It is just a comment among minorities, we always say that the authorities are profiling us to pull us over to arrest us. I just find it also ironic that we say we are loving christians but judge people based on what they look like.
today is saturday and you all know what that means.
today is the day for our special worldwide event of our new tract number 38. luckily our (sales route) sorry... our preaching was rained out.. now you may ask how can i stomach the wt propaganda and be able to take the group out in service, still give public talks, comment, etc?
very simple answer, love.
It is just a comment among minorities, we always say that the authorities are profiling us to pull us over to arrest us. I just find it also ironic that we say we are loving christians but judge people based on what they look like.
dear elders at%^** congregation, november 1, 2013. .
as you know ive been a member of your congregation for many years.
throughout the last several years i have had the opportunity to get to know many of you personally and i can truly say i have love for all of you.
Congrats USR! Just make sure to keep showing your love to even the people who shun you
today is saturday and you all know what that means.
today is the day for our special worldwide event of our new tract number 38. luckily our (sales route) sorry... our preaching was rained out.. now you may ask how can i stomach the wt propaganda and be able to take the group out in service, still give public talks, comment, etc?
very simple answer, love.
It is not easy but don't forget that some WT heavies know TTATT and they keep the act going because of all they have invested in the Borg. I don't care about the so called JW prominence but I will play my cards with caution.
Yes, it is difficult and hard for me but I just keep thinking about the outcome... FREEDOM!
What a great delusion people in religion live in! When you study the JW history you find out things like back in Rutherford's day the JW's did not preach and they only went door to door playing a freaking recording!!! Talk about imitating the first century christians lol Now we will soon be walking around showing tablets and smartphones!
i had the oddest experience today.
i was walking down the street and there was a group of christians standing in front of a boxcar nicely painted with their logo and website.
they had brought loudspeakers and mixing system, and were playing some loud semi-techno stuff while they were dancing like crazy (literally, there was an old guy jumping around with an umbrella doing a rolling stones impersonation).. i did the only sensible thing and stopped to see what was going on and take a picture.
This reminds of a question an immigration officer asked my wife and I when I was doing her petition for permanent residency in the USA. We showed the officer a picture of a wedding we attended, he asked us what gift we gave the couple? We answered money. So he said to write down the amount on a piece of paper without talking... Guess what? We wrote the correct number. Obviusly this was not a miracle but we all knew that something like this cannot be faked.
Thanks for sharing!
i had the oddest experience today.
i was walking down the street and there was a group of christians standing in front of a boxcar nicely painted with their logo and website.
they had brought loudspeakers and mixing system, and were playing some loud semi-techno stuff while they were dancing like crazy (literally, there was an old guy jumping around with an umbrella doing a rolling stones impersonation).. i did the only sensible thing and stopped to see what was going on and take a picture.
I would raise the stakes if this ever happens to me, I will write a long number and they must also know the number I am thinking.
so... i should have commented on the thread on dating a fader.. i am a fader, and my girlfriend is just... she doesn't care much for jw's... she wants to be with me, and while we are together we ignore all jw rules.
last night, for example, we celebrated halloween.. there's a problem, though, and i need your help.. again, i will explain the cities:.
city a: where my parents (and now i) live.
Talk about some drama... the situation with your cards is a perfect scenario to slow things down. Depending on how bad they want to get you, will determine if they move fast or not. (I am talking from a similar experience)
If you want to stay alive as an awaken JW you have to put on the executive business man persona, take all of your emotions out and be ready to win or loose. You have to look at these WT agents like the clowns they are and simply control your emotions but don't let them screw with your heart. The master trick behind religion is how they target our most vulnerable part, our hearts.
Yes, I can undertsand how offensive a talk about showing more love would be in a spanish congo. But from my own experience I have been in spanish congo's that show zero love.
The ball is in your court... You decide wether to fake it or go out in a blaze.
after reading coc and isocf i cried, i was in shock, disillusioned, angry, and afraid... anyone wants to share their experience?.
i would like to see what you think about these questions when compared with your account.. why people from different backgrounds feel similar reactions?
(cannot be a conpiracy).
I want to thank everyone for sharing your experience and thus helping other readers find closure and confirmation that it is not our fault for being deceived.
today is saturday and you all know what that means.
today is the day for our special worldwide event of our new tract number 38. luckily our (sales route) sorry... our preaching was rained out.. now you may ask how can i stomach the wt propaganda and be able to take the group out in service, still give public talks, comment, etc?
very simple answer, love.
WoW! I remember saying that exact line in a public talk in reference to first century christians dying for their beleifs. Now I just want to ask if angels get encouraged or get turned on watching us die?
today is saturday and you all know what that means.
today is the day for our special worldwide event of our new tract number 38. luckily our (sales route) sorry... our preaching was rained out.. now you may ask how can i stomach the wt propaganda and be able to take the group out in service, still give public talks, comment, etc?
very simple answer, love.
Today is Saturday and you all know what that means. Today is the day for our special WORLDWIDE EVENT of our new tract number 38. Luckily our (sales route) sorry... our preaching was rained out.
Now you may ask how can I stomach the WT propaganda and be able to take the group out in service, still give public talks, comment, etc? Very simple answer, LOVE. Love for my wife and daughters, love for my elderly mother-in-law that will break her heart to know TTATT and the hope that one day my family might see TTATT just as I did once.
My parents are a lost cause but that is another thread...
You see, I don't owe the WT anything! I am going to play this mental game the same way they do. I am going to put up a nice poker face and bluff. I am going to use each opportunity to strengthen my senses and slowly help my family escape.
Today was an interesting day, woke up at 6am with a huge headache and took some aleve. At 6:30am my wife said, "let's go out preaching" so we did. 7:30am we are at a Walmart parking-lot. A car with some young brothers from our KH were already present. They went to eat at 7:42am. Never came back...
My wife and I stayed in the car profiling people to see if they looked hispanic lol. 8am my wife's best friend showed up and at 8:50am we went to Dunkin Donuts. It started to rain at 9am and therefore I took the sister back to her car and we all went home. My wife said when we got home, "how nice that we were able to preach for at least one hour" yet we did not speak with a SINGLE PERSON.
It sure is a life saving work.
he told me he had left a review on amazon because he had just read my book.. now this you have to know about allan, he is a very precise person.. in his e-mail he said he was counting off "one star's worth" of approval because i had underlined where i should have italicized.. that gave me a good chuckle.
he is an engineer, after all.. .
4.0 out of 5 stars watch out, watch tower, november 1, 2013by a. ostling (phoenix, arizona) - see all my reviews this review is from: i wept by the rivers of babylon: a prisoner of conscience in a time of war (paperback) after reading this book you will hope that a jehovah's witness soon comes to your door.
You know what? This book sounds interesting Terry and I am sure you will not disappoint. The line: "Nobody can tell you the story the way it really happened, I'm going to tell it the way I remember it." Made me laugh... What, you did not have the holy spirit to recall every single detail? lol
I will get my copy and let you know what I think with my review.
Kind regards,