Sanchy: "-- Is this some kind of "new light" in that the 144k do indeed take part in the war?
WT writers have vacillated over the question of combat by immortal resurrected christians, based on the text "--god will crush satan under your feet shortly --"Rom 16:20, or whether they would instead direct the initial building of the paradise as survivors of Armageddon. What is new that their charts now predict the early rapture of the overlapping anointed generation at the onset of the great Tribulation, long before the end, contradicting Jesus' word, that the generation would " not pass away until all theses things", including the end occur.
Jesus words supported the idea that the anointed would survive, not pass away, to start pardise. after all, it is the 144 00 sons of god that are the primary inheritors of the earth too. according to wt.