A glaring error of wt's application of this biblical prophecy is now already impossible to be fulfilled, because of the term : "not, by no means, pass away".
Did Jesus, the anointed pass away? yes, and he quickly ended up in heaven (so it is claimed) Did Peter, Paul and Mary pass away? yes, and they arrived up in heaven in 1918 (so wt claims).** but
by now limiting this generation, overlapping or not, to be the anointed, or partakers, wt predicted an already failed prophecy. why? because the biblical record has it to say "will not pass away". so, in the wt's predicted second fulfillment , more terrible than the flood, with fire , not water only, that is the culmination of all these things, the generation, (all the anointed, including the Governing body) will already have passed away, be gone , raptured before most of all these things (Armageddon) even starts.
By switching to the anointed partaker generation, wt has guaranteed itself to be proven the false prophet. The overlapping fiasco is just a minor precursor of that realisation.
** How about Abraham, Martin and John? John yes, welcomed to the cleansed heavens in 1918. , Abraham and Martin not, because they did not partake of the wt emblems.