-- behind? no, It is not morally wrong, but using the roll is feels softer. even if you try back issues.
JoinedPosts by prologos
Is it morally wrong to put Watchtower behind?
by Darkknight757 inwith our latest and final run in with the elders, the wife and i had a very long talk about what's next in our life.
do we try to help others see the light as it were concerning watchtower or do we just let it go and move on with our life?
we have made it perfectly clear that we will never go back to watchtower and we are finally happy.
"Religion of Peace" Busy In Europe Today...
by freemindfade inturkey and now berlin, the abrahamic mind virus strikes again... actually there is no confirmation the truck attack was islam, but... it's probably islam.
at least in europe, they call terrorist attacks just that, unlike here in america, we have become so crazy we have clear terrorist attacks, some over a year old now that they still question the motive ala san bernadino.. religion .
too bad merkel is no Margaret Thatcher, all these invader would be chased to the end of the world, where they belong.
Obvious question: why are we releasing these people? Illegal, known links to terrorism, looking to buy a gun and they let him go?
Simon, The law has no teeth, is outdated to deal with the vast numbers of extra-judicial young men present. The police does not act, because they are scared. They are being followed home from work, their lives, their families are threatened. the truck hijack is only the tip of the iceberg, chilling.
need to "stay alive to xx75" to prove wt wrong? again?
by prologos inyou dont have be alive to 2075 to prove that the wt's anointed generation is and will prove to be wrong, it is!
and you can do it now, by asking just one question:.
does the "generation" prophecy of math.
TD, good find. last night I was looking at the greek text too, and it appears that the word "occur" in verse 34 has the same root as "generation", so, It seems natural then, that wt (and as sparky1 mentioned) we here too, can "generate", or have occurr to us, various definitions of the generation.
if even one of the "generation" is left standing, which is not at all what the Jesus character actually said.)
TD: yes, your idea is supported by the context, in verse 37 referring to the near mass extinction, triage of all those present during the flood. on the broader theme:
wt illustrations like the KR book, page 225 shows their "anointed generation" lasting until the battle of Armageddon, so the time line includes more than just the sign, but all what the Jesus character mentions after verse 34, with that emphasised negative. Amazingly his speech concludes, the last word, with zoen aionion , life everlasting, emphasising the "no, not passing" for the generation, which, according to chapter 25 would be the Sheep, rather than the anointed "brothers of Christ" exclusively.
The generation does not pass after the sign, it does not even pass after Armageddon, it can not possibly the wt shortened anointed generation.
need to "stay alive to xx75" to prove wt wrong? again?
by prologos inyou dont have be alive to 2075 to prove that the wt's anointed generation is and will prove to be wrong, it is!
and you can do it now, by asking just one question:.
does the "generation" prophecy of math.
Sparky1 you said: "it does no good to fight Watchtower error with our own contrived errors
I kind of object to such statements, for it implies you are in possession of a deeper absolute standard (istania) on the subject, and really all these doctrinal constructs starting from the talking snake story are just that, flawed stories. I am just trying to point out internal inconsistencies, in novel, catchy terms like the Kennedyesque:
" The anointed generation is wrong, not because it seems so long, but because it is too short.-
-ending short of Armageddon, and not going to paradise. or:
now's no need to "stay alive to 2075 " to prove wt wrong"-again
where would be the error here?, except in the story itself? fighting errors in an erroneous story. hopefully such catchy phrases schtick, and catch on.
The "anointed generation" is wrong, not because it is dragging on too long, but because it is too short.
by prologos injesus taught a surviving generation, a group inhering everlasting life, an escape route to avoid a global disaster worse than the flood, a generation that "will not pass away--" an infinite generation.
wt teaches a generation that dies, ends, passes away, at the first sign of real trouble, the great tribulation.. what do you believe about this wt assertion?
(apart from that there is no talking snake, it is all irrelevant).
notjustyet, anointed1, thanks,
The problem with the generation is not that is now overlapping. that idea was a reaction to 1914 fading into the past. too fast. The problem is the "anointing" of the generation, overlapping or not. If anointed, they will have to report for combat duty in heaven, -- well ahead of the start of the war: -- Armageddon, and they are not supposed to die, pass away, until the sheep are in paradise.
split personalities? or anointed Schroedinger cats? dead and alive at the same time? really?,
need to "stay alive to xx75" to prove wt wrong? again?
by prologos inyou dont have be alive to 2075 to prove that the wt's anointed generation is and will prove to be wrong, it is!
and you can do it now, by asking just one question:.
does the "generation" prophecy of math.
Listener you said: "it now becomes obvious that they are only talking about 'this generation' indicating a time during the GT, not Armageddon itself
Listener, thank you! that is why I started the 'one question topic' " is Armageddon in the "all things of Math 24,"??
Not only is the flood-like Armageddon, but even the entry of the righteous sheep included in the all things that Jesus discussed. At one point wt had the anointed survive Armageddon, and supervising paradise construction, walking the new earth, that can't be if they fight in the heavens and are in the marriage of the lamb) bible not well proofread.
"-the GT could last for decades (or even Centuries).
not a new idea, some have proposed that the Great Tribulation is all the old world troubles that Christians are in throughout time. so:
perhaps wt thought by going with "anointed" generation, they would make it appear shorter, but they have actually made it potentially longer, even impossible. the generation is not anointed only, it is composite,
need to "stay alive to xx75" to prove wt wrong? again?
by prologos inyou dont have be alive to 2075 to prove that the wt's anointed generation is and will prove to be wrong, it is!
and you can do it now, by asking just one question:.
does the "generation" prophecy of math.
sparky1, The Mount of Olives talk covers answers to Questions about the first signs of trouble, to the end of the world. Jesus went beyond that, in the last words in 25; 46 : "--the righteous depart into eternal life. -- supposedly the earthly kingdom of the sheep.
In the middle of his talk, verse 34, he mentioned that the generation will not pass away "until all these things occur" . all these things are not only the preceding signs, but include the totality of his answer. including the goat and sheep outcome, that wt has put appropriately at the end of the Armageddon event. ( in the chart on page 225 and p.17)
The verse 34 "generation not passing away" is bracketed before and after by reference to the Noah's flood, showing the continuity of all the things from end of religion to paradise, that Jesus covered.
The generation of sheep alive at the end of Armageddon, the destruction of the goats, would be the potential generation that never passes away.
Your assertion that I am in error is not the subject matter here, but the fact that wt has their "anointed generation" peter out not later than the onset of Armageddon. In contrast, Jesus puts ""all things, including the flood-like Armageddon destruction, central to his answers, assuring us that even everlasting life for the righteous sheep is happening to the life of the generation that will not pass away. now
Your highlighting the "until", does it mean the generation has to pass eventually?. yes,
life will have to continue elsewhere in 5 billion years.
the decision to making the generation "anointed" was short-sighted, that generation passes away too soon, before the crucial, central theme, Flood-like Armageddon event and paradise.
ps: the "not passing away until", or passing away assuredly, could be explained away in comparing it to the "until the moon is no more" bible time slackness. the fact that the time is limited in the generation context is not followed that it should be limited in the cosmic sense. or?
need to "stay alive to xx75" to prove wt wrong? again?
by prologos inyou dont have be alive to 2075 to prove that the wt's anointed generation is and will prove to be wrong, it is!
and you can do it now, by asking just one question:.
does the "generation" prophecy of math.
thank you for picking up this thread, I can see on pages 224-25 a continuation of bottom line through the A into the david Splane area, almost into Armageddon. agreed. and then in
par. 16: " how does this gathering relate -- relate to what will happen next, Armageddon? --In heaven, the 1444000 corulers with Christ will--wield the iron rod against all enemies of God's Kingdom.
Par. 17: The war of Armageddon --is the finale of the Great tribulation . At that point {end of Armageddon}. Jesus will take on an added task--Executioner of all the people judged as "goats" Math. 25.
Here is confirmed my key proposition.
The anointed will have passed away, to heaven before "all these things", Armageddon, even the execution of the goats !! Math. 25, have occurred.
If they have passed away, they can not be the generation that will not pass away. simple.
need to "stay alive to xx75" to prove wt wrong? again?
by prologos inyou dont have be alive to 2075 to prove that the wt's anointed generation is and will prove to be wrong, it is!
and you can do it now, by asking just one question:.
does the "generation" prophecy of math.
Sparky1 you said: "
David Splanes chart specifically shows that some of the 'anointed' will pass through the 'great tribulation
Sparky1: , respectfully NO! it does not!. not the shown chart, nor any recent wt illustrations show the anointed passing through the Great Tribulation. To the contrary, wt has emphasised, that the anointed would have to die and go to heaven as early as possible, ( to shorten the tiring waiting time for it's members), but mainly to have the resurrected anointed participate in the Great Tribulation /Armageddon warfare from heaven.
The anointed generation is so short lived, because they are needed in heaven. A premature departure. -
The "anointed generation" is wrong, not because it is dragging on too long, but because it is too short.
by prologos injesus taught a surviving generation, a group inhering everlasting life, an escape route to avoid a global disaster worse than the flood, a generation that "will not pass away--" an infinite generation.
wt teaches a generation that dies, ends, passes away, at the first sign of real trouble, the great tribulation.. what do you believe about this wt assertion?
(apart from that there is no talking snake, it is all irrelevant).
great comments, heartfelt no doubt, anybody interested why it is wrong and too short? I mean, it is bad enough that it is so long, everybody knows that, but doubly wrong because it is quickie?