Lol. What if we make a bunch of fake reservations.. Nothing stopping us huh?
Apostatour of the new HQ
not sure is this was posted online.. visitors to the website can now book tour visits to any bethel (as long as country does not ban jws).. the link to the booking page is: .
within this article there is the actual link tot he booking page: .
Lol. What if we make a bunch of fake reservations.. Nothing stopping us huh?
Apostatour of the new HQ
that admission in the feb.17 ,study edition of the watchtower , " who is leading gods people today ?
" "the governing body is neither inspired, nor infallible, therefore it (they/we) can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction .".
have the many jehovahs witnesses past and present who have lost their lives by refusing blood transfusions due to the prohibition on blood tranfusions by jehovahs witnesses really got the sense of this statement ?.
I feel like this just gives jDubs more fuel. Saying "see I told you they are imperfect and can make mistakes, they are doing the best they can. At least they admit their mistakes"
UGGHH, I hate fighting this logic. What would your followup be to the above response?
at watchtowers website there is an undated article under "helping the community" relating how in 2015, jw's from russia participated in the 'springtime beautification of the city'.
it is not stated but more than likely this had to do with preparations for some assembly or something.
a group of witness going out to clean the community just for goodwill - i don't see it happening.
a couple of years ago, i participated in a thread on this site comparing the old nwt (1984) to the new nwt (2013).
i was able to produce a nwt mash up pdf showing the side-by-side differences between the two versions of the nwt.
herethis site claims it will hold the file for download for a long time.
The watchtower 1988: "Unmasking the serpent" paragraph 8
2011 says: " Had it been otherwise, it would not have been a true test of Job's integrity." - Job 1:21; 2:9, 10.
2012 says: "Thus, this became a very severe test of Job's integrity."- Job 1:21; 2:9, 10.
Ther watchtower 2010: "Balsam of Gilead - The Balm that Heals"
They removed "at the beginning" from: But it was not left unanswered. In the synagogue in Nazareth at the beginning of the year 30 C.E., Jesus read from the scroll of Isaiah, saying:
a couple of years ago, i participated in a thread on this site comparing the old nwt (1984) to the new nwt (2013).
i was able to produce a nwt mash up pdf showing the side-by-side differences between the two versions of the nwt.
herethis site claims it will hold the file for download for a long time.
at watchtowers website there is an undated article under "helping the community" relating how in 2015, jw's from russia participated in the 'springtime beautification of the city'.
it is not stated but more than likely this had to do with preparations for some assembly or something.
a group of witness going out to clean the community just for goodwill - i don't see it happening.
At Watchtowers website there is an undated article under "helping the community" relating how in 2015, JW's from Russia participated in the 'springtime beautification of the city'. It is not stated but more than likely this had to do with preparations for some assembly or something.
A group of witness going out to clean the community just for goodwill - I don't see it happening. What a bunch of hypocrites.
Source: "Jehovah’s Witnesses Help to Beautify Rostov-on-Don"
november 1, 2016 to all bodies of elders re: using and maintaining kingdom halls.
table of contents.
The primary use of the Internet at the Kingdom Hall should be for theocratic purposes. Hence, if a publisher were to use the Kingdom Hall connection to access inappropriate websites, his connectivity privilege would be revoked.
Is considered inappropriate?
november 1, 2016 to all bodies of elders re: using and maintaining kingdom halls.
table of contents.
If a project request is approved, it will then be determined whether the congregation has the means to cover the expense before funding is provided by the branch office.
So what happened to all the surplus amounts of money sent. Shouldn't those cover these needed project expenses? I call double-dipping.
november 1, 2016 to all bodies of elders re: using and maintaining kingdom halls.
table of contents.
Rented Facilities: If a congregation needs to rent a facility for long-term use as a Kingdom Hall, the elders should contact the Local Design/Construction Department. If a congregation needs to rent a facility for a one-time use, such as for the Memorial, the elders should follow the instructions provided in Renting Facilities for Theocratic Events (TO-19).
Renting a kingdumb hall for long-term use is a current thing? Or is it becoming more common as they sell off the halls?
november 1, 2016 to all bodies of elders re: using and maintaining kingdom halls.
table of contents.
Reminder: You DON'T own this property, minions. But you MUST take care of it, maintain it AND keep tithing monthly to WTBTS.