LOL @ Bleep and Fredhall You guys are so funny sometimes.
LOL @ SYN But that is true.
Edited by - sunshineToo on 29 July 2002 17:11:5
my name is tee.
i'm not a jw i'm just a christian who is curious as some people out there.
my question is (for the jw's out there) why don't you believe in healing others?
LOL @ Bleep and Fredhall You guys are so funny sometimes.
LOL @ SYN But that is true.
Edited by - sunshineToo on 29 July 2002 17:11:5
i really need your feedback .
i am really down on the dumps regarding being shunned and torn apart about da (i haven't yet).
a week ago i wrote to dr. phil on oprah and wrote briefly about jw practices on shunning.
Hmm.....I have to agree with J.C. Be careful. I haven't watched Dr. Phil on Oprah. So I don't know how respecful his figure is in the media. I just hope it's not one of those low-profiled-wanna-be-Oprahs. What I mean is that for example you'd rather want to be on Oprah than Jenny Jones or Jerry Springer.
i was thinking about this the other day.
since i've left the borg, i find myself loving other humans more.
like all the little children being abducted, the miners trapped in the mine last week, the victims of car accidents that i pass on the road, a woman crying in the car next to me while waiting for the green light, the homeless that i see every weekend at a local soup kitchen where i volunteer, etc.
writerpen, I agree with you.
I remember when I was pre-studying a WT mag with some JWs. A question was raised,"How can we show our love to our neighbors?" At that time the best answer was,"Preach and offer a Bible study." I was expecting, "Help them if they need any immediate assistance."
It seemed like, "if you are not in the organization, you don't deserve our love". I had a problem with that. I didn't and still don't think it's fair.
After leaving the org., I feel much closer to my family members and the people in general. I won't take anything for granted. My priority surely changed.
the background to this thread is that i love wearing (?
) a beard, but my wife hates it.
i've changed my profile pic to reflect four states of facial hairiness (if it doesn't show, hit "refresh" on your browser).. i'm interested in your opinions.
I voted for #1 before, but I think #4 is pretty good, too.
O.K. It's either #1 or #4.
well my real friends...the funeral is over.
i can count 5 witnesses...only 5, that offered any sort of comfort to me.
those are the ones that i know really love(d) me.
I am very sorry, F.D. about your parents. ;-( I cannot believe all those were just acting. ;-(
Well, stay close to the ones who really love you.
*Edited to give you a hug. Stay strong. Be successful and happy. That is the best revenge. ;-)
Edited by - sunshineToo on 30 July 2002 0:43:49
here are most comments even after i said no name was provided for my quote.
me no name was provided.
me no name was provided.
Listen up, Bleep!
I don't care what you think of me, but I think you are a good kid who can stand up for what you are believing in. (Thank goodness! It's not neo-Nazism!) I don't think the WTS would ever be crazy enough to drive the followers to commit a mass suicide. My mom is a JW, too.
But Bleep, keep your mind open, and always try to think what is right. Don't just give in because some people ( both ex-Jws and current JWs ) told you so. I've made my decision according to my conscience and principle, and I'm sure you are going to make many more decisions in the future.
And STAY IN SCHOOL! Never forsake the education because of ministry. No one knows when the Armageddon is going to come. You might get into a position of supporting your family some day. I've seen many Witnesses in my generation without higher education and, seen them struggling. Granted it is a secular/worldly knowledge but you are going to need it when you come into the world as a responsible adult.
Get good grades at school, and see where and how your life leads you.
Best wishes,
an ex-sis in California
the background to this thread is that i love wearing (?
) a beard, but my wife hates it.
i've changed my profile pic to reflect four states of facial hairiness (if it doesn't show, hit "refresh" on your browser).. i'm interested in your opinions.
No. 1, please!
here are most comments even after i said no name was provided for my quote.
me no name was provided.
me no name was provided.
Bleepy past your bed time you ignorant jackass
Aww, now, come on, Bleep, I've told you to go to bed before, but I've never ever said the "J" word to you, though.
Are you misquoting people again?
the governing body may be too old to teach sex education.
but they are wise in other matters.. i have made a new topic since i slaughtered the book in the last topic of raymond franz.
do not forget that he made a mistake in being a 100% governing body thinker.. no organization at its early stages can live up to jehovah's expectations and no one is perfect.. please list some good ideas, ethics that the governing body has done here.
Bleepy, No, I wasn't at the courthouse. However, the way the WTS is acting and the existence of peculiar policy make them ( the WTS ) suspecious.
Bleepy, just for my curiousity, do you put the time you spent at this forum in your service report? I just had to ask.
the governing body may be too old to teach sex education.
but they are wise in other matters.. i have made a new topic since i slaughtered the book in the last topic of raymond franz.
do not forget that he made a mistake in being a 100% governing body thinker.. no organization at its early stages can live up to jehovah's expectations and no one is perfect.. please list some good ideas, ethics that the governing body has done here.
No baby killing. No killing your brother. No AIDS. No unpaid parking tickets. No taking in Blood that should be pored to the ground. No abusive speech. No gambling. No defiling of the flesh with smoking pot or other drugs. No time to waist watching soap operas or any other rated R movies. Being babes to badness. The list goes on I'm sure someone in here can think of something without burning a hole in the brain.
You know, Bleep, even though you could get quite annoying, some times you get quite cute, too. ;-)