So then it happens a lot. When I did secretary work, sometimes ppl wouldn't turn in their report and I didn't feel like hunting them down so I thought, "forget it, I'll just get it from them later". It was really a hassle dealing with everyone who didn't turn in their time. A LOT of them made up their time and I could tell. There were always those who had a pattern like the same hours, publications and studies every month.
Anyway on some months, the peak number of reports in a congregation of about 100 could go up to 150 or 160. So this must really fudge up the numbers if it happens in other congs.
I'm just glad I'm not responsible for that crap anymore. Who cares how many "hours" you did any month. Most of that stuff is made up anyway. At least I did ;-) I always rounded up. 15 hours? Let's make it 20.