JoinedPosts by suavojr
What does your screen name/avatar mean and what does it stand for
by BU2B inand why did you choose it?
if you have a avatar, what is it and why did you pick it?.
ok ill start.
My name is what I came up with when I was 17 years old and thought of the shampoo brand suave and I decided to take suavo and jr from my real suffix. My avatar explains my feelings in the Jdub world.
"What exactly is his world view? from Cofty I see nothing but, anti-life, anti-love, anti-hope"
by cofty invillagegirl's question on another thread was probably supposed to be rhetorical but i want to respond to it.. many times people of faith express similar misapprehensions about those who don't share their views on eternity.. i want this to be a positive thread.
an opportunity for atheists to share what moves and inspires them.
what do you live for, what gives your life meaning and purpose?
Why do we fight to stay alive? Because is the only one we have... So why waste it hoping for an eternal life that we cannot prove? Why not take the time to love, now? Why not work to help the needy, now? Why not use your talents for good, now? You get the point
Vinyl words printed for back of my car should say??
by RayPublisher inso let's say i've thought about having some vinyl lettering printed up and stuck on the back windshield of the car to publicize ttatt...what should it say?.
"do you know ttatt?".
"jehovah's witnesses are a cult that breaks up families".
"JW's have a bible that is women proof"
Vinyl words printed for back of my car should say??
by RayPublisher inso let's say i've thought about having some vinyl lettering printed up and stuck on the back windshield of the car to publicize ttatt...what should it say?.
"do you know ttatt?".
"jehovah's witnesses are a cult that breaks up families".
I like 2 & 3... Are you going to make bumper stickers as well?
Why Search for Truth ?
by raymond frantz ini'm writing an article on my website about the truth ,and why it is important for a jw to search for the truth about his church .i stumbled upon a great wt 95 aricle (w95,7/1 why search for truth) and wonder if you can help make the connection between this article and the need to know the ttatt.. wt quote:".
granted, accepting the truths of gods word exacts a price.
first, just learning the truth can be a shattering experience.
Very similar experiences when learning TTATT. The question is, Are you open to challenge what you beleive is the Truth?
Luke's Account Of The Roman Census And Jesus Birthday Conflict
by frankiespeakin ini think this website on the subject helps one see the tweaking nature of stories passed on about gods and men..
luke 2:1-6. in those days a decree went out from caesar augustus that all the world should be enrolled.
this was the first enrollment, when quirinius was governor of syria.
I will check it out! Thanks
Luke's Account Of The Roman Census And Jesus Birthday Conflict
by frankiespeakin ini think this website on the subject helps one see the tweaking nature of stories passed on about gods and men..
luke 2:1-6. in those days a decree went out from caesar augustus that all the world should be enrolled.
this was the first enrollment, when quirinius was governor of syria.
It is intriguing how many facts religion hides from us. The WT for example give this bogus explanation when explaining Matthew 2:23:
Prophetic. Matthew pointed out that the name Nazarene was prophetically foretold as another sign identifying Jesus Christ as the promised Messiah. He called this to the attention of his readers when he told how Joseph brought Mary and her child back from Egypt following Herod’s death. “Moreover,” Matthew wrote, “being given divine warning in a dream, he [Joseph] withdrew into the territory of Galilee, and came and dwelt in a city named Nazareth, that there might be fulfilled what was spoken through the prophets: ‘He will be called a Nazarene.’”—Mt 2:19-23.
Nazareth is not mentioned in the Hebrew Scriptures. Some suppose Matthew had reference to some lost prophetic book or some unwritten tradition, but his expression, “spoken through the prophets,” is used by writers of the Christian Greek Scriptures only in reference to the same canonical collection of the Hebrew Scriptures we have today. The key to understanding, apparently, lies in equating Nazarene with ne′tser, mentioned above as meaning sprout.
With this in mind, it is evident that Matthew was referring to what Isaiah (11:1) had said concerning Messiah: “There must go forth a twig out of the stump of Jesse; and out of his roots a sprout [we·ne′tser] will be fruitful.” Another Hebrew word, tse′mach, also means sprout and was used by other prophets when referring to the Messiah. Matthew used the plural, saying that “prophets” had mentioned this coming “Sprout.” For example, Jeremiah wrote about the “righteous sprout” as an offshoot of David. (Jer 23:5; 33:15) Zechariah describes a king-priest “whose name is Sprout,” a prophecy that could apply only to Jesus the Nazarene, the great spiritual Temple-builder.—Zec 3:8; 6:12, 13.
Luke's Account Of The Roman Census And Jesus Birthday Conflict
by frankiespeakin ini think this website on the subject helps one see the tweaking nature of stories passed on about gods and men..
luke 2:1-6. in those days a decree went out from caesar augustus that all the world should be enrolled.
this was the first enrollment, when quirinius was governor of syria.
"What exactly is his world view? from Cofty I see nothing but, anti-life, anti-love, anti-hope"
by cofty invillagegirl's question on another thread was probably supposed to be rhetorical but i want to respond to it.. many times people of faith express similar misapprehensions about those who don't share their views on eternity.. i want this to be a positive thread.
an opportunity for atheists to share what moves and inspires them.
what do you live for, what gives your life meaning and purpose?
I am in the beginning of my journey and the sight of freedom I see myself enjoying is glorious. Knowing I’m made of star dust makes me appreciate that a star had to die for me to live and therefore my atoms need to be passed on so the cycle of life may continue its course.
I enjoy every minute I have with my family, although they are still tied to religious superstitions and mythologies, I do hope that one day I can help them see the light. In the meantime I show my family true love and the support they need from a husband and dad. I don’t allow others to think for me anymore and I use my freedom responsibly.
Learning TTATT has been the best thing ever!