D0 Y0U KN0W that the most rapid means of communlca.
tion in· 1799' the beginning of" the time of the end,". was on horse-
back, while now telephones and telegraphs unite cities, nations and
D0 Y 0 U K N 0 W that the first effedive steamboat was built
A. D. 1806? and that the first effedive locomotive, the Ironsides, was
built A. D·..,831?
D0 Y0U K N0 W tl1at Sir Isaac Newton, the great Christjan
philosopher, who ·died A. D.·1727, studying ·this very prophecy: said, on
the strength ofit, "I should not wonder if some day men wil(travel at
the rate of fifty miles an hou(? "
D0 Y0 U K N0 W that Voltaire, the great infidel philosopher,
who died A. D. I 778, when much more ~as known of the power of steam,
despising this prophecy of God's Word, declared that it had made a fool
of Sir Isaac Newton when it led Mm.to make the above statement?
D0 Y0U KN0W: thattheprediCl:ed"runningtoandfro"•is·
being fulfilled by yourselfand others as you travel everywhere by steam-
boats, steam and electric cars, etc.?
D 0 Y 0 U K N 0 W that knowledge is greatly increased, in .har-
mony with the prophecy ?-anilcan you not distern such pl~1n sigils of
the times in which we are now liv.ing? .
Do you Know that this is the BS that emulated from Charles Taze Russell in 1904 and is defended to this day by Zombies?