that is to be saved. Unlike the bodys of the anointed, that according to wt, will be disposed off by angels, like Jesus'. so:
Jesus was speaking of a surviving generation, not one passing away at any point before, during or after the Great Tribulation or it's climax, Armageddon.
Limiting the "all things" to the preliminary signs, rather the total context, is a clever escape tactic, but is not in accord with wt teachings.
Am I in error? I like to see refutation of my proposition details. and thank you for your eloquent reply.
to add: I am not saying that there is no theoretical entity like the "anointed generation" possible in the wt scheme of things. but nowhere in the mount of olive discourse is there a hint that the generation that will not pass away,-- does. what passed away was the remains of the old worship, the priesthood, and if wt discovers, that that will happen in the final fulfillment, then the anointed generation would be the equivalent of the terminated temple arrangements, and the way it happened, --not a pleasant way to be proven right.