najw: "Without knowing the values of those distances I have to object to that assertion. The only way you can maintain those ratios to be true all the time you would need concentric circular orbits and identical duration of their rotation around the sun. But none of this is true. Please explain.
I already gave the [cl]ever doubling distances between planets in 1/10 AU in the last post above, and mentioned Kepler's laws, which will give you the revolution time and speed, and my numbers refer to the mean orbit values. , Pluto's at 388, is very eccentric, but still fits the pattern;-- 92% of the planetary mass rotates at 10 hours per their day, but Mercury, Venus are already gravitationally slowed by solar tidal effects. Both the Earth and Jupiter have quite circular orbits, apparently the mass, or rotation are not factors in the regular spacing, so what could be?.---sorry, I could not align the above tabulation, but someone could have noticed that Mercury and Neptune are not included in this geometric series, which makes it different from strictly "Bode", a series that would end inwardly with ever smaller divisions by half at "4", or ~(.4 AU) does anybody care? It is an amazing set-up, that had set up itself. having a system with at least 9 freely orbiting bodies align in doubling distances.