A ha, here is my comment: sorry, but here, from my unaided memory,-- are the numbers to within ~3% . In 1/10 of AUs.
Venus 7 to Earth; 10 [fingers] = 3. ---- Earth 10 to Mars 16, = 6; the double of 3.-- Mars 16 to Ceres 28 =12 the double of 6.--Asteroids 28 to Jupiter 52 = 24, the double of 12.-- Jupiter 52 to Saturn 100, = 48, the double of 24, --- Saturn 100 to Uranus 196 = 96 , the double of 48.-- Uranus 196 to Pluto 388 = 192 , the double of 96,-- and -----
There are 7 octaves or doublings of orbit radius, or diameter*** differences. in the solar system as far as we know so far, not out. Using Kepler's laws you can convert these distances to times., or orbital velocities, all in similar ratios. The 2 important ones, Earth, because life is here, and Jupiter, for it has most of planetary mass, the gravitational influence, are within .5% of these idealized values. so:?
Ps I am not saying that the deist god inspired Steinway & Cie, but similar results could indicate similar methods. *** I chose orbit diameters because of the 1000 seconds ligh-speed figure for the earth orbit. time conversion.You are right, octaves would change the whole orbit, not the orbit size difference, thank you for the correction!!