That's is a logical comment as it is also understanding that each language has letters of its own. Please let's use logical reasoning. Jesus, Moses and all those names are under the same predicament....
JoinedPosts by Andromeda
JW and the Sabbath
by Andromeda inhello brothers and sisters and truth seekers,.
i am an active jehovah's witness.
i don't believe in 1914 and i'm tototally against their way of dealing with abuse cases.
JW and the Sabbath
by Andromeda inhello brothers and sisters and truth seekers,.
i am an active jehovah's witness.
i don't believe in 1914 and i'm tototally against their way of dealing with abuse cases.
Thank you Scully. I am glad there are adults in this forum. I almost thought I had by mistake registered to nickelodeon. Also that verse is strictly about food. I went over many scholarly commentaries. It is not about the sabbath at all, although it is often used to throw the sabbath to the side. Thank you for your support.
naazira I don't believe a lot of the stuff they do. Honestly I think at the end this is a personal walk. It won't really matterrible if one is a JW or not. At the end the judgement is coming from Jehovah. So I will do my best to learn and do what I can and what's within my abilities to do, to follow in Jesus's way.
And for anyone arguing about this or that, I'm not interestedoing if you believe in God or not and whether you are willing to take blood or not or the flood.
If you have doubts do your own reasearch. I won't bend to the reasoning of godless people.
JW and the Sabbath
by Andromeda inhello brothers and sisters and truth seekers,.
i am an active jehovah's witness.
i don't believe in 1914 and i'm tototally against their way of dealing with abuse cases.
Human life is above as long as it does notdoes not require us to break Jehovah's laws. Jesus didn't touch on bestiality for example does that mean is allowed?
Also I have no clue where you get the idea that there is no evidence of a worldwide flood. There is and obviously you are reasearching on biased sites.
I suppose no one here is aware of the Jesuits and their agenda.
@orphancrow I really wish to stay on the subject at hand. If you're interested in something else go create a new post.
JW and the Sabbath
by Andromeda inhello brothers and sisters and truth seekers,.
i am an active jehovah's witness.
i don't believe in 1914 and i'm tototally against their way of dealing with abuse cases.
If you believe there is no God there that's your own conclusion which is far from mine. I don't intent on convincing anyone of there being a God. I am well aware of the powers of demons and the deception they've played on us for centuries.
@orphancrow I did not finished medical school due to a car accident. However, I have a sister who is a doctor, her husband is an anesthesiologist, my cousin and her husband are both doctors, my uncle is a doctor, my other sister is a nurse and have many other family members in various fields of medicine. As you can imagine this subject is a common subject amongs us. Anyways, you can read the apocryphal books and draw your own conclusions.
And back to the subject at hand, I believe the sabbath to be a gift more than a law or commandment. Not to mention that Jesus clearly expects his followers to keep it as it will be kept in the new world as well.
I'm a JW but by no means I am blinded by their mistakes. I do, however, agree with their bible teachings as far as some doctrines. In fact I agree with most of them. But at the end of the day I don't seek approval by a religious organization but by Jehovah himself. He is the source of life and salvation. I am a JW but by no means I will follow them blindly. It is just a place for me to have a connection with people who believe in God and have akin beliefs. I follow the bible first and foremost. Is the JW God's organization? The bible is clear "the WHOLE world lies under the power of Satan" the whole world. No where in there it says "except Jehovah's witnesses"
JW and the Sabbath
by Andromeda inhello brothers and sisters and truth seekers,.
i am an active jehovah's witness.
i don't believe in 1914 and i'm tototally against their way of dealing with abuse cases.
...well maybe you wish to live now but I prefer to live the real life in the future -
JW and the Sabbath
by Andromeda inhello brothers and sisters and truth seekers,.
i am an active jehovah's witness.
i don't believe in 1914 and i'm tototally against their way of dealing with abuse cases.
I have done research for many years and for those that believe blood is okay to receive, I say absolutely not. The bible mentions many books some of which are not available to us today and I must believe that they are from God otherwise why mention them in the scriptures at all? Some that are available to us today I have read and touch the blood subject much more profoundly. No blood by any means. Also I went to medical school and the no blood procedures are much safer and better for us which thanks to Jehovah's witnesses refusal of blood this research has been possible.
The Sabbath day was established in the garden of Eden way before sin came into existence among ourselves. Had we never sinned, the Sabbath would be ongoing to this day. So why is this day at all important? This is a gift to us from God, a day that he set aside to share with us. And this day was being kept all the way down to the days of the Israelites. It is the only day He named and sanctified. It is the 4th commandment and no where in the scriptures this was done away with. The Sabbath is for all Mankind not just for the Jews because this was the FIRST law if you will, Jehovah established and he himself observed first. The verses which appear to have abolished the Sabbath have nothing to do with the Sabbath, it is either food or the way the Christians were observing the Sabbath
It was never done away with and in the bible there proof the apostles kept it, as well as historical evidence the early chrisitians adhered to this commanded until the rise of the Gnostics and their pagan traditions influenced the church. Then of course the RCC mandated the day of the venerable sol invinctus to be the day of worship.
I haven't made any claims to defend 1914.
And the Sabbath still applies to us because in Mathew 24:20 Jesus said "Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath." If the Sabbath would not longer apply to us this would have been the perfect moment for Jesus to have made it clear, as this is a verse in regards to the LAST DAYS.
So my point was if anyone here had opened their eyes to the Sabbath and the importance of keeping it?
Isaiah 66:23
It shall happen, that from one new moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me," says Yahweh.
The Sabbath is to be kept forever.
JW and the Sabbath
by Andromeda inhello brothers and sisters and truth seekers,.
i am an active jehovah's witness.
i don't believe in 1914 and i'm tototally against their way of dealing with abuse cases.
Data dog the bible is easy to understand. What makes it difficult to understand is the customs of men we've allowed in our lives.
JW and the Sabbath
by Andromeda inhello brothers and sisters and truth seekers,.
i am an active jehovah's witness.
i don't believe in 1914 and i'm tototally against their way of dealing with abuse cases.
Giordano that bible text has been completely misunderstood. It is talking about judging them on how they were observing the sabbaths not that they were not. Remember the pharisees had exagerated everything. I recommend reading the scholars commentaries on this.
Also the sabbath was stablished before there were any Jews and God fearing man were keeping it. This is obvious because when it came to this commandment Jehovah said REMEMBER to keep the sabbath. Matthew 24:20 is proof is was never meant to be done away with
JW and the Sabbath
by Andromeda inhello brothers and sisters and truth seekers,.
i am an active jehovah's witness.
i don't believe in 1914 and i'm tototally against their way of dealing with abuse cases.
Vanderhoven7 I don't go publicly screaming my stance on 1914. I haven't believed for 10 years and still going.
JW and the Sabbath
by Andromeda inhello brothers and sisters and truth seekers,.
i am an active jehovah's witness.
i don't believe in 1914 and i'm tototally against their way of dealing with abuse cases.
Hello brothers and sisters and truth seekers,
I am an active Jehovah's witness. I don't believe in 1914 and I'm tototally against their way of dealing with abuse cases.
Recently I've awoken to the truth that the Sabbath is forever. It was a gift from Jehovah to man before sin ever entered.
So this is a big issue for me as this is a practice I must follow. I am really confused. Im not the only one who feels this way. I've found many other witnesses that feel the sabbath is also a commandment we should uphold to. I am convinced the sabbath is to be kept and nothing on earth can make me think otherwise. I just don't know how I can be an active member and yet observe the sabbath knowing is against what the organization teaches.
I can't look for other places because everything else I agree with them. No hell, no trinity, no holidays, no blood,etc which most other places don't follow
I appreciate all the help.