Viviane: "--Most planetary mass rotates at 10 hours, not 24 : no most don't rotate--
with due respect: Saturn rotation 10 hrs, at 10 AU distance, 21 % of all the planetary mass.
Jupiter rotates at 10 hrs at ~ 5 AU distance 71 % of the total planetary mass;-- ergo: 92 % of all the planetary mass rotates at 10 hrs, in angular momentum terms also the Earth Moon system. A stabilizing feature, when you consider we rotate ~in lunation in sync with the sun. harmonizing both in planetary mass and solar mass movement.
PS: and the delicate tissue - thin ring system of Saturn in that 10 hour regime should remind us how such conforming stability is rewarding. and: some of the planets had major disruptions, tidal effects in their history, Mercury, Venus, (tied to the sun) Uranus tilted past the vertical.-- it's a democracy, majority rule, you conform. you prosper.