Gilles Gray: "It worked for Issac Newton... allegedly
thumbs up, that was a sharp retort.!! he was a believer, by the way, proving that you do not have to be an atheist to do seminal Sun.Moon,Earth science.,
just thought id let you all in on some info i found on
that magical moment where the moon blocks out the sun!
but only just enough to perfectly cover the suns disc, whilst still allowing us to see the corona of light and other electromagnetic forces radiating from it.. this only happens because the moon diameter is exactly 1/400th the size of the suns and is positioned at exactly 1/400th of the distance between earth and the sun!so, when we see it from the surface of earth, we are in the only place this can ever be seen, at the only time it could ever happen.
Gilles Gray: "It worked for Issac Newton... allegedly
thumbs up, that was a sharp retort.!! he was a believer, by the way, proving that you do not have to be an atheist to do seminal Sun.Moon,Earth science.,
just thought id let you all in on some info i found on
that magical moment where the moon blocks out the sun!
but only just enough to perfectly cover the suns disc, whilst still allowing us to see the corona of light and other electromagnetic forces radiating from it.. this only happens because the moon diameter is exactly 1/400th the size of the suns and is positioned at exactly 1/400th of the distance between earth and the sun!so, when we see it from the surface of earth, we are in the only place this can ever be seen, at the only time it could ever happen.
K99: "Apples and oranges Pro.
how can we justify the mention of fruit in a math/astronomy thread, linked to the uniqueness of our place in spacetime? let me try: Apple and Oranges are grown adjacent to a line stretching from Oregon to South Carolina, a line that will see a transit of the Moon before the Sun on Aug. 31, 2017. aka a `total solar eclipse. I hope you will be there. joking aside, whether the universe made itself, or at one point had an creative agent, it behoves us to be grateful, work well for the future, particularly in the processes that brought us here, procreation, and hey, what fun to find out how it was done and perhaps decorated.
Cg:--" Tsunamis , eruptions, earthquakes must prove that this God didn't do it right.
au contraire, these are the very processes that are necessary for life's existence as we know it.
just thought id let you all in on some info i found on
that magical moment where the moon blocks out the sun!
but only just enough to perfectly cover the suns disc, whilst still allowing us to see the corona of light and other electromagnetic forces radiating from it.. this only happens because the moon diameter is exactly 1/400th the size of the suns and is positioned at exactly 1/400th of the distance between earth and the sun!so, when we see it from the surface of earth, we are in the only place this can ever be seen, at the only time it could ever happen.
K99: "--What's the point- What influence does this deity, [ancestor] have on our lives?
what is the point of caring about your mother, father, if they are now out of your realm, what influence they have on your life.? why consider the contribution of the likes MIchelangelo, Bach, to be thankful? why limit your appreciation to humans? how ungrateful can you get?
just thought id let you all in on some info i found on
that magical moment where the moon blocks out the sun!
but only just enough to perfectly cover the suns disc, whilst still allowing us to see the corona of light and other electromagnetic forces radiating from it.. this only happens because the moon diameter is exactly 1/400th the size of the suns and is positioned at exactly 1/400th of the distance between earth and the sun!so, when we see it from the surface of earth, we are in the only place this can ever be seen, at the only time it could ever happen.
K99: "--you then have to account for all the bad stuff that happens.--
only if your concept of "god", (for me it is just a creator/artist,) includes an interventionist component, like Newton who, on a planet's orbit level, that we are discussing here, thought that GOD just had to nudge the planets once in awhile to keep it ticking away like that. To me as a deist, the Universe is the way it is. death is part of life. pain is part of your survival gear.
just thought id let you all in on some info i found on
that magical moment where the moon blocks out the sun!
but only just enough to perfectly cover the suns disc, whilst still allowing us to see the corona of light and other electromagnetic forces radiating from it.. this only happens because the moon diameter is exactly 1/400th the size of the suns and is positioned at exactly 1/400th of the distance between earth and the sun!so, when we see it from the surface of earth, we are in the only place this can ever be seen, at the only time it could ever happen.
K99, good question:--This thread supposedly was about some divinely hidden numbers in "Sun,moon,earth and mathematics". Posters have lost interest in those original propositions and moved on into the related issues. including tsunamis. The reason that it is mumbo jumbo to many, is, that the posts are replies to earlier, precise objections. If you have not read and understood those, of course it would appear chaotic to you. To put my contribution to the the mess briefly:
As a deist who believes that the functioning of the universe is the result of an initial creative event, I am amazed to be alive in a system where in the simplest ratios of all the planet's orbits, the earth is 10, which happens to be the number of finger we count by, and reappears in other related minor coincidences, unintentionally caused by human invention , an Earth orbit diameter of 1000 light second, a 10 meter atmospheric pressure, ( and I am not talking about a puddle that fits exactly into it's pothole here) ; added, near total solar eclipses, --nothing miraculous, just the outworking of the energy, laws that were given.
just thought id let you all in on some info i found on
that magical moment where the moon blocks out the sun!
but only just enough to perfectly cover the suns disc, whilst still allowing us to see the corona of light and other electromagnetic forces radiating from it.. this only happens because the moon diameter is exactly 1/400th the size of the suns and is positioned at exactly 1/400th of the distance between earth and the sun!so, when we see it from the surface of earth, we are in the only place this can ever be seen, at the only time it could ever happen.
k99 "The sunrise was no doubt beautiful over Thailand the morning of the tsunami....
so was the the sunset in Tokyo in 1945, when the the B 29s were on their way. , not the same thing, but you are wise to not get in the way of automated work in progress, like the continuing shaping of the Earth, and in your living, and debate, you take the high ground, unlike Vivianne, with her [l]aw.
Twitch: " As mentioned, standing waves are a specific wave interference pattern requiring a fixed point
only some types do; case in point: the "Sun, moon, earth, and math" of tidal waves (not tsunamis).-- Our tides are really a standing wave that is a heaving of the earth and water and hovers always under the moon and to a lesser extent the Sun. We think it is wave that is coming in, but it is really points on the Earth rotating into a maximum or minimum of gravity, that is standing under these two bodies. well, these two waves are actually slowly rotating, every ~28.5 days, like the Sun, and n sync, the Earth/Moon system. Surfers ride waves, even standing ones, but we live on the patterns they leave behind, and c is crucial in all of it. c, the speed of gravity-, electro&magnetic waves.
just thought id let you all in on some info i found on
that magical moment where the moon blocks out the sun!
but only just enough to perfectly cover the suns disc, whilst still allowing us to see the corona of light and other electromagnetic forces radiating from it.. this only happens because the moon diameter is exactly 1/400th the size of the suns and is positioned at exactly 1/400th of the distance between earth and the sun!so, when we see it from the surface of earth, we are in the only place this can ever be seen, at the only time it could ever happen.
kc 99: " Yup, his track record in allowing an overwhelming amount of pain and suffering to persist over 1000's of years tells me that if he exists then he's a c***.
Yeah, it is hard to accept that living things eat each other, or starve because of indiscriminate breeding, but there is a trade-off and personal involvement to. Think of all the pain that has been inflicted in feeding you, all the male baby chicks shredded, insects poisoned, beef bled, would you like to have all that agony inflicted on you, for justice sakes? dont complain, live a good and positive life! P.
just thought id let you all in on some info i found on
that magical moment where the moon blocks out the sun!
but only just enough to perfectly cover the suns disc, whilst still allowing us to see the corona of light and other electromagnetic forces radiating from it.. this only happens because the moon diameter is exactly 1/400th the size of the suns and is positioned at exactly 1/400th of the distance between earth and the sun!so, when we see it from the surface of earth, we are in the only place this can ever be seen, at the only time it could ever happen.
Twitch: "Neptune and Pluto do not fit the predictions. Not sure what you see, your horrendous prose notwithstanding
In the series that starts with Mercury, Pluto fits the predictions, (look at the figures: 388 vs 39,61 !! but Neptune is outside that series. with "witness" I meant JW. in wt bible symbolism, 10 stands for earthly completeness, "10 kings" is taken to mean all the kings. The jw mind would have an aha moment linking the bible, his digits and the bode no. 10.
S: "What pulsation sources in the sun? --
I am making only assumptions here, 25 years ago there was the 5 minute pulsation, the ringing of a bell the wobbling like jellow, pudding. somebody at the time send me an animation that showed how many, or just two agitating sources like the many convection cell in the sun would produce a grid-like force field. When I say standing waves, they do not have to be absolutely staionary. think how the repeated presence of Jupiyer for example has carved out the gaps, concentrations of the asteroids.
S: " what are the points called where interfering waves reinforce each other and where they reduce each other?
In my paper I called them nodes, but they would be the circles where the present orbit find themselves. , The orbital positions of the Trojans are of interest, because they too contain the radius that has resulted from the doubling. Octaves in music create a harmonic resonance and the planetary field would have such harmonics, if one considered the whole as a chladni plate vibrated by the central sun.
S: "Are you saying God told you "everything is waves?"
God does not talk to me and do not hear voices, but I am constantly looking for new insights, often in parallels, similarities, or not. Being isolated on a beach --as I was--,the pebbles, the sand, the sandbanks, the ripples the waves, Of course I think it's created using similar methods, with the " look what I did. examine it and copy!" sign attached to it. . Schroedinger is said to have done good work in similar, but mountain isolation like that.
T: Do you mean to say now that light is a factor that proves exceptions to the Titius-Bode rule? How does light affect the planets' orbits?
of course it does, particularly when these orbits were created out of the contracting dust cloud, where particles were small and still subject to the Pointing Robertson effect, for a version of which I have a US patent. But mainly I was referring to light's speed "c".-- magnetism's effects, gravity's effect or even gravitons are believed to all travel at c. so any "action over distance" would shape those orbits as they settle into their natural law determined orbits. I am not critiquing the Bode law with its equation, The presence of Neptune, halfway between the 196 and 388 position makes it untenable. A "c" based model I am advocating is more fitting, imho. and is so fitting. c = 300 000 km/sec. The earth orbit diameter (related) to IAU is 1000 seconds. our noses are being rubbed into this.
just thought id let you all in on some info i found on
that magical moment where the moon blocks out the sun!
but only just enough to perfectly cover the suns disc, whilst still allowing us to see the corona of light and other electromagnetic forces radiating from it.. this only happens because the moon diameter is exactly 1/400th the size of the suns and is positioned at exactly 1/400th of the distance between earth and the sun!so, when we see it from the surface of earth, we are in the only place this can ever be seen, at the only time it could ever happen.
Twitch: In your theory of the solar system, assuming the sun is the origin of "gravity waves", where is the fixed point opposed to it that sets up standing waves?
yes, standing waves tha could be the result of interference of the many pulsation sources in the sun, grid, or standing waves resulting from interference with another frequency, 160 minutes from beyond. like ocean waves, that, if reflected form patterns too, and leave their more permanent mark in the sand, only faint traces of the ,3 AU wavelength and 9.6 AU wavelength might now have been found.
PS: when I worked on this I was in volontary confinemt on a tropical Island, surfing, a "full in" witness, considering the bible inerrant, and of course everything was waves , accoustics. "God said":
PS. I tried to crack Bode by analysing where it varies, and by how much from the true values. Not the glaring ones like neptune, but Mars, Mercury, Saturn, and a common factor came up 186 000 ( I had got my papers in Waikiki), so "c" waves were involvesmay be light creates not only rainbows but curved rings in the ecliptic too.
just thought id let you all in on some info i found on
that magical moment where the moon blocks out the sun!
but only just enough to perfectly cover the suns disc, whilst still allowing us to see the corona of light and other electromagnetic forces radiating from it.. this only happens because the moon diameter is exactly 1/400th the size of the suns and is positioned at exactly 1/400th of the distance between earth and the sun!so, when we see it from the surface of earth, we are in the only place this can ever be seen, at the only time it could ever happen.
Twitch, if you look at the chart in your first link, the top right field, Neptune, Pluto, you see the similarity of the Pluto real orbit and the Bode law prediction for "Neptune neptune does not belong in a bode type, double the spacings system. The same is true of the start of the series, where doubling does not start 3rd planet out.doebling stopped with Neptune, but was always there in the form of Pluto. Of course for a witness it did not help that 10 for the Earth is staring you in the face.