JoinedPosts by prologos
Another generation....
by joey jojo init has been 21 years since the 1995 article that pretty much buried the idea of the '1914 generation'.. remember those guys?
the ones born in 1914 that would still be alive when the end of the system arrived.. i'm glad i'm old enough to remember going from door to door, preaching this belief.
the reason i say that is because i have a lot of 'still in' jw friends and family.
F: in order to come out of the gt or survive they must exist as a gc beforehand. not true, they have to, of course, exist as individuals, but to say in unison : " we owe salvation -- " the common experience makes them into the great crowd. and because they never partook of the emblems, they are looking forward to 1000 years of work to earn their salvation. wt has it all worked out how to make people work,-- another generation-- -
Another generation....
by joey jojo init has been 21 years since the 1995 article that pretty much buried the idea of the '1914 generation'.. remember those guys?
the ones born in 1914 that would still be alive when the end of the system arrived.. i'm glad i'm old enough to remember going from door to door, preaching this belief.
the reason i say that is because i have a lot of 'still in' jw friends and family.
wt April 15 1995 page 31, par. 3: "--Revelation 7:9 is describing this crowd after the tribulation, we ---" bold added for emphasis. It is twisting the scriptures to say the great crowd survives , or exists as an entity before the great tribulation.
F: "The year 1935 marked a dramatic change that affected future Memorial observances,, yeah, It introduced the "deny the Christ", -pass the emblems- period. In John 6 Jesus said to partake is essential to get everlasting life, ( the earthly gift); wt writers will deny them that, by substituting: partaking will impart immortality and that for the "anointed" only.1935 changed wt doctrine little, it is continuing heading south.
It is now official: Another falsified Watchtower prophecy
by ILoveTTATT2 in"jesus was obviously speaking about those who were old enough to witness with understanding what took place when the 'last days' began.
... even if we presume that youngsters 15 years of age would be perceptive enough to realize the import of what happened in 1914, it would still make the youngest of 'this generation' nearly 70 years old today.
" awake!
Did wt not also declare these old prophecies to be intrinsically false when they introduced the "anointed" and then the underlapping overlapping groups anointed generation? without waiting for the supercentenarians to actually appear in the obituaries, thereby sealing the false! label, as pointed out in ILoveTTATT2's OP? -
Beliefs About What Caused the Universe
by Perry inthe universe can be observed to be expanding.. an expanding universe must have had a beginning.
whatever begins to exist had a cause.
therefore the universe had a cause.
P: "--Since our space/time universe was caused, the cause is outside of space & time, a valid point, if you include the intended laws and energy, and it is spacetime bsw.
-P:--otherwise its own cause would precede it, placing it back in the space time universe,-- you lost us there, why, how do you think the cause would have to loop back through time into the universe?
P:--it is still yet to create... an illogical impossibility. --So, the whole notion of what is "natural" is placed beyond our space/time universe--" -- what is natural has to be within nature, nurtured in the big bang. What is before. or outside the beginning has to be ex-natural. or?
Another generation....
by joey jojo init has been 21 years since the 1995 article that pretty much buried the idea of the '1914 generation'.. remember those guys?
the ones born in 1914 that would still be alive when the end of the system arrived.. i'm glad i'm old enough to remember going from door to door, preaching this belief.
the reason i say that is because i have a lot of 'still in' jw friends and family.
TD: :--time constraint inherent in the concept, --One of the constraints are doctrinal, because you can not come out of something (the GT) that does not exist (yet). It was easier earlier, for, according to wt writers then, the great tribulation started with the Great War, their pet 1914, stopped in 1918, to allow the GC to come out of the GT and it would start up again--at Armageddon . Doctrinal: only faithful baptized jws will come out the GT, Millions of them from born before 1918 alone (according to " The world has ended, millions now living will never die---" talk. so: where are the millions of super centenarians that are JWs now- or will be when Armageddon is supposed to start?
Fishermen are notorious for bragging about the one that got away! This one got away from wt a long time ago.
God's Word and Modern Man
by TheLiberator ini have drawn the conclusion that when god speaks, he is using the language and the concepts of the time.
he is not revealing a new scientific understanding when he speaks.
that would be distracting from the point being made.
S. :--exists in the minds of the superstitious people of centuries ago and filters down--" You have that right, smiddy, modern research backs you up! ~A century ago the oracle of a prominent religion died, he went to heaven, and his tutoring from above did not help his followers to improve the accuracy of their prognostications at all, his divine influence assured that they continue in his legacy. and:
TL: There are institutions specializing today to house people that hear voices of 'god' and others.
God's Word and Modern Man
by TheLiberator ini have drawn the conclusion that when god speaks, he is using the language and the concepts of the time.
he is not revealing a new scientific understanding when he speaks.
that would be distracting from the point being made.
TheLiberator: "--when God speaks,--" How are you so sure God ever spoke? May be those who in the past made these 'inspired by god' claims, are on the level of the ones today who claim to have been abducted by aliens? Why would the few lucky shots of accuracy in the bible be totally discredited with the blunders of Gen. 1:1, the talking snake, the non digesting fish, the walking on water?
Scientific advance does not come by revelation, but by ingenious detective work, and the supposed creator seems to like it that way. Research and peer review really hammers home the understanding.
If the modern (truth) bible is being written by the Nobel-prize winning researchers, how do we say "Amen" to that?
Why education is a killer for doomsday cults.
by Half banana inif you were to read the watchtower literature and you believed it to be the exclusive divinely inspired interpretation of the bible, i suggest that you would not be learning anything useful, instead you would simply be absorbing the indoctrination of the jw org..
what is the difference between indoctrination and education?.
take any passage from the watchtower this sentence for example which assumes significance in the end of six thousand years of human history in 1975: “how then does this fit in with god’s timetable?”.
U: "A Witness I work with has a very good education and was obtained while a Witness. I also knew witnesses who were rocket scientists. All highly specialized training is not education though. A very good opening post. -
Lesson 1 - Model of Solar-Triggered Earthquakes Confirmed
by Invisible Qualities inmy beloved brothers and sisters, let's talk about science.
Correlation is not causation, but the sun is biggest vibrator in the neighbourhood. so:? -
Beliefs About What Caused the Universe
by Perry inthe universe can be observed to be expanding.. an expanding universe must have had a beginning.
whatever begins to exist had a cause.
therefore the universe had a cause.
Cb: "--Also, I'm sorry I offended by using the word "deist", I was trying too hard to be polite.. Your efforts paid off! You succeeded, I wished I made that honor roll, have you checked it lately?