notsoswtg: "--we are limited to the concept of time.
Perhaps you should say "Movement through time" Movement through time is not a given, even within our universe, where it started ~13.8 billion years ago. so,
if god is the creator, who created god or how did he evolve?.
notsoswtg: "--we are limited to the concept of time.
Perhaps you should say "Movement through time" Movement through time is not a given, even within our universe, where it started ~13.8 billion years ago. so,
the imitate their faith last night brought out that, never mind, i'll show you:.
question: and how might joseph have felt about his son’s words?
(in part).
Watchtower wants Jws to fantasize about these old fictional characters and often the teachers in the congregation ( of all genders), will in their comments further elaborate on the unjustified speculation of wt on these accounts. -- to the end to keep the accountants happy.
your qualifications are way above mine so i'd love to hear more about the specifics of what you have researched and how that supports the existence of a deity.
k99, i am not really convinced that you're interested in my conclusions.
in nature amino acids formed to then form dna.
I had an unguided revelation today, the electrical cord of my lawn mover had twisted itself into the most exquisite, symmetrical double heart knot, that i would have had a tough time to develop by guidance, so" it is all in the set-up, just waiting to happen. sooner or later.
do you know the name of the country where the wt said the brothers walked thru alligators infested waters to go to the assembly, etc?
there is no way i will do that for jehoober!
they sound like rick fearon.
There was an assembly hall in South Florida, where the kids fed the alligators in the adjacent lake the free food that was served then. almost like paradise, vegetarians? good thing lake Nazareth was not croc infested when Jesus walked the earth,-- err water.
this one went to the underdog!!.
go portugal!!!!!.
there was a lot of handball played in that tournament. copying american "foot" ball?
does anyone know of any good scriptures or reference articles that i can show an elder to hopefully have him stop intervening in a family issue?
i already told him that i am the head of the house and that they're usurping my headship but they didn't seem to get the message.
I Cor 11:3, no mention of headship of elders in that family tree. ask them to work on their own families.
and it is still ongoing ?.
obviously sparked off by the 2 afro american citizens gunned down by police officers these past few days.?.
when is this sort of violence going to end ?.
This shooter had military training, and was that not true of the other Dallas shooter, Oswald, also?
i hesitate to ask this question.
during some recent research on youtube i came across a few videos explaining how watchtower manipulated revelation 5:10. revelation 5:10 "you have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our god,and they will reign on the earth.”" -niv.
the nwt13 renders this verse: 10 and you made them to be a kingdom+ and priests to our god,+ and they are to rule as kings+ over the earth.”.
wt equates the 144000 with genuine partakers, sealed ones Rev 7. . The clincher of course is Rev 20, where, to qualify to rule with christ, you better be able to show your severed head or other axed, guillotined vitals.
i hesitate to ask this question.
during some recent research on youtube i came across a few videos explaining how watchtower manipulated revelation 5:10. revelation 5:10 "you have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our god,and they will reign on the earth.”" -niv.
the nwt13 renders this verse: 10 and you made them to be a kingdom+ and priests to our god,+ and they are to rule as kings+ over the earth.”.
epy center in seismology: over, above the center. (any relevance of the use in modern languages)?
what is is important to wt that they rule. how, where, really does not matter.
as i recall in the 1980s talks and watchtower literature, magazines and books were always talking about the "generation" teaching and how it proved armageddon was going to come any day now.. but am i correct in thinking they have only actually mentioned the new "overlapping generations" teaching once or twice in the literature?
why are they so shy about talking about their great new interpretation?
it's almost enough to make you suspect they are a embarrassed about it.. mention it once or twice, don't dwell on it, hope everyone just accepts it, and don't bring it up again.
There are always those that believe they personally are "that generation", they will do anything, believe anything, to make hat come true. after all, this is the only generation that the living have, wt-adherents are not.