How do we know Noah had plenty of honey?
He kept Archives....
some jokes i`ve heard and 1 or 2 i`ve made up .. the shortest man in the bible ?
knee high mia.
one with a facial affliction.?
How do we know Noah had plenty of honey?
He kept Archives....
i was told that if a jw now gets caught reading or with old jw literature they can get dfed.
i doubt this is true but wanted to know for sure.
Twaddle...mind you, perhaps not too long before they're DF for possessing non JW Bibles...!.. Personally I have most of older publications...and some make more sense than more recent ones. They often explain with reason, seeking to gain, rather than lecture with threats, seeking to expel.
i cannot find the verse where it talks about several self appointed men that went behind closed doors to render their decision regarding circumcision.
all i see is that it was the apostles, older men and the congregation that came to a decision.
perfect example of why we need the governing body today.
Ray Franz has so much to say about them and organization etc in his books...He discusses the whole set up.
idiot muslims do it again.
when will libtards learn.
and now scotland wants to prosecute people for saying things in their own homes the muslims deem hate speech.
How sad that those who claim to seek sanctuary from violence perpetrate such violence themselves.. Ideology cannot be is almost genetic.
1.--2020-06-18-- english--instructions for our online meetings.. distractions.
personal appearance .
PM please. thanks.
cities across america have been pillaged and destroyed these last few days.
a white policeman has been charged with murder of a black man.
protests have been organized across major us cities and horrible riots have occurred.
The whole episode concerns me. Re the policeman/men who killed the man. I wonder whether the policeman/men has mental issues, past trauma involving a black man, whether he or family member has ever been attacked etc by a black man. PTSD etc etc. If so, then might such events have been a trigger?.. Would there have been an equally violent outrage if it had been a black cop who killed George? So many questions etc which need to be answered.. I also fail to understand how violence/ looting etc helps matters. Seems much of it has been done involving rent a mobs. I hope things get resolved for everyone's sake. One other point, wonder what children are thinking witnessing all the violence/looting etc? ...
of all the things people decided they needed to stockpile for a potential quarantine.
all of the stores around my area ran completely out of toilet paper this last weekend.
people were piling it into their carts and vehicles as if they were going to be holed up for a year.
Handy tip: Use BOTH sides of toilet paper...........!.! As long as we've got newspapers etc we'll always have access to loo roll.................
covid-19 (coronavirus) what to do - recommendations from an expert.
subject: what i am doing for the upcoming covid-19 (coronavirus) pandemic.
dear colleagues, .
Other hazardous surfaces include cash machines, road pedestrian crossings, car park machines etc etc. the list is almost endless. Best course of action is to wash hands often. We've been told face masks are not very effective. Personally, we're avoiding going out to public places such as restaurants etc. I wonder if the org will abandon meetings and field service etc for the foreseeable (!) future....many of the cong elderly members are at risk. As for hand gels etc, prices have reached silly levels on ebay etc. Perhaps time for govt to issue free gels etc,
they'll write pages and pages of stuff and yet they don't have any idea.. here's a paragraph from their latest speculations on future events, bolding is mine.. a prophecy recorded by ezekiel gives some insight into what may happen during the last days of the king of the north and the king of the south.
if we view the prophecies of ezekiel 38:10-23; daniel 2:43-45; 11:44–12:1; and revelation 16:13-16, 21 as speaking about the same time period and events, it appears that we can expect the following developments.. that's an awful lot of assumptions to make.
what they've done is picked out various scriptures from different parts of the bible and now state that they may or may not be talking about the same events.
So different from years ago, when we studied types and antitypes, foreshadows, etc.....and were led to believe that such material was assured and definite. Now it seems to be driftng into realms of speculation and hedging bets. Perhaps the passing of time has defeated them....
from a member of the board asking for this to be posted.. hi.
i'm pimo.
could you please let people know about this?
The time left is reduced?...The congregations left are reduced.