V :--:you left out Neptune because including all of the planets shows yet another reason why your hypothesis is wrong
Now you are talking. My hypotheses is not that all planets are in orbits that increase in doubling increments, but that The planetary field shows wavelike properties, with the smallest wave length. .3 AU, the longest 9.6 AU, which manifests itself in the ~equal Uranus to Neptune to Pluto orbit spacings. so. be proud of yourself, your naysaying rantings have a strengthening effect
V: :-- you are rounding up and down at each step
It is called scattering, and all physics measurements show that around the predicted mean, The reason is that each region is subject to local forces unrelated to the overall pattern. 72% of the planetary mass is within 99.9% of the predicted position. The biggest asteroid cluster around 2.8 AU, but yes, there is even an asteroid kind of orbiting the Earth.
V: "oh, and the sun rotates at different rates depending on location. The poles take about 38days, the equator takes 24 to 25,
The Sun's near equator, low latitudes, that would supply torque to the planetary field the ecliptic, rotate at the mean 28.5 clip, synchronizing with our monthly way around the Moon-Earth barycenter. thanks for the help to clarify that. so, do not under-estimate the salutary effect that even pathological behaviour can have on the process of bringing out the meat meat of the matter.